Mill Road News
April 2024
Brian Boyd, Principal
Dear Parents and Families,
Happy Spring! As we hit the final stretch of the school year, I want to thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to a great finish. Please review the newsletter and calendar for activities and events.
April Calendar
- April 8 - 1/2 Day for Solar Eclipse - 11:45 dismissal
- April 14 - Harlem Wizards Game @ 6:00 pm
- April 15 - BLT Meeting 8:30 am
- April 19 - PK-2 Badge Books sent home
- April 22 - No School
- April 23 - BOE Meeting
- April 26 - Arbor Day
Scheduled Window Replacement at Mill Road
As students return to school after Spring recess, the 3-5 cafeteria will be closed due to the replacement of the windows. All chorus and band students should be dropped off at the PK-2 cafeteria doors. An aide will be there to meet them.
Parent pickup on the 3-5 side of the building will remain basically the same, but rather than the students waiting near the cafeteria doors, they will be by the main entrance. Please pull up and wait in your car as usual.
Window replacement on the 3-5 side is anticipated to be finished by April 16th. Work on the windows in the PK-2 cafeteria is expected to begin on April 17th, with an anticipated completion date of May 2.
Upcoming dates and events:
5/7, 5/8, 5/9 -- Kindergarten Screening
5/7 & 5/8 -- NYS Math tests grades 3-5
5/14 -- NYS science test grade 5
5/16 -- Spring band & chorus concert 4th & 5th grade
5/21 -- Budget Vote - 1/2 day
5/23 -- 5th grade trip
5/24 - 5/27 No School
State Testing
ELA testing is scheduled for April 10th and 11th. We use this information to better support student learning and achievement. The ELA test is two days, untimed, and assesses students' language arts skills primarily focused on reading comprehension and writing. Please note, the NYS Math Assessment will take place on May 7th and 8th and the 5th grade NYS Science Assessment will be on May 14th. Please avoid missed time for appointments on those mornings.
March Multiplication Madness...
Our March Multiplication Madness was a HUGE success! Thank you for helping your child practice their math facts this month. We saw major gains in all three grade levels. Classes with the highest score or most growth in each grade level were recognized for their hard work by Mrs. Dunn, our math AIS teacher.
News from the Mill Road Garden...
It has been an exciting start to our Spring, tulips, ranunculus, alliums, hyacinth, and lilies are all popping up in our garden! Our garlic is also just peeking through, revealing just how much we planted last year (over 300 cloves!). And most exciting of all, the native wildflowers and grasses we seeded last fall are poking their little leaves out from the soil, promising a bright new future for our meadow!
With the weather fluctuating between 30's and 60's we haven't had a good chance to go outside yet, but that doesn't mean we haven't had any fun. With our (hopefully) last lessons inside we explored the wild world of water and the power of erosion. We even upgraded this year and built our own custom Stream Tables so that we could model erosion continuously in real time!
Students were given free range to build whatever they wanted in the Stream Tables, because after all the point was not what we built so much as it was watching it change. Teams of landscape architects carved and crafted their own unique designs, everything from mountains and dams, to braided streams and deep valleys. Each was a chance to explore how the land is changed by the unstoppable force of water and erosion. We saw the land deform, shift, and topple before our very eyes, witnessing the tendency of water to pick the easiest path (perhaps where lazy river comes from).
Before we head back to the garden there is much work to be done to accomplish our ambitious goals. Already we have tubs ready to be made into micro ponds for bird, frog, and insect friends, a fairy garden taking shape, and a whole lot of digging in order to install our new fence. I cannot wait to see our students faces when they get to see a completely transformed garden for the first time!
Doug Keto
Garden Educator
Mill Road School
PTA News
The Mill Road PTA has several important meetings coming up. Please consider attending one.
April 23rd, 6:30-7:00: Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon Planning Meeting - We are in need of a few extra hands to help us get things organized for the yearly appreciation luncheon on May 21st. There are opportunities to help with the organizing leading up to the luncheon as well as opportunities to help the day of the event. Please consider attending this meeting! Many hands make light work. It will be a quick meeting, we’ll meet in the 3-5 cafeteria and we will primarily focus on what needs to be done to organize the event. You can definitely bring your kiddo with you to the meeting!
April 30th 6:30-7:30: 2024/2025 Information Session - Learn more about the officer positions open next school year. If you think you might be interested in learning more about what the officers do, what the time commitment is or ways you might want to be more involved in the PTA please attend this meeting! We will meet in the 3-5 cafeteria.
May 14 7:00-8:00 Regular PTA Meeting in the PK-2 cafeteria. We’ll review end of year activities and celebrations and plan for summer and fall activities!
**Meeting locations may change due the window replacement project currently happening at Mill Road. Look for signs on the lobby doors the night of each meeting if there is a location change. Questions? Email ptamillroad@gmail.com
- Our school theme of the month for of April is Courage
-Please remember to send in a note if your child has a change in their normal dismissal routine. Emails are to be used in an emergency with a phone call as a follow-up. We no longer accept verbal dismissal changes and the district does not allow single day bus changes. Students are permitted to ride the bus to a regularly scheduled sitter - busing to playdates is not allowed. When sending in a note please include your child's first and last name and exactly what they will be doing for dismissal. Thank you for your understanding.
Mill Road Elementary School
Email: bboyd@rhcsd.org
Website: https://www.redhookcentralschools.org/millroadis
Phone: (845) 758-2241 35100
Twitter: @RH_MR3_5