BSMS News from the Nest
January 2025
Hello Families!
Happy New Year! I hope that 2025 has started on a positive note for all BSMS families. The first couple days of the year have been spent getting students back into the routine of learning, and working to finalize the 2nd marking period. Students will switch to second semester classes starting Friday, January 17th. Students in all grades will transition specials classes for the third and fourth marking period. Be on the lookout for an email from your student's new teachers introducing themselves and providing some information about their class.
Students in grades 5, 6 and 7 completed the winter iReady diagnostic testing. All students have had the opportunity to review their results and reflect on their progress. Students were also tasked with making specific goals for the 2nd half of the year. Students can show you their results on their iPads, or by logging into their Google accounts on a home device. The Google Sheet contains all of their data. I encourage you to review this information with your student and talk about their progress to date. Students in 8th grade completed a science diagnostic last week, which will help our science teachers identify areas to target instruction in preparation for the PSSA Science test at the end of the year.
As a result of our snow days earlier this month, we will be having flexible instruction days on Friday, 2/14, and Thursday, 4/17. On these days, students will remain at home and will be assigned lessons to complete either in paper/pencil format, or on Canvas (7th and 8th grade only). Information will follow closer to the date regarding the specific expectations for students when completing assignments at home.
I hope you remain warm over these chilly winter months. Our staff is excited to embark on the second half of our school year. Thank you for all you do to support our learners and prepare them for school each and every day!
Mrs. Shelley
Grade Level Updates
Linked below are the updates from all grade levels, including their Creative Arts Classes.
PBIS Corner
Incentives are a part of PBIS and students continue to enjoy earning coupons to eat in the loft with friends, snacks from the cafeteria, and playing ping pong. In December, randomly selected students enjoyed an afternoon of holiday bingo and popcorn. Winners were able to choose from a variety of different gift cards or candy as prizes. David Ross Orthodontics graciously catered a staff luncheon in December as a reward for teachers that made a concerted effort to recognize our students.
In January, students who receive a scan and do not have a major office referral will be able to participate in a grade level reward in which their teachers plan a variety of activities for students to choose from. We continue to monitor the number of incidents and referrals we have here at the middle school as well. We have wonderful students here but mistakes are made in middle school. From December 1st through January 9th, we had a total of 49 incidents and referrals. We continue to reflect on the data to identify areas in which we can offer more support to certain grade levels and/or students. Please remind your student of proper behavior in the hallways, bathrooms, recess, and cafeteria as many of the discipline issues we have here occur during unstructured times and transitions. Also, please remind your student that during the winter months, they should not be playing in the snow during bus transitions nor throwing snowballs at other students. Please reach out to Mr. Jenkins at mjenkins@bermudian.org if you have any questions regarding PBIS or would like to help during one of our monthly rewards. Parents are always welcome. Until next time, Eagle Up Berm Middle!
Mr. Jenkins
Students of the Month- December 2024
5th Grade: Emma McClung, Anne Shultz ,Jose Rueda Carmona, Jude Leiphart
6th Grade: Bryce Hinkle, Dalia Vera Acosta, Kaylee Wlodarzyck, Emilyn Fair (Not Pictured)
7th Grade: Sofia Wagner, Marissa Breighner, Taylor Hicks, Trent Tanner
8th Grade: Edwin Flores-Rico, Casen Mullens, Emily Leader, Savannah Corrigan (Not Pictured)
Mark Your Calendar
1/16 - End of 2nd Marking Period
1/17- Half Day Early Dismissal (11:05am)
1/20 - No School - Holiday/Teacher Professional Development
2/14 - Remote Asynchronous Learning Day - Snow Make Up Day
2/17 - No School - Holiday
2/20 - 6:30-8:30PM - 8th Grade Scheduling Night HS Cafeteria
2/26 - 7PM Spring Parent /Coach Night HS Auditorium
Battle of the Classes
Heart & Sole- Grades 5th-8th
Registration starts Wednesday, January 22 for girls interested in Heart & Sole (the middle school version of Girls on the Run). This program focuses on social-emotional learning as well as physical fitness. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 4:30 pm starting on February 25. The final event is a 5K run at York College on April 27th. Please see the informational flyer below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Greenawalt at kgreenawalt@bermudian.org.
YES! Day Volunteers Needed
On February 6, 2025 Junior Achievement of South Central PA will be back with their YES! program. All students in 6-8 grades will be participating in a morning of activities related to Career Readiness and Financial Literacy. Volunteers will facilitate 1 of these activities 4 times during the morning as students rotate through. Online training is provided as well as on-site support. You do not need to have any special background in order to volunteer. We will also provide a light breakfast for volunteers! We hope you will join us as we spend the morning empowering and inspiring our students.
I hope you will also share this opportunity with other friends, neighbors and colleagues who may be interested in helping the students of our school. To sign up simply scan the QR code on the attached flyer, or for more information, please contact Shannon Baker, Senior Vice President Program Operations, at sbaker@jascpa.org.
You can also sign up using this link. We are super excited to bring this program back to BSMS, and we are hoping you will help us make the day a memorable one for students.
Nurse's Memo
As we enter peak illness season, it is good to remind ourselves of practicing washing our hands frequently with soap and water and coughing/sneezing into our elbows or use hand sanitizer when unable to use soap and water. Use lotion to help prevent skin from cracking and thereby allowing entry of bacteria.
Please respect others and keep all sick children home from school: Children should have temperatures less than 100.5*F without the use of Tylenol/acetaminophen or Advil/ibuprofen for 24 hours and be free from vomiting and/or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
If your child requires medication for use at school, a parent-signed physician’s order is required. Please schedule a time with the School Nurse to deliver medications and refills.
