SOESC Connection
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
October 2022
Currently Within Our Organization
A Message from Mrs. Justice
I hope that you have had some time to enjoy the colors of Fall. I believe the crisp air is coming soon. I wanted to take a moment to discuss some of our strategic planning that the Leadership Cabinet is currently revising, editing, and adding goals and strategies.
The strategic plan is currently in DRAFT form and will continue to be worked on over the next few months. I wanted to share with you so you could provide feedback to your team leader/supervisor regarding any of the goals, strategies, or action steps. The Leadership Cabinet will meet again Monday, November 7, 2022, to continue on the SOESC Strategic Plan. Please do not hesitate to contact any team members with any questions or concerns.
Have a great Fall!
October Awareness
S.A.T.H Radio-A-Thon is October 24th!
In case you missed it
Parent Conference at Region 14 Hopewell Center
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center is looking for individuals to join our team in the following roles
- Administrative Assistant | Southern Ohio ESC
- Assistant Superintendent | Southern Ohio ESC
- Paraprofessional |Southern Ohio Learning Center
Legal Updates
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington, Ohio
Curriculum Roundtable
October 7, 2022
Region 14 Hopewell Center - Hillsboro, Ohio
Classsroom Creations with Canva
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington, Ohio
SLP Consortium Meeting
Gifted Education Forum
ACT Instructional Mastery
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington, Ohio
Fayette County BAC Meeting
Fayette County Chamber of Commerce
4:00-5:00 pm
Adams/Highland BAC Meeting
Region 14 Hopewell Center - Hillsboro, Ohio
12:00-1:30 pm
Clinton County BAC Meeting
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington, Ohio
12:00-1:30 pm
Upcoming Board Meetings
Upcoming LPDC Meetings
Reminders π‘
#TeamSOESC - Open Enrollment will end November 4th! Select your benefits.
Harvest Celebration R14/SOESC
SOESC/R14 Team Members are invited including spouses. With weather permitting, a
movie under the stars will be played at 8 pm
Bring your favorite fall appetizer/drink and a lawn chair
Friday, Nov 4, 2022, 06:30 PM
10015 Pausch Road, Leesburg, OH, USA
Additional ways to connect
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC)
Email: treed@southernohioesc.org
Website: https://www.southernohioesc.org/
Location: 3321 Airborne Road, Wilmington, OH, USA
Phone: 937-382-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernOhioESC
Twitter: @SouthernOhioESC
"Leading With Innovative Solutions For Student And Community Success"