Siple Back-to-School Edition
August 16, 2024
School Begins Monday!
The Siple Scoop is a monthly newsletter to help Siple families stay informed about what is happening at the school. It is sent to you via the email address you shared with the school. If you change your email address, please update it with the office. I encourage you to take the time to review the Siple Scoop each month as a way to feel connected with our school community.
You are always welcome to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I enjoy partnering with you in your child's education. Thank you for providing us the honor of serving your family.
Christy Flowers
Siple Elementary Principal
First Day of School Parent Drop-off
The first day of school is Monday, August19th . It is a full day! If you are bringing your child to school you will remain in your car in our Parent-drop-off line. All students enter the building independently right from the first day of school including our Kindergarten students. I have the entire staff trained and ready to help all our Siple STARS find their way to their classrooms that morning. Kindergarten parents were given name tags to pin on their students to help staff if the child doesn't know their teacher. Please follow our regular drop off and pick-up routines that day (as explained below) to help students learn arrival and dismissal procedures from day one. We start greeting students at their cars at 8:15 a.m. The first bell for students to go to class rings at 8:25 am. If students arrive past 8:35 a.m. they are considered tardy and parents will need to bring them to the front entrance and sign them in so they can get a pass to class. We can't wait to welcome the children!
Parent Drop-off Procedures
Parent Drop Off:
We will begin Parent Drop Off at 8:15 a.m. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe by adhering to our procedures below to ensure proper supervision of our students!
Teachers will attach a bus tag to your student's backpack on the first day of school. This includes tags for Parent Pick-up students.
Enter on the west side of the driveway and proceed slowly with the flow of traffic.
Do not park.
Follow the flow of traffic until you reach a staff member at the front of the row.
Students should have their backpack with them as you pull up for them to get out.
Students will wait to exit the vehicle until a staff member opens the door.
Students should exit the car through the passenger side of the vehicle for safety.
For your child's safety, please do not drop your student off prior to pulling up to the awaiting staff member.
Staff members will direct or walk our new or tentative students into the building.
Staff members will be present inside to assist with helping students to their classrooms.
Once your child has left your vehicle, please exit the parking lot slowly and have a great day.
Please see map below for specific details on Parent Drop Off (and Pick Up) procedures. Remember, the drop off time BEGINS at 8:15 a.m. School begins at 8:35 a.m.
Parent Pick-up
Parent Pick Up begins at 3:30 p.m.
Please always have your license available so staff can check it if we do not know you yet.
Each student will be assigned a number and will be given two blue dashboard signs with that number along with your student's name. Additional copies can be requested from the office.
Please display the dashboard sign on the front dash of your passenger side so it is visible from outside your vehicle every day.
Follow the flow of traffic and remain in your vehicle.
Our staff will use our number system to notify staff inside the building when you are here in the order that you arrive.
Students will be dismissed by their teacher to go to the gym for parent pick up.
Siple staff will supervise children in transit from their classrooms to your vehicle.
Please follow the flow of traffic and pull up to the staff members ready to assist your child into the car.
Please remain in your car. A staff member will assist your child as they get into your vehicle on the passenger side.
Once your child's door is shut you may slowly proceed out of the parking lot.
If your child needs assistance with their seat belt, please pull forward and pull over once you have passed the school. You are then able to get out to assist your child and we can keep the pick-up line moving.
be sure that whomever you are sending for parent pick-up that you give them your dashboard card and they have a photo ID if we do not know them.
Medication Drop-off
Anyone that needs to bring medication to school for their child will need a medical form filled out and signed by your child's doctor. If you need a form, please call our office. Medication for students must be brought to the office and checked-in by parents. If your student has a medical condition requiring a care plan, we will need those completed and signed by their doctor as well.
You are encouraged to call the office at 810-591-5104 if you have any questions.
Kindergarten Parent Orientation
One way we can ease the transition to school for incoming kindergarten parents is with Kindergarten Parent Orientation. I am sharing a video from our Kindergarten teachers Katie Bradburn, Jacqueline Campbell, and Kayla Driskell. In the video, they explain many details about the typical kindergarten day that you'll find helpful. I am also sharing a video from me about our school that I hope you will find helpful as well. We look forward to partnering with you as your child begins their school journey.
Are you looking for Part-time Work?
We are hiring additional Playground Monitors and Paraprofessionals at Siple Elementary. Playground Monitors supervise and assist students during lunch and recess. This is a part-time job and they work from 10:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. If you are interested in applying to be a Playground Monitor you can apply online at www.gecs-inc.org.
Paraprofessionals provide instructional support under the leadership of our MTSS Interventionist. Our paraprofessionals use District approved lessons to work with small groups of students to fill in any learning gaps. If you are interested in applying for a Paraprofessional position you can apply at www.davisonschools.org. Please call the office at 810-591-5104 to let the office staff know you have completed your application. Also, please be aware that part of the hiring process is a complete background check and fingerprinting. If you have any questions please feel welcome to call us.
School Picture Day is Coming
School Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd. Picture order forms will be sent home Monday, August 19th. The forms will also tell you how to order pictures online. All students will be photographed for yearbook purposes even if you choose to not order pictures.