The Seahawk News
September 21, 2024
Spirit: Sunderland Promotes Integrity, Responsibility, Independence & Trust
Information to Know
- See you at Open House this Week!
- Drama Club: All 4th and 5th graders are invited to audition for the SES Drama Club. We are limited to 50 students for this year's performance of Annie Jr. All students who are interested will be able to audition. Payments will not be made until after auditions. Please use this link to sign up and attend the first session on Oct 3rd afterschool:
Volunteers are needed for the flu clinic on 9/25/2024 in the morning. To see more info and sign up:
- Volunteers are needed to help for the FSO plant fundraiser pickup. SIgn up at
- The Fall festival is coming!! Share your creative spirit with us and help make it a great festival for all! The flier is below, along with the sign up to volunteer.
We have a few staff changes to share! We would like to welcome Samantha Rose and Nikita VanZyl to our Special Pre K 3 program with Ms. Stith's class. We are happy to have them on our team! Melissa Sydnor has a history with the SES family and we are thrilled to welcome her back in our family two days a week to help challenge and grow our GATE students! We look forward to the growth all will make! Amanda Adams, pre k IA is going to be shifting to MES for a new pre K class. We will miss Amanda and appreciate how she is supporting the growth of the program in our system! Nurse Sherri has made a tough decision to retire at the end of October. She is truly one of the most calm professionals during a crisis and we are so proud to have had her on our team. We will miss her but know she is going to enjoy her time with her grandchildren and family!
- Open House Book Fair Volunteers needed: Open House for Pre K-Grade 2 is Sept 24th and Grades 3-5 is Sept 25th. Both evenings are 5:30-6:30. We will have a special edition of the Scholastic Book Fair open during the Open House times. This will qualify our school for a BOGO Spring Book Fair. Volunteer sign up:
- Picture Day Volunteers needed: We are in need of a few volunteers to support our upcoming Sunderland Picture Day on September 23, 2024. You must be an approved Volunteer. If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 443-550-9390. Here's the link to sign up:
Join us in supporting the SES FSO Fall Fundraiser with beautiful Mums, Pansy Flats and Ornamental Kale! Go to to purchase yours TODAY!
- Attendance Notes: When a student is absent, doctor notes should be sent within 3 days of the absence. If you need to email the note, please send attendance notes to This email will be monitored by Ms. Bozman. Please let us know if you have any questions.
- We have funds to support a Lego Robotics team for grades 3-5 but need a sponsor who has an engineering background.
- Other ideas for clubs include: chess, board games, scrabble, soccer, basketball, painting, coloring, American Girl book club and tea time, knitting, arts and crafts, specific book club, school beautification club, cooking club, legos, etc. The possibilities are endless! Consider sharing something you enjoy with the students.
If you are interested in sponsoring a club and you are an approved volunteer, please complete the form by September 27th at
Guidelines- Clubs will meet for one hour before (8:15-9:15AM) OR after (4:20-5:20PM) one or two days per week.
- Clubs will run for a minimum of 6 weeks, but can run longer.
- Students will be charged an activity fee for each club. This fee can go towards club materials and payment of sponsors. We will provide scholarship funds, as needed.
- There will be a minimum enrollment for each activity (10 students)
- Clubs will be offered on a first-come, first serve basis.
- Non CCPS employees will be fingerprinted prior to clubs beginning. The cost for fingerprinting is $40 and you would work with CCPS Human Resources dept to complete it once the club idea is approved.
- The Annual Student Update needs to be done for all students in CCPS each year. I have attached a photo of the directions for the process and an attachment, whichever is easier for you. If your first or only child is a pre K or kdg student, you can sign up for a HAC -Home Access Center account so that you can complete the update. Please take the time to complete this process for us. Attachments are below the photos.
