Lincoln Bulletin
May 10, 2019
Lincoln Bulletin
Friday, May 10 PTO Ozzie’s Reading Club Cougar Game
Band Playing (optional)
5:30 PM
Monday, May 13 School Board meeting at Norton Creek Elementary
7:00 PM
Thursday, May 16 Lincoln’s 90th Celebration
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Orchestra Recruitment Meeting
7:00 PM at Wild Rose Elementary
Friday, May 17 5th Grade Choir Festival
7:00 PM at Norton Creek Elementary
Tuesday, May 21 Elementary Band & Open House Registration
5:00 – 7:00 PM at Thompson Middle School/6th Gr.
Wednesday, May 22 Lincoln Reads Family Book Club
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, May 29 Field Day
Music in the Parks – 5th Gr. Band (optional)
4:45 – 7:00 PM at Pottawatomie Park
Thursday, May 30 Father/Son Night
Friday, May 31 Drama Club Performance
7:00 PM
Wednesday, June 5 Writing Celebration
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Friday, June 7 Last Day of School
Talent Show
Lincoln Elementary School
Email: michelle.woodring@d303.org
Website: https://lincoln.d303.org
Location: 211 South 6th Avenue, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-5436
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Lincoln Bulletin
This week we celebrated our continued 90th year of educating students of St. Charles at Lincoln School, with our first and third-grade music performance lead by Mrs. Beetstra which also included our orchestra performance lead by Ms. Fatta. We will have a community celebration next Thursday, May 16th in the evening from 5:00-7:00. An invitation has been sent home in backpacks and I have included the invite below.
This week our second grade released their butterflies and our kindergarten chicks went back to the farm last Friday. We also have highlights of pictures from various grades working in second steps our social-emotional curriculum. Fourth grade was working on honesty, integrity, and taking responsibility for their actions through a game called, "flinch"/ Second grade was using team building to master the four steps of problem-solving.
Staff Appreciation Week
This past week has been such a treat for all of our staff members here at Lincoln. The PTO outdid themselves this year! We have been showered with gifts, lunches, sweet treats and fun trivia and activities giving the winners incredible baskets filled with ways to pamper the winning staff members. It is always so nice to know that the things we each do are appreciated. Thank you to all of our Lincoln families for helping our staff feel loved and appreciated these past five days!
Volunteer breakfast
Our staff would also like to show our appreciation for all of the Lincoln community members that support the work that we do with students. Our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th from 8:00 – 8:30. Breakfast will be provided by our staff in the LRC. If parents need to bring their children, Mr. Navis will have some activities set up in the gym for all Lincoln students at that time. Please plan on joining us if you have volunteered your time this year going on a field trip, presenting an AVIC lesson, helping out at any of our evening events, volunteering in the classroom, or any other of the many volunteer opportunities that we have here at Lincoln.
I have attached the information regarding the morning. We would love to thank each and every one of you in person!
From the Secretary
Returning students registration
Registration paperwork for the 2019-2010 school year is now due to the office. This is separate from school fees, which is paid through Pushcoin. If you know that your child will not be returning to Lincoln School for the next school year please call the office.
School Supplies
Our school supply list for next school year is now available on Lincoln’s website. For your convenience we are again offering School Tool Box to help with most of the items on your child’s list. When ordering online please order for the grade they will be in NEXT school year.