Discussing TAG Testing
August 8th, 2024

Discussing TAG Testing With Your Elementary Age Child
TAG Testing can be confusing for students who may not understand what TAG is. We hope this information, tips and ideas might help to ease any worries they may have.
What is TAG? What is TAG testing?
- TAG is a class where students go if their brain needs a different type of support and challenge.
- Your child will have the opportunity to take some tests to see what their brain needs.
- These tests are not like the tests they take in their general classes.
- They may include pictures, puzzle-like activities, and drawing.
- They may even seem fun!
- If the tests show that your brain needs TAG then you will start soon.
- The tests may show that your brain is getting what it needs from your regular classes and teachers.
- This ensures everyone gets exactly what their brain needs!
What does FCS do to prepare my child for TAG testing?
TAG teachers will pull students for a Test Familiarization session. This session will allow them to meet the TAG teacher(s) and become familiar with the space they will test in. They will also have the opportunity to do some test warm-up activities and practice questions.
What can we do to prepare at home?
- Inform yourself on the process
- Review the testing information on the FCS website
- Reach out to your school's TAG teacher with questions
- Emphasize positivity & neutrality to the outcome
- Normalize the experience- this is just a part of what school does to ensure they get all they need to learn and grow!
- Maintain your routines
- Encourage a growth mindset
- Acknowledge feelings and provide strategies for coping with worries
- deep breathing
- tensing and releasing muscles
- thought stopping
- redirecting thinking
- Do not place value/importance on the results
- Remind students these tests are not for grades. It doesn't determine how smart they are or how hard they worked.
- The tests show what they are able to do with these new experiences and if a need for gifted instruction is identified.
- Stay calm & positive
- Be supportive
How do we discuss ineligible results with our child?
- Be honest & clear
- Emphasize efforts, strengths & interests
- What activities and enrichment could you do as a family?
- Address & acknowledge emotions
- Reframe the outcome
- Your brain is getting what it needs from your teachers!
Do you have any suggestions for students who do not qualify?
- Continue any outside enrichment you are doing
- Tap into interests and creative outlets
- Explore new opportunities to foster growth and interests
- Keep communication with your child and school open
- Check out the Parent Resources page of our website