- REPEAT IMPORTANT: If you want to attend any IN-SCHOOL event such as VIP Day, Career Day, Field Day, field trip chaperones, etc you will need to be a registered approved volunteer. This is for safety of all students. Each of the special events that we have within our school day allows for you to engage with the students. You are not kept separated, instead, we have interactive activities and will need all adults (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) who plan to attend to be an approved volunteer. The process takes less than 10 minutes. Please register as a VOLUNTEER. Become a Volunteer - Calvert County Public School District (
Meet the Related Arts at Sunderland💙
CCPS has continued to have a commitment to Related Arts for all students when many other systems made cuts in programs. Our amazing team of educators bring out the best in students and their hidden talents! They work together to determine the GLAMMY winners each week. Ask your student about the GLAMMY!
Our Related Arts team is Frank Lee (PE), Sally Wolfe (Library), Gracie Knudson (Music), Maria Lendacky (Art), and Leslie Gilbert (PE). Not pictured is our instrumental music teacher Amanda Thompson.
Community Resources
Community Resource Fliers
The following link includes events, activities, and opportunities for young people offered by organizations in the community.
These events and activities are not sponsored by the Calvert County Board of Education or Calvert County Public Schools. We provide equal opportunities to outside agencies to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district.
Attendance Notes
Counselor's Corner
I was very excited to meet with our new students in grades 1st through 5th during their lunches this week. I enjoyed getting to know our newest Seahawks and welcoming them to Sunderland. Next week, I will begin visiting classrooms for monthly Classroom Counseling lessons. During the month of September, I will focus on introducing myself and the role of a School Counselor, as well as discussing feelings. September is Suicide Prevention month, please join our CCPS community on Tuesday, September 10th and wear YELLOW for suicide prevention.
SES has joined with Friendship Community Baptist Church for our HeartFELT (Filling Empty Little Tummies) program. The HeartFELT program provides qualifying students with meals and snacks each weekend. If you would like more information or would like your child to participate in the HeartFELT program, please contact me to sign up.
Danielle Walzer
School Counselor
Sunderland FSO- Family School Organization
Tentative Events for the Year
Sept 24th 5:30-6:30pm, Open House Pre K, Head Start, Kdg-Grade 2
Sept 25th 5:30-6:30pm, Open House Grades 3-5
Oct 7th 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Oct 18th 5-7pm, Fall Festival - Setup 1-4pm
Oct 23rd-27th, Book Fair
Nov 4th 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Nov 6th 5-7pm, Military Appreciation Dinner
Dec 2nd 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Dec 7th 10am-12pm, Winter Wonderland
Jan 6th 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Jan 15th 815-915am, Breakfast with a Buddy (A-L)
Jan 16th 815-915am, Breakfast with a Buddy (M-Z)
Feb 3rd 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Feb 7th 6-730pm, Heart Rock Dance
Mar 3rd 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
Mar 14th Talent Show in school
Mar 17th - 21st, Book Fair
Apr 7th 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
April 9th 5-7pm, Military Appreciation Dinner
May 5th 6-7pm, FSO Meeting
May 5th - 9th, Teacher Appreciation Week
June 2nd 6-7pm, FSO Meeting - Elections
Board Members
Samantha Manley, President
Nobert Akas, 1st Vice President
Serena Hight, 2nd Vice President
Niki Moore, Treasurer
Hannah Stanislawski, Secretary
Toni Crabb, Grade Level Representative
Sally Wolfe, Staff Liaison
Sign Up to be the Grade Level Rep for FSO!
Volunteers needed for FSO Grade Level Reps- Sign UP!
Family Engagement Matters!!
As parents, we want our children to do well in school and when parents take a more active role in their children’s schooling, children achieve more! Not only do they learn more, they earn high grades and have better school attendance. By partnering with Sunderland and the FSO, you can make sure that their most significant experiences and relationships that happen at home and school are working together to prepare your child for future success.
Grade Level Representatives are a link between the FSO and Sunderland Elementary. Representatives bridge the gap in communication between teachers and parents, as well as encourage parent involvement in upcoming events. The major responsibilities are to bring members into closer contact with the school, to work with both the school staff and parents to promote the work of the FSO and to assist with membership promotion.
