The Connection
The Connection - November 2024
Hello, everyone,
I know Tuesday wasn't what we were hoping for. I know you feel defeated and hurt because frankly, I do too.
I don't want that to overshadow the good work our local unions have been doing though. We passed school referendums in multiple districts and got pro-public education candidates elected to the state assembly like Joe Sheehan in Sheboygan. This week I've had promising meetings with leaders interested in crushing their recertification votes and building stronger membership. Right now, organizers across the country are discussing strategy to protect federally funded programs like Head Start and others. I have faith in us.
We will continue to do the work of creating safe and equitable classrooms. We will continue to be there for one another and our students. We will continue to build power in our communities. No one can stop us from this important work. If you are looking to connect with others in education that want to make sure their classrooms stay a safe and welcoming place, I invite you to be a part of the Equity Ambassadors program. We'll be having sessions in our Green Bay office this December. You can learn more by clicking the link below for the course information.
And remember, in the words of Joe Hill, "Don't mourn, organize."
In Solidarity,
Kristin Lytie
Recertification 2024
Recertification is November 7 – 27th
Participating local union bargaining unit members must vote every year to “recertify” their association. To win the vote, 51% of all eligible voters must vote “yes” that they want their local association to be their representative. This is a very challenging requirement because a non-vote is considered a “no” vote.
Our Recertification Message: Vote YES to Support Your Colleagues and RECERTIFY so we continue to have a representative voice on cost-of-living pay increases and other matters of concern.
Voting begins: Noon on Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Voting ends: Noon on Monday, November 27, 2023
You can create your turn out the vote plan NOW in the lead up to November 7th. Useful GOTV tactics include:
- Handing out palm cards w/ voting info
- Hosting a Vote Yes social
- Using building rosters to check-off people who have voted in your building and to remind those who haven’t
- Hosting coffee/donuts in the morning with computers available to vote in the election
- Sending out emails with voting info via district email more than once