The state of Pennsylvania requires 6th Grade Physicals/Immunizations (Tdap and meningitis) and 7th Grade Dental Exams. These forms/records should be returned to the nurse before January 31, 2025. The required forms can be found at https://www.bermudian.org/services/health-services/health-forms
Dates to Remember:
- 6th grade physicals and immunizations are due before 1/31/2025.
- 7th grade dental forms are due before 1/31/2025.
- 7th grade state-required Scoliosis Screenings will begin in March 2025.
Julie Nelson, RN, BSN, CEN, CSN, M. Ed.
Middle School Nurse
Phone: 717-528-4113 x3740
Fax: 717-528-0034
Mobile Dentist
The PTO is planning a few fun celebrations this month for our staff! If you would like to bake Cookies for a cookie walk, provide small items for game prizes, or donate snacks, click here https://www.timetosignup.com/bermudianmspto/
Athletic Events
Girls Basketball
1/14- Home VS York Tech 5:15Pm Varsity Only Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/16 - Home VS Littlestown 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/20- Away @ Kennard Dale 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/22- Away @ Hanover 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/23 - Away @ York Catholic 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/27- Away @ Littlestown 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/30 - Home VS Fairfield 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
2/3 - Away @ Gettysburg 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
2/5 - Home VS Hanover 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
Boys Basketball
1/14 - Home VS York Tech 4:00PM Varsity only
1/16 - Away @ Littlestown 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/20 - Home VS Kennard Dale 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/22 - Home VS Hanover 4:00PM Varisty/ 5:15PM JV
1/23 - Home VS York Catholic 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/28 - Home VS Littlestown 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
1/30 - Away @ Fairfield 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
2/3 - Home VS Gettysburg 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
2/5 - Away @ Hanover 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
2/7 - Home VS Gettysburg 4:00PM Varsity/ 5:15PM JV
Boys Wrestling
1/14 - Home VS Newport 6:00PM
1/16 - Away @ Fairfield 6:00PM
1/20 - Home VS Kennard Dale 6:00PM
1/22 - Home VS Middletown 6:00PM
1/14 Basketball VS York Tech Warm up at 3:00PM
1/22 - Wrestling VS Middletown Warm up at 5:30PM
1/23 - Basketball VS York Catholic Warm up at 3:00PM
1/28 - Basketball VS York Catholic Warm up at 3:00PM
2/3 - Basketball VS Gettysburg Warm up at 3:00PM
BSMS Parent Resources
We have created a Parent Resource Page that is a one stop shop for all our documents and useful information. It includes the student handbook, attendance excuses, family trip forms, physical forms, health forms and other useful information, along with explanations to support families. We encourage you to bookmark for future reference!
Sapphire Community Portal Account
Parent Tutorials
Click this LINK to our webpage that is filled with a variety of videos that cover a wide range of topics, from how to setup a Sapphire account to check grades to how to help your child with homework.
McKinney Vento Homeless Information
Bermudian Springs Food Service Department will be using the SchoolCafe software for online payments. Parents/Guardians will be able to add money to students accounts for a fee of $2.25 as well as track their students purchases www.schoolcafe.com
Please contact Judy Sterling at jsterling@bermudian.org, or 717-528-4113 ext. 2780.
Judy Sterling
Director of Food Service
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast - Free
Lunch - Free
Deposit Forms - Used to add money to a student's account for Ala carte items.
Attendance and Family Trip Procedures
Regular attendance at school is essential to maintain a good academic standing. Excused absences include: illness, family emergencies, prearranged doctor and dental appointments, and pre approved trips and school activities. Other absences are unexcused unless prior approval is given through the main office. Prior approval should be requested by the parent or guardian in writing prior to the day of absence. After three unexcused absences, a notice of Illegal Absences will be issued. After a 1st Notice of Illegal Absences has been issued, a parent meeting will be scheduled in a attempt to support the family and student with attendance. Future illegal absences may result in the school presenting the attendance issue before the local magistrate. This can be monitored in your Sapphire Parent Portal.
This year we will again closely monitoring student tardiness. For each accumulation of 65 unexcused minutes, the student will receive what will equal to a 1/2 day unexcused absence.
Please provide the school with written documentation for all tardies and absences. Absences will be marked as unexcused until an excuse is provided. Upon returning to school after an absence, students must report to the office with written documentation signed by their parent/guardian. All written excuses must be provided with five school days of the absence.
There are numerous options for providing an excuse/note for your students' absence(s). Any of the following are acceptable methods to submit this documentation. As always, if possible please provide medical documentation.
Complete the electronic form at this link English or Spanish
Email a note/excuse to Mrs. Clouser at kclouser@bermudian.org at the middle school.
Send in a written note/excuse directly to the office with the student.
Excused Family Trips
A total accumulation of 10 excused family trip days for the school year is the limit allowed per student. Any additional days will not be approved. Please provide a weeks notice prior to the trip.
This form is available to request permission for your child's absence from school to participate in an educational trip. All trips must have prior approval. Please fill this form out and submit to your child's building secretary/principal for approval.
Educational Trip-Parent Request Form 2024-2025
Adult Education
Social Media
BSMS Live Stream News each morning starting at 7:40AM
Helpful Contacts
Mrs. Jennifer Shelley- Principal
Mr. Matt Jenkins- Assistant Principal
Ms. Sherri Umbaugh- School Counselor
Ms. Erin Green- Building Secretary
Mrs. Kayla Clouser- Attendance Secretary