November Update

November 2024
Noticias from Mr. Macias🎤
Hello, families!
As we begin November, we find ourselves reflecting on three significant events: the Presidential elections, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Break. These moments provide us with an opportunity to appreciate what we have in common, recognize what we value, and identify the challenges we may still need to address. They offer a chance for us to deepen our understanding of one another and engage in thoughtful, civil dialogue.
Reflecting on Veterans Day and the three-day weekend that come with it, I want to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to the Veterans in our community. Whether you served on the front lines or in supporting roles, your dedication has been integral to the strength, resilience, and freedom we cherish. Your courage, honor, and selflessness inspire us all, and we thank you for your service.
As we reflect on your example, we are reminded of the service leadership we aim to foster in our alternative education programs. Service comes in many forms—whether it's supporting a student’s learning, fostering a sense of belonging, or simply offering a kind word. Each of these small acts creates lasting, meaningful connections within our community.
Thank you for your ongoing involvement and commitment to one another. Your support strengthens our programs and makes a profound difference in the lives of our students.
We hope you took the opportunity to engage in the elections, enjoyed the time off for Veterans Day, and will spend quality time with loved ones over Thanksgiving Break. Above all, we look forward to continuing this journey of growth and learning together.
Warm regards,
Mr. Macias
Joey Crew 🍼
Pumpkin Exploration
Students took their babies to the cafeteria during advisory to explore pumpkin feels and tastes. Check out how it went!
Picture Perfect 📸
Village Night
We had a blast at Village Night! We had many organization come to provide resources, a great store for students to get items for their kids, onesie decorating water and bubble play, and delicious tacos made by Maria's family! Thank you to everyone who came to enjoy the evening. Special thanks to our staff who volunteered and FACE team, led by our social worker Sarah, who planned the event.
Halloween Parade
Time for the annual parade of babies and students in their costumes!
Staff of the Month
We are excited to recognize some amazing staff of the month at TAP! Their names and things said about the work they do are on display in the hallway.
Thank you to Maria Rojo - Monitor, Brianna Romero Serrano - Infant Care Specialist, Vanessa Thomas - General Credit Recovery, and Mr. Thella - Math. We appreciate the work you put in to make our campus better.
📆 Events this Month
- Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day, No School. Thank you to all who have served
- Thursday, November 28th - Thanksgiving, No School
- Friday, November 29th - No School
Resources for you 🧰
Family Resource Center services are available to TUSD students and their families, free of charge. Please call the center to register for classes. Childcare is available to TUSD students and siblings for most classes. Please inform staff of the need for childcare when you register. Include the number of children, ages, and any special needs. Interpreter services are available. Please inform staff of the need for an interpreter when you register. Please register at least two weeks in advance if interpreter services are needed. Other services include: · Clothing bank · Food pantry · Help with TUSD forms · Information and referrals
Thanksgiving boxes will be available
When: Saturday, November 23
Time: 8:00 am to Noon
Where: Palo Verde High School
** One free box per TUSD family, while supplies last. For more information contact Jeff Sawyer at (520) 609-7943.
Jackets, sweaters, and hoodies to help you stay warm this winter. This free event is open to students enrolled in Tucson Unified School District. A variety of sizes and styles will be available while supplies last. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your nearest center. Please have your student’s name, school name, grade, birth date, and student ID number (if known) so we can serve you quickly.
See locations in the link below.
Follow us on Social Media 📱
Thank you! 🙏
Days of Caring
Thank you to the United Way volunteers who came to help clean the playground and cafeteria. We appreciate giving your time to TAP!
Tip of the Month💡
Slow Down!
Apart from giving yourself the time to put together your best response, slowing down sets an example of an invaluable skill we want our children to develop: pausing before acting, before words or actions erupt mindlessly and carelessly, inadvertently causing harm — just because they moved too fast.