Reps will collaborate with teachers to identify how parents can assist with classroom activities while recruiting parent volunteers and delegating volunteer assignments for the grade level. Reps will also get together with the teachers to talk about the various ways and options available for parents to assist with classroom activities, field trips and celebrations for the upcoming year. By developing a list together of volunteer opportunities, parents will be able to communicate in advance which opportunities they can participate in.
Representatives will function as a committee, with the FSO Grade Level Representative Board Member representing them as the chair. Grade level representatives are encouraged to attend the monthly FSO meeting. Funds for their work will be provided in the FSO budget.
A brief bulleted overview of responsibilities are:
● Reps will assist with membership drives for their grade level
● Secure a list of names, phone numbers and email addresses of the parents whose children are in the grade level
● Leave contact information of reps for each family, encouraging them to use the FSO as a resource for assistance and information
● Share information with parents as directed and on a timely basis.
● Invite parents to each FSO meeting and keep parents informed about the FSO
● Recruit parents to assist with school activities as specified by the teacher, principal or executive board.
REPEAT: Transportation
- Daily Car Riders must complete the following link:
- This information will be used for Tuesday's sign out. This form is to be completed for those who will be Daily Car Riders only. By listing adults to pick up, you are giving that adult permission to pick up your student. We encourage all students to ride the bus.
- Please tell your child that they will NOT have their name called. They are to dismiss when they hear Daily Car Riders are dismissed. This list will be shared with the teachers, too.
- Please have your ID at all times when entering the school to pick up your student. You will need to have your ID out to show the staff, even if we know you!
- Daily Car Riders: One adult will be expected to come into the cafeteria to sign out their Daily Car Rider student(s). We will open the exterior cafeteria door at 3:50PM (1:50PM on Early Dismissal Days) to allow for students to be signed out. Promptly at 4:05PM (2:05PM on Early Dismissal Days), Daily Car Riders will be called to the cafeteria. You and your child will exit. When you sign in, you will be given a card signifying how many students you are picking up. You will turn in your card as you leave the cafeteria. If an adult is not present by 4:05PM (2:05PM on Early Dismissal Days), the student will be sent home on their assigned bus.
- If your child is a bus rider and needs to be picked up due to an appointment, please arrive at the front office before 3:45PM (1:45PM on Early Dismissal Days).Our office staff and duty staff start preparing for Daily Car Riders and bus dismissal at 3:55PM (1:55PM on Early Dismissal Days) We have a 10 minute bus window to dismiss between 600-700 students so we will need to keep our focus on the dismissal process.
- We will permit Non-Daily Car Riders but we are still not able to accommodate Drop in, Surprise Car Riders. For Non-Daily Car Riders, you MUST send a paper note, NOT AN EMAIL, with your child, EACH day that you plan for them to be a car rider. Please let your child know that they must dismiss with the Daily Car Riders at 4:05PM when announced. We will NOT call individual students down for dismissal. Please do not send a note saying “every Tuesday” instead, send a note every Tuesday. We can not expect teachers to keep up with all students’ special request schedules. We ask that you send a paper note each day because there could be a sub in the class instead of the teacher.
Sign Up to be a VOLUNTEER
EVERYONE must reapply for being a volunteer. The system was cleaned out and you must reapply. Remember, if you want to be a chaperone or work events, you must be approved. If you are an employee of CCPS, you still need to complete the volunteer process for participation in events at school.
Even if you are not sure if you will be able to attend anything, please sign up early. Here’s the CCPS link of info:
Become a Volunteer - Calvert County Public School District (
General Information and Resources
General Information about Sunderland Elementary School
- Morning Arrival Window: 9:15AM -9:25AM
- Instructional School Day - 9:25AM – 4:05PM
- Afternoon Dismissal Window: 4:05PM car riders; 4:10-4:20PM Bus Riders
- School Colors - Blue and White – Friday Spirit Days- Classes are assigned a Flock color as well. More to come on that!
- School Mascot/Motto -“SPIRIT” the Seahawk -Sunderland Promotes Integrity Responsibility Independence and Trust
SES Resources
Old News
Last Week's News
- September is Suicide Prevention month, please join our CCPS community on Tuesday, September 10th and wear YELLOW for suicide prevention.