Janssen SCHOOL
May 2024 Newsletter

May 2024
Principal Message
Hello Janssen Families,
It is hard to believe that we have found ourselves at the last newsletter of the 23-24 school year and there is truly so much to celebrate. Students at every grade level have worked so hard this year to challenge themselves in their learning and develop their skills as problem solvers. This month will be filled with many opportunities for students to reflect on their growth, look at the data that represents their progress, and celebrate the ways they have grown in anticipation of what is next for them.
Our fourth grade students, KHS class of 2032, were asked to reflect on what they have loved, learned, and will miss about Janssen Elementary. Below you will find the link to their personal thoughts. It is so powerful to hear from our students & I truly smiled through reading all of their reflections.
While many of them shared that they loved the winter carnival, and Buddy the Bulldog (both very important 🙂) – overwhelmingly, our kids shared that they felt supported, challenged, and that they belong here at Janssen. Each of them have big things to do in this world and my hope is that they leave here knowing we will always be cheering for them.
On behalf of our Janssen staff as a whole, we are so proud of all they have accomplished and achieved as Janssen Bulldogs, and we look forward to all that is to come for them next school year!
As families, parents and guardians, I want to thank you all of you for your support and involvement in your child’s education this school year. The connections we build and foster between school and home are so important and I am grateful to each of you for allowing us an opportunity to work collaboratively together to best meet each student's needs.
Wishing you and your family well as we make the final push to the end of the school year. Find time to celebrate with your student(s), share in their reflections of their school year & enjoy the (almost) summer sunshine! ☀️
I welcome you to reach out to me with any questions, comments or concerns at any time.
Brooke Vander Hyden, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
May 1st - 1st Grade Brockman/Keefer 1,000 Islands Field Trip
May 2nd - 1st Grade Rolain/Ristau 1,000 Islands Field Trip
May 8th - Bike to School Day
May 9th - 3rd Grade Wildlife Sanctuary Field Trip
May 10th - Noon Dismissal
May 16th - 2nd Grade Iverson/Pattermann YMCA Field Trip
May 17th - 4th Grade Heritage Hill Field Trip
May 21st - PTO Meeting
May 23rd - 2nd Grade Kohler YMCA Field Trip
May 24th - Noon Dismissal and 4th Grade Field Day
May 31st - 4th Grade Ledgeview Field Trip
June 6th - Last Day of School
What do the Fourth Graders Love About Janssen?
Fourth graders at Janssen Elementary were asked what they love about Janssen. This is what they said. 🐾
Arbor Day
Thank you to the Tennessen family for organizing an Arbor Day celebration for the fourth graders at Janssen! We appreciate your time and thank you for an unforgettable experience. We would also like to thank Schmalz landscaping for their generous donation of dirt to plant the trees. 🌳
Bike Rodeo
On Wednesday, May 8th, the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department will host a Bike Rodeo at the Village of Combined Locks Civic Center for Janssen 3rd & 4th Grade students. The purpose of this event is to teach children skills and precautions to ride their bike safely.
The event will include:
- Bike education lead by Police Officers from the Department
- Bike skills and safety obstacle course
- Decorate your bike & popsicles with Combined Locks firefighters
Students should bring:
- Helmet
- Bike
- Proper shoes
If they do not have a bike or helmet, the police department will have bikes and helmets that can be used for students for the obstacle course.
If you have any questions please contact the office. 920-788-7915
Bike to School Day
Annual Update
Mark Your Calendars - August 1st-15th - Annual Update and Schedule Release
The Annual Update process which is done through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal replaces the forms you have filled out at your school in the past and is required for all families. This is a guided process that will walk you through updating and reviewing your information for the upcoming school year and must be completed by the Primary Parent/Guardian. Student schedules for the upcoming school year will also be made available on August 1st.
Monster Maker Workshop
This school year, each 5K Student in KASD made an original Monster drawing. Drawings were collected at KHS and kits with materials to make the monster were distributed. The 5Kers were presented with their original drawings and the handcrafted Monster on April 25th. The response from the children, families, and community were overwhelmingly positive!
Summer School 2024
Additional summer school class opportunities have been added and are now available for registration.
Yearbook Orders
Picture Day
4K-8 Students may go to any KASD school for pictures; however, all 9-12 students must go to Kimberly High School in order to get their student ID, parking pass and to pay their fees.
