Daily Announcements
Today is June 3, 2024
Today Is...
World bicycle Day
Chimborazo Day
National Chocolate Macaroon Day
National Egg Day
National Leave the Office Early Day
Student of the Month
Each month a student in the senior class is chosen to be the OHS Student of the month. The student is selected based on scholarship, citizenship, leadership, and co-curricular activities. The May Student of the Month is Andrew. Congratulations Drew!
Monday, June 3
Chicken or cook’s choice
Cook’s choice potato
Fruit and vegetable bar
Tuesday, June 4
Pizza or cook’s choice
Cook’s potato choice
Fruit and vegetable bar
Wednesday, June 5
Bag lunch day
Ham, turkey and cheese sandwich
Whole grain chips
Fruit choice
Juice box
Attention HS students:
Our Omro 4k program is looking for high school volunteers to help with summer school. Summer school takes place from June 10 - June 28 from 8:15 to 11:45 a.m. Please email Alesha Neitzke aneit@omro.k12.wi.us to sign up (and for questions).
No Driver's Ed Classroom Will be Available This Summer
Unfortunately, due to insufficient interest, Cruisin' Safely will not be able to provide the Driver's Ed course at Omro High School this summer.
Winnebago County Fair- Endless Adventures, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2ND, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM WINNEBAGO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS
If you're interested in participating please contact exhibitorexperience@gmail.com!
Ripon Area Community Theater Holding Auditions...2024 Summer Musical: The Wizard of Oz
The Ripon Area Community Theatre (RACT) will be holding open
auditions for its summer musical production of, “The Wizard of Oz,” June 14th- 17th at the First Congregational Church, 220 Ransom St., in Ripon.
~Auditions are open to ages 8-Adult.
~Performances are August 16th-18th at the Ripon High School.
~Children's Auditions are Fri. June 14th from 4:30-7:30 pm, and Sat. June 15th 2-5 pm.
~Adult Auditions are Sun. June 16th & Mon. June 17th 6-9 pm.
~Primary roles include: Dorothy Gale, Aunt Em/Glinda, Uncle Henry, Mrs.
Gulch/Wicked Witch, Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion, and many chorus roles for
various ages. Auditioners should prepare up to two minutes of a vocal audition, choosing a song suitable to their voice and appropriate for general audiences. The song may be from the show or in a similar style.
The RACT will be holding an audition workshop for ages 8 and up on Sunday, May 19th from 2-4 pm,
also at the First Congregational Church; where they will go over expectations for auditions, answer questions about the upcoming production and do some practice audition scenes.
Questions about the musical can be sent to: riponareacommunitytheatre@gmail.com. The Ripon Area Community Theatre is a sponsored program of the Ripon Noon Kiwanis.
Just a reminder...
Work Permits Are Available ONLINE ONLY
The application is now live. A parent can access the site using these instructions. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the Department mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer.
In addition, we have reorganized our employment of minors web pages. The information you need is linked at the bottom of this page, including a guide to hazardous and prohibited work, the hours and times of day restrictions for minors, and links to the appropriate statutes and codes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at workpermits@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
Summer Jobs Listing
Please click on the following links for more job listings for 9-11 grade and Seniors!! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Williams.
We're Hiring!!!
Eureka Landing is looking for high school students to fill the following positions: Cook, server, bartender (age 18+), tubing support, etc. Paper applications are available in the guidance office.
Attendance Matters and So Do YOU!!!
"The more you attend, the more you'll learn. The more you learn, the more you'll grow."
***Students must be in attendance for the entire school day in order to practice or compete in an event. ***
Special circumstances may merit exception with prior approval from the Principal/Dean of Students, or designee. To see if the absence can be approved:
- Step 1 - Parent/Guardian notification to office (Mrs. Dubinski, Mrs. Stadler or Mrs. Dobberstein) at least 24 hours prior to absence
- Step 2 - If absence is approved, Student picks up signed Excused Slip from office
- Step 3 - Student gives signed Excused Slip to coach/advisor to participate the day of the absence
If an absence is deemed unexcused it will result in ineligibility for participation in extracurricular activities until the next full day of attendance.
Fall Football
Freshmen-Junior students interested in playing HS football there will be a meeting with the new head coach on Tuesday, June 4 after school in the high school commons. At this meeting, he will cover the summer schedule and expectations.
Basketball and Volleyball Summer Camps Available
Soccer Opportunities
Are you interested in playing soccer? There are soccer opportunities at Ripon College this summer!
Ripon College Women's Soccer ID Camp
Summer Pick Up Soccer at Ripon College (Co-Ed opportunity)
Who would YOU like to nominate for Fox Friday? Fill out a form TODAY!
Fox Friday forms and the box to put them in are located in the MS/HS Media Center. Please take a moment to nominate students and staff you think deserve to be recognized for being safe, responsible, respectful and positive! You can also nominate staff you feel have made a positive connection, is a great role model or who stands up for students. Please fill out a form so we can celebrate our students and staff this week!!!
Care Solace- Every person deserves access to mental health care.
The School District of Omro continues to be committed to the well-being of our students, staff, and families to create a safe and healthy learning environment.
The care team is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 per year to quickly connect you to carefully verified providers in our community. Students, families, and staff members may access Care Solace services in the following ways:
● Contact your school counselor, to ask for assistance for a referral
● Call (888) 515-0595 at any time. A dedicated Care Companion will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments, and follow up to make sure it is a good fit.
● For an anonymous search, answer a few questions to get matched with an extensive list of care providers at https://www.caresolace.com/site/omro
Care Solace is now available at no cost to our students and families. They will connect you with providers accepting all medical insurances including Medicaid, Medicare, and sliding scale options for those without insurance. All information entered through the Care Solace tool is completely confidential and securely stored.
Please note: This service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory to use. Care Solace is not an emergency response service or mental health services provider. In the event of a life-threatening emergency:
Dial 911 or the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or
Dial 988 - for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
If you are interested Care Solace connecting you to counseling-related services for your child, yourself, or another family member, please contact Care Solace directly, or reach out to your school's counselor:
● HB Patch/OES : Tracy Rees, trees@omro.k12.wi.us , 920-685-3100 ext.2683
● Omro Middle School : Carrie Sabel, csabe@omro.k12.wi.us , 920-303-2301 ext.2207
● Omro High School : Rachel Williams, rwill@omro.12.wi.us , 920-303-2319
Anyone in Wisconsin can call or text 988 or use the chat function via www.988lifeline.org to reach out and get the help they need. 988 is ready to provide support for anyone experiencing a suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis. People can also contact 988 if they are concerned about a loved one in crisis.
We've Come A Long Way!!
On June 3, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first wireless telephone message on his newly invented photophone from the top of the Franklin School in Washington, D.C. Bell believed that the photophone was his most important invention. The device allowed the transmission of sound on a beam of light.
2023-2024 Omro School District Calendar