Monroe Messenger
December 6, 2024
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PLC / 2-Hr Early Release
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PTO Fundraiser
We will have an update on the Monroe PTO Fundraiser in next week's Messenger. Thanks for all of your donations!!
⛄ Winter Gear Reminders ⛄
During winter, students will go outdoors every day
unless the "feel-like" temperature is -5 or below.
Students should show Preparedness every day by bringing:
❄snow gloves
❄hat / beanie
❄snow pants
❄snow boots
❄Winter coat
Students who do not have on snow pants or snow boots must stay on the Blacktop when there is snow on the ground. We do NOT have enough extra clothing for students to be borrowing from the office on a daily basis.
Nearest weather station link: Click HERE
Parents: Please remain outside when dropping off or picking up your students.
For security purposes all visitors are to remain outside.
Your student can check in at the office to get a pass.
📢Attention 5th Graders 📢
Yearbook Cover Contest
From the Attendance Office:
Please make sure to call in for each day that your student is absent. Please do not email just the student's teacher for an absence. If the teacher is out that day, we do not always get the message and want to make sure that we are as accurate as possible when marking attendance. Also, please let us know ahead of time if your student will be late due to an appointment or if you need to pick up your student early from school. This helps us to be able to avoid unnecessary attendance issues as well as get your student from their classroom in a reasonable amount of time.
Climb 2 Feed
Winter Weather Information
Volunteers Needed
Picking up your student during school hours 🏫
Please note that when students have to leave during the day, they will remain with their class until their pick-up person has arrived and either called the office or buzzed the door. Due to confidentiality and students not getting picked up at their specified time, we can not have children waiting in the office. Please understand that if you need them at a specific time for an appointment, you may need to come a few minutes earlier so we have time to get them from their classroom.
After School Plans
Club Monroe Schedule
(Formerly known as the EXCEL after school program)
Looking Ahead...
9 - NWEA K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
10 - NWEA K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
11 - PLC/2 HR Early Release
11 - NWEA 1st, 2nd, 5th
12 - NWEA K, 2nd, 4th
16 - NWEA K, 4th, 5th
17 - NWEA - K, 1st, 4th, 5th
18 - NWEA - K, 1st, 5th
19 - NWEA - K, 4TH
23 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
24 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
25 - No School - K-12 - Christmas Day
26 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
27 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
30 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
31 - No School - K-12 - Winter Break
1 - No School - K-12 - New Years Day
2 - School Resumes
Useful Links:
Arrival and Dismissal
School Menu
Click photo then click
View Menus (as a guest)
Greater Mankato Mental Health Hub
Staff Contact Info
If you are looking for Teacher/Staff email addresses. You can go to the Monroe Website and click on Staff Directory. You will need to click on the teacher's name, then you will get a popup window with their contact info.
Cellphone/Smartwatch District Policy
Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic communication devices (earbuds, smartwatches, etc.) during the instructional day. Students also are prohibited from using a cell phone or other electronic communication device to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to, cheating, bullying, harassment, and malicious and sadistic conduct. If the school district has a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated a school rule or law by use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device, the school district may search the device. The search of the device will be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying the search. Students who use an electronic communication device during the school day and/or in violation of school district policies may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the school district’s discipline policy. In addition, a student’s cell phone or electronic communication device may be confiscated by the school district and, if applicable, provided to law enforcement. Cell phones or other electronic communication devices that are confiscated and retained by the school district will be returned in accordance with school building procedures.
Monroe Office
Attendance Line
507-387-7889, ext. 2
MAPS Hotline
(school closings)
School Hours
Office Hours
Steve Johanson
Mary Krueger
Clerical Asst.
Lourdes Chavez
Health Asst.
Kim Taylor
About Monroe
441 Monroe Ave, North Mankato, MN, USA
Monroe Elementary PTO - North Mankato