August 1st: JR Gerrits Middle School - 7:30am -11:30am
August 5th: Janssen - 7:30am - 3:00pm
August 6th: 4K Center for Literacy - 11:00am - 6:00pm
August 7th: Sunrise -11:00am - 6:00pm
August 8th: Kimberly High School - 7:30am - 11:30am and 2:30pm - 7:00pm
August 12th: Mapleview Intermediate School - 12:00pm - 6:00pm
August 13th: Westside Elementary - 12:00pm - 6:00pm
August 14th: Woodland School - 7:30am - 12:30pm and 2:00pm - 5:00pm
August 15th: Kimberly High School - 1:00pm - 7:00pm
August 19th: JR Gerrits Middle School - 3:00pm - 7:00 pm
PTO News 🐾
End of Year Sign Up
Culver's Scoop Sale
Kindergarten Registration
Residents in the Kimberly Area School District can now register their newest Papermaker in Kindergarten. If your child is going to be 4 or 5 years old by September 1, 2024, registrations for 4K and 5K can be completed online. Please see the KASD website for additional information. Please note that if your child currently attends the 4K Center for Literacy, there is no need to register them for 5K.
Counselor's Corner
Starting the month of May during Life Skills students will be learning about:
5K- Problem solving, review of skills for learning, empathy, emotion management and problem solving skills
1st- Human growth and development: Protective behaviors, review of skills for learning, empathy, emotion management and problem solving skills
2nd- Human growth and development: Protective behaviors, problem solving
3rd- Human growth and development: Protective behaviors, problem solving
4th- Human growth and development: Protective behaviors, communication skills/self-regulation
Students at Janssen have learned about Career Clusters. There is still time for volunteers to help with our Buddy Goes to Work Project. This project will help students learn about different careers from you! If you are interested, email Katie Wells, the Janssen Elementary School Counselor at kwells@kimberly.k12.wi.us. Those who sign up will get a laminated picture of Buddy to bring to their work and take pictures of Buddy working. You will receive instructions in your child's backpack with Buddy and a return date for Buddy; as well as, a short report to fill out about your career. These reports and pictures will be displayed at Janssen for Janssen students to learn more about your careers toward the end of our school year. Thank you so much for your participation.
Katie Wells
Janssen School Counselor
M.S. School Counseling
920-788-7915 ext. 24150
Buddy Goes to Work
Instructions for Parents:
Bring Buddy to your workplace and take pictures of Buddy working. Take as many pictures as you’d like.
Email photos to the Janssen School Counselor Katie Wells at kwells@kimberly.k12.wi.us
Send Buddy back to school with your child on the date listed on the front of this sheet.
Your child can drop Buddy off at the front office or directly to Ms.Wells.
The pictures and Buddy Goes to Work Report will be posted in Janssen Elementary by the end of the academic year.
Thank you for your participation in our Buddy Goes to Work project. The students will be so excited to see Buddy at your workplace and to learn about your career!
What's Happening at Janssen?
April Characters of the Month
5K: Oakley Inabinet, Tinlee Davies, Averie Taylor, Emmalyn DeJardin
1st: Jack Nance, Ellie Gregory, Kinley Wedelstadt, Reese Philips
2nd: Lily Anderson, Quinn Vanden Heuvel, Malaysia Dix
3rd: Lincoln Uphill, Natalie Malson, Anna Hatzenbihler
4th: Easton Surman, Jackson Hietpas, Elsa Karls, Remi Vanden Heuvel
Janssen Needs You... Lunch Room Supervisors
We need you, our Janssen community, to help us out. We are looking for Noon Hour Supervisors to join us. Being a Noon Hour Supervisor is extremely flexible. You can work 1 day, 2 days, or however many may work for you. Or, we can work week by week to schedule your days. We are very flexible! Hours are approximately
10:30am – 1:30pm and pay is $10.50/hour.
What being a Noon Hour Supervisor entails:
- Assisting students with opening lunch packaging.
- Having the opportunity to get to know your student’s Janssen friends.
- Supervising students during recess.
- Getting to know other Janssen community members.
- Being a steward to our Janssen community.
By becoming a Noon Hour Supervisor, you join the Janssen Team and become even more entwined in the Janssen community. We are extremely grateful to our past, present and future supervisors for enabling us in providing a safe and fun lunch and recess. It takes numerous people to run a school community.
Please reach out to me if you would like to join us on a new adventure, or if you just simply have questions.
Thank you!
Arianna Champeau
Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures
Supervision starts in the morning at 8:20. Please drop your child(ren) at school after that time. The best location for dropping off your child(ren) before school is to use the "drop-off/pick-up lane" in the parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping keep your child(ren) safe!
Janssen and Kimberly Apparel
District News
2023-2024 Parent Calendar
Community Events
We receive many worthwhile announcements to be included in our newsletters. Since we cannot include all information here, please go to the District's website and check out our Community Events page. Events and activities are listed there, and are updated often.
If you are unable to access specific content within this newsletter, please call us at (920)788-7915.
This newsletter may contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control. The District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third party sites.
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The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student program and activities.