Station Newsletter
May 2020
The Station PTO hopes this newsletter finds you and your family safe and healthy. We hope that the Station Distance Learning is going well for your children and that you are all hanging in there with all of the changes. Please know that we are keeping you and your families in our thoughts.
Please see the letter from the school regarding locker clean out.
Now that the future of the remainder of the year is final we wanted to take a moment and share a few details from your BMS-Station Campus PTO. You may always visit the Station website and the PTO's facebook page for additional details.
The PTO will host the May Meeting via Zoom on May 12, we will send details for login and time
Staff Appreciation Week May 4th - 8th
While our school is closed, the hearts of our Station teachers and staff remain wide open. Please help to recognize our wonderful and dedicated staff during Staff Appreciation Week.
Starting Monday, May 4th please ask your child to send their teachers a message of gratitude. Was there a special memory from the year that they recall or would they just like to share how much they appreciate their teacher? A simple ‘thank your note or video would make a teachers day!
The Station PTO Staff Appreciation Committee has put together “thank you” favor bags for each teacher and staff as a token of appreciation. In addition, the school will be lined with Thank You yard signs starting next week. On behalf of the Staff Appreciation Committee we hope that each student will participate by showing just a small token of appreciation to help recognize the efforts of our teachers and staff. Although the PTO originally had a fun-filled week planned for the staff, these small tokens of appreciation will still certainly make the staff feel special.
8th Grade Year End Details
8th Grade Families,
We have created a page dedicated to your year end celebrations and recognition. We will update the details regarding your celebrations as we receive them.
We are committed to the 8th grade video please see this letter from the 8th grade coordinator Doreen Muhs regarding submissions.
You will be receiving a separate email from us that Dr. Paul asked us to share as well.
School Supplies
School Supplies are now available for the 2020-2021 school year. You may use the following link to order your student's supplies for their next year grade. Full supply lists
***The school supply requirements for 2020-2021 include science goggles. If you order a kit, the goggles are included in the kit. If you choose to order only certain items, you may purchase the goggles as a separate item as well.
Order Securely Online Starting NOW thru June 15th!
1. Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
2. Enter the school ID, BAR038 (3 letters/3 numbers)
3. Follow the directions to complete your order.
4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt. Prices listed include tax.
In the past we've offered to sponsor a student, please consider sponsoring a student by selecting to donate.
Station Middle School PTO
How to check if I paid for PTO items and learn more about my child's iPad
Check out the Virtual Backpack
Look here for Station Athletics and Activities Information.
Click here to get involved with the PTO or on the PTO email list?
Email: ptobmsstation@gmail.com
Website: https://www.barrington220.org/domain/771
Location: 215 Eastern Avenue, Barrington, IL, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BMS-Station-PTO-227099777987089/
Twitter: @pto_bms