2 February, 2025

2 February, 2025
Please explore the links above for the activities and information of the week!
Let's Go Islanders!
We are Islanders! We persevere, we connect, we support, and we work hard! There is no doubt that when we show up, try, and communicate; nothing can stop us from finding some type of success in whatever we are involved in. So give it your all everyday, we have everything to gain as Islanders!
Islander Pride!
Senior Class President Emily Castro with Officer Boone. Officer Boone is an amazing part of the Islander experience and makes so many great connections each and every day across our campus.
Freshman Mock Interviews.
Each year, we complete mock interviews with all Freshman students here at Grand Island Senior High. This experience provides our students with a baseline experience of completing an interview. It helps them to learn the purpose for questions and how to best answer them when presented with the opportunity in a real-life scenario. Please help your Islander be ready for this great experience 6th and 7th of February (Thursday/Friday)
Click on the link below!
Juniors, check with your principal and counselor for leadership camp info!
Attendance Matters.
Being at school is an important aspect of the learning experience. It affects grades, school connectedness, opportunities to participate and be a part of the Islander experience. Seniors please make sure that you maximize your experience in your last semester as graduation grows closer. Check with your counselor and keep up in StudentVue and ParentVue on grades and attendance.
- Cell Phone Policy
- Cell Phone Policy Spanish
Please recognize the Cell Phone Free Policy.
- Dress for Success at GISH!
- Dress for Success at GISH! Spanish
Please recognize the Student Appearance Policy!!!
After School Program
After School Program (ASP) is designed to help students get a little extra support with their studies. Students are able to meet with GISH teachers in the Media Center after school. We will be having a full list of content teachers available Monday through Thursday each week posted on student announcements. Don't miss out on your opportunity to take advantage of experts guiding you to your preferred future.
Start on Time!
Start on Time Plan click the link. We know that when students are on time to class ready to learn, they experience more success. Please discuss the importance of being on time with your families
Go Islanders!
Patrons visiting Grand Island Senior High will need to call the school to inform our secretaries and campus team prior to arrival so we can best serve your needs. Our intention is a safe and predictable learning environment. Please have a photo ID available upon entry during school hours.
All students driving to school are required to have a new parking permit visible in their car when parked on school property during school hours. Please stop by the West Office to get yours free of charge.
- Cell Phone Policy
- Cell Phone Policy Spanish
Please recognize the Cell Phone Free Policy.
- Dress for Success at GISH!
- Dress for Success at GISH! Spanish