Band Blast
Band Shoutouts!!!
- Shout out to each of the bands (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble) on their performances at the Winter Concert. Behavioral issues aside, the performances on stage were wonderful!
- Shout out to everyone who volunteered this year for our Dewey's Store. Our final earnings are being calculated and will be shared soon. Again, thank you to everyone who volunteered!
Thank you to everyone for your hard work and dedication to our program and to the kids!
General Things to Know!
- All District Auditions are FAST APPROACHING! We still need many volunteers to help make this event a success! Click the link below to get more information and to find the volunteer forms!
- Spring Semester Required Concerts/Events:
- Saturday, February 8 - MPA Retreat
- Tuesday, March 4 - Concert Band and 8th Grade Bands Pre MPA Concert
- Thursday, March 6 - Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble Pre MPA Concert
- March 24-26 - MPA: Each band will travel during the school day to perform in our annual Music Performance Adjudication.
- Saturday, May 10 - Art Smart: Jazz 1, Jazz 2, and small ensembles
- Tuesday, May 20 - Band Awards and Dessert Social: Small Ensembles
- Thursday, May 29 - Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz 2 Concert
- Friday, May 30 - Wind Ensemble, Jazz 1 Concert
- There are outstanding fees for marching band, concert attire, and our New York trip. These fees must be paid as soon as possible.
- UPCOMMING New York trip payments:
- Payment #3 for STUDENTS is due 1/21
- Payment #2 for PARENTS/FAMILIES is due 1/21
Updates from the Booster President and Student Leaders
Updates from Ann Wilson (President)
The January Band Booster Meeting will take place on 1/14 at 7 pm in the DCHS Band Room. The All District Committee will meet on the same day.
We are planning a chicken dinner fundraiser for February. Each student in the program will be asked to sell a certain amount of tickets. Students who are attending the NYC trip, their fundraising efforts for this will go towards the overall cost of the trip. Those students not attending the trip, their fundraising efforts will go towards costs for MPA Retreat, MPA, and instrument/equipment needs.
Please email me if you would like to help.
- Ann (
Updates from Silas Marion (Band Captain) and Sean Lane (Business Manager)
Silas (Band Captain) -
I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing winter break! All-District auditions are approaching very soon, and it is an all-hands-on-deck event, so please be ready to sign up to volunteer or bring sweets for the bake sale. I would like to congratulate all students for an amazing winter concert right before the break. Every band did great and their hard work paid off. We are now moving into MPA season, and I am excited to see how the bands will tackle the tough pieces they are playing. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support to make this year one of the best for the band program. - Silas
Sean (Business Manager) -
I hope everyone had a great break!! Hooray to a new year as we remember all the great things the band program has done in 2024! Thank you to all of the parents and volunteers that made the Dewey's Store possible. I want to shout out Ann Wilson, Jennifer Davis, Melinda Oldham, Eric Burt and Wende Burt for their commitment to the Dewey's Store this year! As we look ahead, we'll need even more help with the All District Auditions which we will be hosting later this month. This could include making a donation to help purchase food, making something for the bake sale, or volunteering to help with concessions! Sign up to help if you can!
I hope all families adjust back into school this week and I'm excited for what this year has to hold for the band program! - Sean
Volunteer Opportunities
We have a few opportunities for volunteers. These include:
- Booster Committees
- Fundraising Committee
- Concert Decoration Committee
- Year End Banquet Committee
- All District Auditions Committee
Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble Updates (Band Classes)
Class Reminders
Over the next quarter, we will continue working on All District Scales. Parents, for all students taking band for honors credit, they are required to audition for All District. You should hear them practicing their solos and scales frequently. My ask is 20 minutes a day.
The kid's goal should be the "100 Hour Rule".
20 minutes a day is all that it takes to make you better than 90% of the people doing the same activity.
20 minutes a day is equal to 121.6667 hours for the year. This is only 1.3% of your time in a year! Make the investment!!!
The closer you get to the 121.6667, the more fun music and band becomes!
Marching Band Updates
Marching Band Fees
- Marching Band Fees are now past due. Please remit payment via Quickbooks, cash or check (Made out to Davie Band Boosters).