HFRCS Newsletter November 12, 2024
SY 2024-2025 Vol. 4 Issue 10
From the Principal's Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our Hawk Walk concluded on Friday, and we exceeded our goal! Many thanks to our top fundraisers this year: the Daniel Keegan family, the Addisyn Lewandowski family, the Aiden Perez family, the Brian Storm family, and the Gia and Nadia Luna family. We are grateful for everyone’s participation in this year’s event!
You may have noticed we did something a little different in the morning carline drop-off. The students entered the building via the middle doors instead of the main front door. For safety reasons, and for our youngest students to have quicker access to their classrooms, entering by the middle doors seems to be the best solution. Parents should not be dropping off students by the front door as they will not be able to enter that way. All parents should be following the drop-off protocol by moving into the drop-off line and having our staff assist your child to disembark from your vehicle and enter by the middle doors. Students arriving late will have to wait until our staff return to the front office area. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we work to provide the safest and most efficient arrival and dismissal procedures.
We will be accepting donations for our Thanksgiving Food Drive until Thursday, November 21. Thank you in advance for helping us to provide full Thanksgiving meals to members of our parish and school communities.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Haggerty
We are a family of FAITH!
Remember to go to Mass this weekend.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The following items have been assigned for the schoolwide food drive:
PK/K: Cake/brownie mixes
Grade 1: Boxed potatoes
Grade 2: Canned vegetables
Grade 3: Canned fruits
Grade 4: Turkey gravy and cranberry sauce
Grade 5: Stuffing
Grade 6: Canned vegetables
Grade 7: Soup
Grade 8 and faculty/staff: Cash/gift cards, turkey
If you would like to donate cash/gift cards toward the purchase of turkeys, please turn in your cash/gift cards to school by Wednesday, November 20. We can accept donations of turkeys on the morning of Thursday, November 21. All other canned/boxed donations should be in by Wednesday, November 20. We thank you for your help in providing for the needs of our own parish families and those in our community.
Christmas Pageant 2024
VR Headset Raffle
Send in money to the office in an enveloped marked "VR Headset" with your child's name and homeroom.
See the calendar on the website for more information: https://hfrcs.org/calendar
From Enrollment & Marketing
You can access the new student application for siblings using your FACTS Family Portal account > Apply/Enroll. District code: HFR-PA
From the Advancement Office
RSVP to the EITC Information session on November 19, 6:00-8:00 PM: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA9A728A2FEC43-52008262-holy?useFullSite=true
Contact Mary Ann Conway if you have questions at maryann.conway@hfrcs.org.
From the Nurse's Office
Specific grades have State-mandated screenings (Physical for Kindergarten & 6th Grade and Dental for Kindergarten, 3rd Grade & 7th Grade). Refer to the school website for more information.
Also, signed Medical Treatment Order forms will also be needed if your child needs to take any medication during school hours.
**** HOME & SCHOOL ****
H&S Upcoming Events
- See the calendar of events and flyers for details (pdf file).
- Nov 12: H&S Meeting 7:00 PM
- Nov 14: Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
- Nov 25: Holly Jolly 50/50 sale starts - proceeds go toward the McWilliams and Kenny families
Queen of the Universe
Father John R. Weber, Pastor
Father Manuel Flores, Parochial Vicar
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Sunday Mass Schedule:
4:00 PM (Vigil Mass), 7:30 AM , 9:30 AM , 11:30 AM , 1:00 PM La Misa en Español
Weekday Daily Mass:
8:30 AM - Monday through Saturday
Holy Days: (subject to change)
5:00 PM (Vigil), 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Thursday: 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM, Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
The Sacrament of Baptism:
1st and 3rd Saturdays, at 11:00 AM
St. Frances Cabrini
Monsignor Michael Magee, Weekend Assistant
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Mass Schedule:
- Monday-Saturday: 9:30 AM
- Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
- Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
- Holy Days: 6:30 AM, 12 Noon, 7:00 PM (except January 1st which follows a Sunday Mass schedule)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM or by appointment
Daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Joseph Chapel
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Sunday: 12:30 PM–8:00 PM
The results of the drawing can be found here. The jackpot prize is $47,000!
Next week’s Pot of Gold Lottery drawing will take place on Wednesday evening, November 20. St. Frances Cabrini will be having a Parish Mission on the evenings of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, November 17, 18 and 19. In order that our dedicated volunteers might be able to attend the Parish Mission, we are moving the drawing to Wednesday evening. Tickets will still be picked up at HFRCS on Monday afternoon at 3:00 PM.
All tickets received by Monday, November 18 will be included in the Wednesday evening drawing. Tickets received after November 18 will be held for the drawing on Monday, November 25.
**** CYO ****
Basketball starts in December. Swimming starts in a few weeks.
Want more information on CYO sports and activities? Join our CYO Facebook group!
You can contact CYO by emailing holyfamilyrcscyo@gmail.com
**** OTHER NEWS ****
The Gifts from Gwyn Foundation - Annual 5K and 1 mile fun walk
The annual 5k and 1 mile fun walk will be held on Saturday November 16th, 2024 starting at 9:30 AM. There will be multiple door prizes and refreshments available to all participants. There will be raffles for; sports memorabilia, restaurant gift cards, movie tickets, gym membership, basket of cheer and many more. Please come out and support our foundation as we aim to keep Gwyn in our hearts and minds by giving back to the community that she was a part of. We look forward to seeing you there!
You may sign up here: https://giftsfromgwyn.org/