Grade 6 World Language Choice 24-25
6th graders can choose between Arabic, Italian, and Spanish
Grade 6 World Language Choice 2024-2025
Hello! We are excited to offer World Languages next year in grade 6 at Watertown Middle School. We have three languages from which to choose: Arabic, Italian, and Spanish. Spanish teachers are presenting this information to students on the three languages during class during the first and second weeks of May. Please use that information as well as the information below to help inform your decision about which language to take in the middle school.
We will do our best to give every student their first choice of language, but cannot guarantee the first choice.
Some students may be scheduled for reading class; in the event that this conflicts with their language schedule, we will communicate with families on a case-by-case basis.
Thank you! Please make your selections by Friday, May 17.
Grade 6 World Language Choice Survey Link
Why Study Arabic?
Arabic is spoken as the official language of 26 countries. As of 2017, Ethnologue: Languages of the World Encyclopedia estimates that there are 290 million native Arabic speakers and 422 million non-native speakers of Arabic. This puts Arabic as the number five most spoken language in the world. Because of these facts, the United States State Department has declared that Arabic is a “critical language.” Because Arabic has been deemed a critical language, there are increasing job opportunities for candidates that speak Arabic in many different fields. Some jobs or fields that require Arabic are: medicine -- medical interpreters, doctors, and nurses -- (immigration) lawyers, special forces with the government, translators/interpreters with foreign embassies, hospitality, banking, aid, and education. In addition, the state department provides grants and opportunities for students to study Arabic. Watertown was fortunate to begin our Arabic program through a state department grant in 2014. It is important to continue to educate our students to learn how to communicate in Arabic.
Why Study Italian?
Italian is the 18th most spoken language in the world among native and non native speakers with an estimated 85 million people in the world speaking it. Italian comes directly from Latin, and it is estimated that 60% of the English language is derived from Latin as well. This may make learning Italian easier with the number of similar words between the two languages! Also, when learning a second language, students learn about the cultures that speak that language. From food to the arts to music, Italian culture is one of the most prominent cultures in mainstream society, and students are given the opportunity to learn more in depth about artists, designers, musicians, and more. Italian and Spanish also share Latin as their language root. This means Italian and Spanish share many linguistic similarities. Students coming from the Elementary Spanish Program will be able to transfer their Spanish skills to Italian effortlessly.
Why Study Spanish?
Spanish is spoken as the official language of 21 countries, with a majority of those countries being located in the Americas. Because of this, Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world among native and non native speakers with a total of 570 million people speaking Spanish worldwide. Also, since many Spanish-speaking countries are in close proximity to the United States, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States with roughly 45 million Spanish native and non native speakers in this country, which is roughly 13% of the population of the US. Speaking Spanish gives students the opportunity to communicate with more people in the United States as well as the opportunity to travel to a large portion of the world. Continuing with Spanish from Elementary School to the Middle School will provide students a consistent through line of language with the potential to take the same language from Kindergarten until 12th grade.
If you have any questions, please contact Adam Silverberg, the World Language Department Coordinator, at adam.silverberg@watertown.k12.ma.us or Joel Giacobozzi, WMS Interim Principal, at joel.giacobozzi@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Thank you! Please make your selections by Friday, May 19, 2023.