The OMS Community Newsletter
June 10 - 17, 2024
June's bulletin board was created by Spectrum Club which is our LGBTQ+ Alliance club.
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Community,
We have made it to the end of the 2023-2024 school year! We are proud of the hard work of our students this year. I would like to thank all of our OMS faculty and staff for their daily support of our students during the school year. I would especially like to thank all of the parents/guardians for supporting your students in middle school this year. It takes teamwork to help our students learn and grow throughout the school year.
Final report cards will be issued on Tuesday, June 18th. The final report cards include comments for our year-long classes. Comments for trimester classes can be found under Trimester 3 in the Parent Portal.
Bus applications for the 24-25 school year are currently open on the Parent Portal. The last day to submit a bus application is June 28, 2024.
School supply lists will be available on the OMS website. These lists are general supply lists for courses. If there are any specific supplies for teams, then those lists will be shared later in the summer once teams and schedules are shared. Teams and student schedules for the 24-25 school year will be shared in late August.
6th and 7th graders, I hope you have a great summer break and we will see you back at OMS in September!
8th graders, the teachers and I are proud of all of your hard work and we wish you the best in high school!
I hope you all have a great summer break!
Mrs. Katrina Crowley
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Grade 8 Class Day & Ceremony
On Friday, June 14, 2024, we celebrated our 8th graders with Class Day.
In the morning, the 8th grade class went to the OMS Cafe to watch a Class Video. The video highlighted all of their middle school memories and included pictures from when students were in 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade. Thank you to Mrs. Valair for creating the Class Video!
Then, 8th graders participated in the Class Day Ceremony where 8th graders received a certificate of completion for the conclusion of the middle school academic program. Additional awards for Academic Excellence, Most Improved, Extra Effort, Presidential Award for Academic Achievement, Perfect Attendance, and Dedication in Clubs were also issued.
After, we had some special awards that were issued at the end of the ceremony.
- The Madelina Fernandes Award for Excellence in World Languages was awarded to the following students: Natalie Henderson (French), Callie Gallan (Spanish), Ava Cunningham (Portuguese).
- Carter Redoble received the Artist of the Year Award.
- The Knight in Shining Armor Award recognizes an 8th grade student who has made a positive impact on other students in our school community. Peter Carvalho received the Knight in Shining Armor Award.
- The Marisa P. Ramos Spirit Award recognizes students who exhibit school spirit and strength. Isabella Glowka and Gianna Parkman received this year's Marisa P. Ramos Spirit Award.
- Brennan Cox received the Principal's Award. This award recognizes academic excellence, leadership, integrity, and a commitment to our school community.
- The Emile Farrington Award recognizes the "best all around" 8th graders (pictured below). The Emile Farrington nominees are Kerrin Bennett, Emma Collins, Brennan Cox, Ava Cunningham, Trinity Davis, Daesha Desinord, Nyle Drewes Miner, Grace Fallon, Olivia Felton, Logan Ferreira, Callie Gallan, Jackson Gosule, Sydney Heller, Jason Ikonitskiy, Hyden Jeanniton, Eden Jourdain, Liam Machula, Victor Pereira, Lily Puliafico, Neveah Quintero, Riyaz Shrestha, Narith Andrew Srey, Xaven Studer, Coliln Thornton, Jakob Tran, Tana Bernard, and Logan Fitzgerald. The Emile Farrington Award winners are Tana Bernard and Logan Fitzgerald (pictured above).
Finally, we ended the day with a Grade 8 Dance in the evening.
SPS Summer Volleyball
The athletics department is pleased to offer a summer volleyball clinic open to all 6th through 12th graders. This is a perfect opportunity to learn the game or brush up on skills before the high school season starts.
Tuesday July 9th - Thursday August 1st
Tuesdays and Thursday 9am-11am
Location: SHS gym.
Cost: $10
Registration link: https://students.arbitersports.com/stoughton-high-school/2024-summer-volleyball-clinic
Students of the Month
As part of our school's PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) program, five students on each team are recognized as Students of the Month for demonstrating traits of readiness, responsibility, and respect. Each winner receives a certificate and a Daddy's Dairy ice cream gift certificate. Take a look at our May Students of the Month.
Team 6A
Tristan White, William Sullivan, Malyah Chevalier, Joana Meta, Alana Cesar
Team 6B
Nina Ferreira, Abigail Freeman, Cody Nolin, Kodi Huynh, Keira Wong
Team 6C
Idalis Flores, Aden Rosa, Mikio Onuma, Sophie Kirkwood, Naomi Abellard
Team 7A
Cameron Glowick, Nicolas Matheus Rondon, Raquelle Kramer, Ilyas Faris, Emmalee Andrews
Team 7B
Gabriel Carneiro, Darya Schumacher, Allison Goodwin, Reagan Shannon, Levi Oliveira
Team 7C
Savannah Isabelle, Lyla White, Rose Dor, Ryan Pohl, Chris Jocelyn
Team 8A
Jade Fray, Sandla Desir, Victor Pereira, Carter Redoble, Austin Hwang
Team 8B
Joey Toupin, Karina Tian, Julia Abba, Lily Monkiewicz, Maria Rita Aires
Team 8C
Peter Carvalho, Kayla Monaghan , Caleb Shea, Andrea Udeh, Tyler Silverio
NJHS Visits the Wilkins
The OMS NJHS students visited the Wilkins third graders for the last time this year. They worked on fractions using pizzas with delicious toppings and then played games with their friends to celebrate a successful partnership this school year!
RN Summer Newsletter
Student Council Visits MA State Police Headquarters
The OMS Student Council visited the Massachusetts State Police Headquarters in Framingham to learn about leadership in the community. Many thanks to all of the troopers who participated, and special thanks to Massachusetts State Police Staff Legal Counsel Allison Hynes for coordinating!
SEPAC Bright Knight Award
The Stoughton SEPAC appreciates the dedication of our educational staff and all they do for students with unique learning needs. Parents with children with an Individualized Education Plan or 504 are invited to nominate one staff member who has built a special bond with their child and has been instrumental in helping them achieve their full potential, enjoy school, and access the curriculum.
Nominations are due at the end of the school year by completing the Google form briefly stating why you wish to nominate the staff member in question. The awards will be the following September when the Stoughton SEPAC publicly thanks the staff members by inviting them to a fall meeting to be presented with a certificate of appreciation.
We may use an excerpt from the nomination at the awards night. Only ONE staff member per person can be nominated. Only TWO staff members per school can be awarded that year’s Leading the Way to Excellence.
Please see our flyer attached. Here's the link to the nomination form: bit.ly/sepacaward.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or reach out to Kellie Laguerre, the SEPAC member chairing this program. Kellie's email is kellielaguerre@gmail.com.
School Bus Registration for 2024-2025
Attention Stoughton Public Schools families looking for bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year: The registration period for bus transportation for 2024-2025 will open Monday, May 20, 2024 and run through Friday, June 28, 2024. Please keep in mind that no applications will be accepted after June 28 and there will not be a waiting list.
Once again, there is no cost to families to ride the bus next year. Bus transportation is available for students in grades K-12, but there are limited seats. Students will be placed on the bus in the order the applications are received. The registration form will be available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal starting May 20. Families will need to complete and submit an application for each child who will be riding the bus.
An email will be sent to families next week with instructions on registration. If you have any questions, please send them to Transportation@stoughtonschools.org.
Stoughton Library June Events
See the attached PDF for June Teen Events at the Stoughton Public Library.
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