Whittier Weekly Newsletter
January 8, 2021
Welcome 2021
Dear Whittier Families,
I want to wish you all of the best for 2021. Will all that has happened in 2020, and unfortunately still continues to happen in our world, I know that this coming year can only be better. On a bright note, even with all that has gone on, this Whittier community still continues to pull together to support one another and focus on the positive. This is what will allow us to come through and preserve our dignity, our relationships, and our students' progress and wellbeing.
Some Dates to Know:
Sunday, January 10: Book of the Week will resume through WHES Find Out First. If you have not had an opportunity to check these out before, here are all the ones you've missed: Previous Books of the Week
Thursday, January 14: Materials Pick-up for Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2, and 3.
Where? Front loop of school from 4:00-6:00pm
What if I can't make it at that time? Please plan to come by the school Friday between 8:30-4:00 or call the front office at 240 236 3100 so we can make arrangements. The materials are needed for instruction in the near future.
Monday, January 18: Dr. Mr. Luther King Jr. Day (Schools Closed)
January 25-29: School Spirit Week & Great Kindness Challenge
Tuesday, January 26: Last Day of Quarter 2
Wednesday, January 27: Teacher Work Day (Schools Closed)
Current information about a switch to hybrid learning:
Due to worsening trends in health metrics, Frederick County Public Schools is delaying its plan to implement a hybrid learning model.
In its updated plan, teachers will return to buildings on Wednesday, January 27, with students returning as part of an in-person hybrid model on Tuesday, February 16, with Wednesday, February 3, and Wednesday February 10, serving as asynchronous learning days.
If FCPS does not see positive trends in data by later this month, the implementation of the hybrid model will be delayed again with teachers returning Wednesday, February 10, and students returning Monday, March 1. In this scenario, Wednesday, February 17, and Wednesday, February 24, will be asynchronous learning days.
I know that you may have many questions, and to that end I want to provide as many answers as I have. If you would like to share your specific questions with me, you may do so in a couple of ways:
- email me directly using the link at the bottom of the newsletter
- Share your question through this Google Form (choose how you'd like a response)
I continue to appreciate our community and what you are doing to support learning in our school.
My best regards,
Lorcan OhEithir, Principal
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Reese and Mrs. Leatherman
Happy New Year!
We were looking forward to a fresh start for 2021-- weren’t you? Unfortunately, circumstances did not allow for us to begin Hybrid Learning as scheduled.
As adults, we are continually trying to process the ever changing information and remain positive role models for our children. Recent events have added to the unrest we are experiencing. Please know that your School Counselors are here to support you and your children during these uncertain times.
We have linked information to assist you in talking to children about recent events.
Talking to Kids about the violence at the US Capitol
Additional information that may be helpful:
Turning your emotions into Positive Actions: A Psychological Approach to COVID 19
Do not hesitate to contact your School Counselor to help- we will be happy to provide additional resources. Contact us in Schoology, via email or by phone.
The Great Kindness Challenge: RIght now we need Kindness more than ever. The Great Kindness Challenge will be celebrated virtually this year. GKC is a week devoted to spreading kindness throughout the school and community. January 25th-29, 2021 we will celebrate GKC with a School Spirit Week and fun activities for our students to participate in-- Help us Spread Kindness!
Look for the GKC checklist and messages from your 5th grade Peer Mentors in The Counselor’s Corner and Homeroom Schoology Pages and in January Newsletters.
This month Mrs. Leatherman and Mrs. Reese will be coming into your child’s K-5 virtual classroom to present lessons on Kindness and Habit #4 (Think Win-Win)
Be on the lookout for our special guest presenters! Be Kind… Always.
Support for Military Families: Looking for a way to connect with other Military parents? The CYB Military Family Life Counselor, Lauren Wynn, will be hosting a virtual group for Military Parents on the 1st and 4th Friday of every month from 11am-12pm Please reference the linked flyer if you are interested For questions, Contact Lauren Wynn at 240-818-5730. Military Parents Connecting
We are still welcoming participants for the Military Child Small groups! Lauren Wynn, LCMFT will be facilitating the virtual “Military Lunch Bunch” every Monday at 2:30 on Zoom. If interested, sign up here: Military Child Small Group Sign Up or contact Mrs. Reese for details.
Kids Like US: WHES has been selected to pilot a Virtual Small Group called “Kids Like Us”.
We will begin working with fourth grade students who are interested in participating in February 2021. An email was sent to parents of 4th grade students in December. If you are interested in learning more about Kids Like Us, Contact Mrs. Reese at 240-236-3170 or at Lisa.Reese@fcps.org.
Read on for additional information. Kids Like Us Small Group
FCPS Family Support Services & Frederick County Infants & Toddlers
Worry and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents:
Using evidence-based strategies to helping kids and caregivers
cope during tough times.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Virtual Meeting - Link will be shared after Registration
Click here to Register
The IEP Process - Building Partnership Through Conversations
Presenter: Amy M. Pleet-Odle, Ed. D., Inclusion Focused Coaching
Workshop 2
Accommodations & Modifications - Questions to Ask
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (12:00 EST)
Whittier Elementary School - Believe, Achieve, Succeed
We will also communicate through our school website
Follow me on Twitter @fcpsOhEithir where I will communicate school news and happenings
Email: lorcan.oheithir@fcps.org
Website: https://education.fcps.org/whes/home
Location: 2400 Whittier Drive, Frederick, MD 21702, USA
Phone: (240) 236 3100
Twitter: @fcpsOhEithir