January 17, 2025
Hawkins Elementary
Chris McAuliffe - Principal
Address: 8900 Lee Road, Brighton, MI 48116
Website: Hawkins Elementary
First Bell: 9:00 AM
Second Bell: 9:05 AM
Dismissal Time: Begins at 3:55 PM (Final Bell 3:57)
Lunch Schedule
Lunch/Recess Schedule
JK/K - 11:10 - 11:55
2nd - 11:40 - 12:25
1st - 12:10 - 12:55
3rd - 12:40 - 1:25
4th - 1:10 - 1:55
2/6/2025 - PTO Meeting
2/27/2025 - Maltby 5th Grade Parent Orientation 6:30-8
3/6/2025 - PTO Meeting
3/12/2025 - STEM Night
3/24/2025 - Spring Break Begins (3/31/2025 - School Resumes)
From The Principal
Happy Friday Hawkins Families!
Reminder...NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20th. Temperatures are supposed to drop next week so make sure your child comes to school with the appropriate cold weather gear. Students go outside unless the temperature and/or wind chill is below 0'. Kindergarten Round Up Information Night is at Hawkins on February 19th from 6:30-8 for anyone with an incoming kindergartener for the 2025-2026 school year. For more information...see the flyer below.
GO LIONS!! Have a great weekend everyone, stay warm.
Mr. McAuliffe
2025-2026 Kindergarten Round Up
Come join us for this special parent information night on February 19th from 6:30-8:00pm. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to learn about the Kindergarten Programs offered in Brighton Area Schools! This is a great time for parents to ask questions, see the building and classrooms and talk with professional staff that will be involved in every facet of your child's education.
Lessons With Mrs. Beach
Importance of School Attendance
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school - and themselves. School success goes hand in hand with good attendance. Missing 10 percent (or about 8 days) can make it harder to learn to read. Students can fall behind if the they miss just a day or two days every few weeks. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college and at work. Providing a physician's note for absences does not effect absenteeism and is not counted towards number of days your child is absent. If you feel your child has anxiety about attending school or struggles to stay at school for a full day, Hawkins has resources to help. As a reminder, students are marked tardy if the arrive after 9:05, which is after the second bell rings
Reporting An Absence on the Attendance Line
If your child is going to be absent, please call the Hawkins attendance Line (810-299-3900 then press 2). Please state your child's name, teacher, date of absence and reason for the absence (type of illness, doctor appointment, vacation etc). If your child has been diagnosed with a specific ailment (COVID, strep throat, pink eye, influenza, chicken pox) please state that in the voicemail message. If your child has not been diagnosed with a specific ailment but is having specific symptoms please let us know the symptoms your child is experiencing. Hawkins appreciates your help!
Reporting An Absences in Parent Connect
A new feature in Parent Connect will allow you to enter your student’s absence. Simply log into parent connect and click on the link Report Absence. The Report Absence link will open a screen for you to complete. If you have more than one student check the name of the student for whom an absence is being submitted. Add the applicable dates. If you check the All Day flag attendance will be submitted for the am and pm periods. If you do not check the All Day flag times must be entered and attendance will be submitted for whichever periods meet during the time range (based on period schedule).
Last Day To Order a Yearbook Is January 31st!!!
The last day to order your 2024-2025 Hawkins Yearbook is January 31st! There’s nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of stories and photos from the school year. Share it with your friends and hang on to it for years to come. Price starts at $16.00. There are additional options to personalize the order for your child. Visit Jostens.com/YBK to order your Hawkins Yearbook today!
Reminders From the Nurse
The McKinney-Vento Act
Brighton Area Schools is part of a consortium dedicated to supporting students in temporary living situations. Through this program, students receive financial assistance for educational needs, housing referrals, access to clothing and other essentials, general support, and technical assistance. To ensure compliance with federal law, all school staff are asked to help identify students living in the following situations: emergency shelters or transitional housing, motels/hotels, cars, parks, public spaces, shared housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship, or temporarily with a non-parent or guardian.
Our district's homeless liaison is Starr Acromite, and each building has trained staff members ready to provide support. Our consortium contact at the Livingston Educational Service Agency is Candice Olrich.
For more information or assistance, please contact your building principal or Starr Acromite at 810-299-4040.
The Best of Broadway with Terry Barber
Title: The Best of Broadway with Terry Barber
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Brighton Center for the Performing Arts
7878 Brighton Rd, Brighton, MI 48116
Tickets: $55-Tier 1, $45-Tier 2
Available at https://www.brightonperformingarts.com
Contact: (810) 299-4130
Summary: Featuring a wide range of iconic show tunes, the performance highlights the versatility and vitality of countertenor Terry Barber's voice.
Fueling Kids' Futures
Dear Hawkins Families:
If your child qualified for the Free and Reduced Meal Program last year or this year, s/he can also participate in the Fueling Kids' Futures program (formerly Blessings in a Backpack). This program sends six non-perishable meals home each Friday of the school year in your child's backpack. Its goal is to make sure that no child goes hungry on the weekend. This program is run by volunteers, there is no cost to you.
To enroll in this program, please contact Hawkins office at (810)299-3900.
Parent Volunteers
All parent volunteers must undergo a background check in order to volunteer at Hawkins. If you have not done so yet and are planning on volunteering at Hawkins on field day, click on the link below to access Brighton Area Schools Background Check Form.
Medication at School
A quick reminder about the board policy regarding medication: All medication including over-the-counter medication (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, TUMS, cough drops, etc.) must have a MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM. This form requires both the parent's and the medical provider's signature. Without both signatures, we cannot give medication to your student. Also, the school cannot provide this medication. You must supply this medication for your student. The clinic does not have extra. This comes from board policy found here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2615
Just-In Case Clothes
Please make sure your child has an extra set of clothes in their backpack and/or locker in case of accidents or emergencies (i.e. bathroom accidents, playground mishaps, lunchroom spills, ripped or torn clothes, etc.). We do not have extra clothes to lend out. An extra set here at school saves parents an extra trip to Hawkins during the school day. We appreciate your help!!!
Parent Connect
Parent Connect a web-based application that allow parents/guardians to view information for your child's current school year. Logging into Parent Connect will enable you to see your child's placement (date to be determined), report card, and lunch account. In addition, parents/guardians can add or change emergency contacts. Please click on the link for more information.
Email, Phone Number, and Address Changes
If you need to change a contact phone number or email address you can do so through Parent. Connect at https://www.brightonk12.com/Page/144
If you do not know your Parent Connect login information, please follow the instructions on the Brighton Area Schools website.
PLEASE NOTE: Address changes CANNOT be completed through Parent Connect. Address changes must be completed by filling out a change of address form along with 3 copies of proof of residency. Details are listed on the change of address form which is available by clicking on the link below. Since in person drop off is not an option at this time, forms can be scanned and emailed to samanij@brightonk12.com