Valley Heights Elementary Schools
January 20th -24th
Keeping Up With The Mustangs!
Waterville Elementary
What's Happening in Waterville
Reminder there is NO SCHOOL this Monday, January 20th. There is a lot of sickness going around right now. Please remember your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Your child cannot return to school for 24 hours after the last time they vomited. We appreciate your help following these regulations to help stop the spread!
Monday, January 20th:
- No School--Teacher Professional Development
- Board of Education Meeting @ 6:00
Tuesday, January 21st:
- Colts Round Up
- 2nd Grade Family Fun Night 5:30-6:30
Wednesday, January 22nd:
- Colts Round Up
Thursday, January 23rd:
- Colts Round Up
Friday, January 24th:
Looking Ahead:
Wednesday, January 29th: Kansas Day celebration!
1st graders working together in groups!
Students love working together!
Collaborating with their peers!
We are so thankful for the sunshine and nicer temps so students could play outside this week!
Some students read about procedures and how to make lemonade. At the end of the week they got to make fresh lemonade! Yum!
Kindergarten students making watercolor snowflakes!
2nd graders doing partner support push ups during a tumbling unit in PE.
Blue Rapids Elementary
It's all blue skies in Blue Rapids
It was a great week at Blue Rapids Elementary! On Thursday the Blue Rapids building hosted a special SITE council meeting. The meeting focused on school safety as the safety team was in attendance. Thank you to everyone who attended. The students also had the preliminary rounds of the spelling bee. Stay tuned for updates for the winners from the building. With the winter weather I want to give a shout out to the custodial and building and grounds staff for all their hard work in removing snow.
Here are some upcoming dates to remember:
- January 20th-Teacher In-Service Day-NO SCHOOL for Students
- January 20th-School Board Meeting 6:00 pm
- January 29th-Kansas Day
- February 9th-Marshall County Spelling Bee
As always, I want to thank you for the blessing that it is to work with your children. My door is always open if you have any questions or concerns.
-Mr. Staples
6th Grade
Prepping for the spelling bee in February. A written test is the first step to qualify.
5th Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
"Who's the leader" being played at the morning classroom meeting.
Underground Spirit Week
Site Council
Attendance Matters!
Colts Round Up!
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Value, Honor, Success!
This week's Waterville VHS ticket winners were Myla, Octavia, and Tomas!
Family Dinner Conversation of the Week
Community Education
Community Education has recently sent out a program survey to gather community interests and Ideas to increase programming and participation in activities beyond the school day. We invite you to click on the link below to fill out the survey and give us your thoughts and ideas.
Survey Link:
We’d like to remind families to discuss a safe route to school with your students. Whether it is on foot, bike, or a car we want everyone to arrive to and from school safely! For students on foot and bike remember that the safest crossings are at Chestnut & Highway 77 in Blue Rapids and Minnesota & Highway 77 in Waterville.
These crossings are monitored both before and after school.
Schools That Care
Check out the Schools That Care newsletter below for information on resources available in our community!
Early Head Start
Early Head Start 0-3 provides services to infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. It promotes
- healthy prenatal outcomes, healthy babies
- enhances the development of infants and toddlers, and
- promotes healthy/thriving families
NEK-CAP, Inc. receives federal funds for 160 children to operate and provide Early Head Start (0-3) services for infants, toddlers, pregnant mothers, and fathers.
NEK-CAP, Inc. receives federal funds for 238 children to operate and provide Head Start services. Head Start is committed to cultivating partnerships with the community to ensure that children and families receive an array of individualized services focused upon early childhood development, family support, health and education.
Head Start/Early Head Start 0-5 services are available at no cost to children and families. Up to 10% of enrollment may be used to serve children that are over income. Transportation is available at some locations.
Click HERE for more information!
Parents As Teachers
Family Mobile Crisis Helpline
Box Tops for Education
Support your school!
Did you know that even though packaging no longer has box tops on them to cut out, that you can still support your school? Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipt to earn money for schools. This is a simple way to give back to your community! Click here for more details!