Stallion Nation News
February 9, 2025
Mark Your Calendar
- Thursday, Feb. 13th- February PTSO meeting
- Monday, Feb. 17th- Schools/offices closed
- Tuesday, Feb. 18th- Spirit week begins!
- Wednesday, Feb. 19th- 2-hour early dismissal
- Wednesday, Feb. 19th- Black History Month program
- Monday, Feb. 24th- Joe Corbi's fundraiser kickoff
Winter iReady Wows
A huge congratulations to the scholars who demonstrated top growth and scores in reading and math on their winter iReady assessments!
Career Cruising with Guest Speakers
Ms. Horne, our phenomenal Career Coach, has been hard at work booking guest speakers that align with scholars' career interests identified through career cruising activities. Our most recent guest speaker was US Air Force Sergeant Graves, who complimented our scholars on their attentiveness and thought-provoking questions.
If you would be interested in joining us to share about your career, please contact Ms. Horne at thorne@ccboe.com.
Checking Out the Chess Tournament
Shoutout to Aiden Carpenter, led by Mr. Maina, who represented Stoddert well at the county competition last weekend!
Unified Basketball Begins!
Our unified basketball team played their first game of the season this weekend against Mattawoman Middle School. Our Stallions certainly racked up the points, and both teams had a blast! Special thanks to our coaching staff-- Mr. Lankford, Mr. Clancy, Ms. Heisey, and Ms. Badgett.
From Concept to Creation: Vex IQ Challenge
Also this weekend, several Stoddert scholars competed in the Vex IQ competition at Great Mills High School. It was truly amazing to not only to see their creations and coding come to life, but also to be a fly on the wall to hear their polished responses as their teams were interviewed. A huge thanks to Stoddert's own Mr. Telford and Dr. Jackson of Purple Boots Mentoring for coaching our teams and fostering a love of STEM.
Stallion Leaders Attend CCASC Meeting
On Friday, our Student Government Association (SGA) members, led by Ms. Cooper, attended the Charles County Association of Student Councils (CCASC) meeting at Thomas Stone High School. This is an opportunity for both middle school and high school student government representatives from across the county to collaborate. They had a great time-- especially with the newspaper fashion show! We were incredibly proud to have these awesome student leaders represent Stallion Nation.
February PTSO Meeting: Focus on MCAP
Our February PTSO meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 13th, at 5:30 PM. Participation will be virtual (link included below).
The focus for this month's meeting will be how to best support and prepare your child for the upcoming statewide MCAP tests in reading and math. MCAP testing begins shortly after Spring Break and continues throughout the month of May.
See below for a few reminders as we continue into the second semester:
1. Personal Electronic Devices (& Accessories)- Please assist us by reminding and encouraging your child to leave personal electronic devices and accessories at home or stored in their locker(s). We recognize that these items are expensive and would prefer not to confiscate them, but they do detract from the learning environment and use at school can pose safety concerns. Per CCPS policy, these items must not be visible during the school day.
2. Early dismissals- Please be reminded that the cut-off time for pick up for early dismissals is 2:15 PM.
3. Lunch- Parents are permitted to drop off lunch for their children, but it must arrive by 10 AM which is prior to the start of our lunch shifts. We do not accept food from delivery services for scholars.
Your support and partnership is not only appreciated, but is essential to our efforts at school. Thank you!
Get in the Spirit...for Spirit Week!
Save the Date for Our Black History Celebration
We hope you can join us on Feb. 19th!
Does your child need homework help or extra practice with reading or math? Are you looking for extra prep for MCAP (the state test for reading and math)?
We have additional space in our after-school tutoring program. Contact Ms. Newman at kjnewman@ccboe.com for more information or sign up using the link below.
House Leaderboard
Save the Date for Our Fundraiser!
Stoddert Community Center: February News
Who's Who in Stallion Nation
For your reference, I've included the infographic below to provide contact information for staff members, outside of your child's teachers, that you'll likely communicate with throughout the school year.
Stay Connected
Follow us on X: @StoddertCCPS, @PrincipalPeavy, @EvansCCPS, @BSMSCareerCoach
Check out our school website: https://stoddert.ccboe.com/