Fox Ridge Family Newsletter
October 18, 2024
Please do not reply to this email or any sent from our mass communication system. These are noreply products. A few families have attempted to email me using this email or replying to this email, but fortunately they also included their teachers so it was received and we noticed the noreply email which was intended for the principal. The correct email is michelle.woodring@d303.org.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, 10/18- PTO Fall Fest- TONIGHT
Sat, 10/19- Chipolte Fundraiser 4-8pm
Monday, 10/21-Student Council Meeting
Thursday, 10/24- Wear Pink (see flier below)
Friday, 10/25- Coffee with Mrs Woodring (see flier below please RSVP using embedded link)
Friday, 10/25-9:45-10:30 Coffee with Mrs. Woodring (presentation on Neurodiverse learners)
Wednesday, 10/30- Elementary Early Release
Thursday, 10/31- Halloween Parade 2:15pm (parents meet on blacktop, the students will parade through the school and exit from door 11 at about 2:15 or 2:20 to parade around the blacktop for all parents and families to see.) Parties in Classrooms 2:30-3:15pm
Monday, 11/4-Primary Literacy Night (see flier below and RSVP please)
Congrats Brownie Troop 2070
2nd Grade Brownie Troop 2070 WON 3rd place in the Mechanical Division at Scarecrow Fest! Well done Brownies!
Fox Ridge Vision
At Fox Ridge, each student will achieve grade level standards in literacy, math and social emotional and behavioral skills.
Principally Speaking
Tonight is our Fall Fest! I look forward to seeing families, students, and staff enjoying the trunk-or-treat, games, and time together on this beautiful evening. A big thank you to our PTO and the committee, led by Jaci Chapeck, for their planning, creativity, and hard work in making this event possible.
Next Friday, I will be hosting our very first Coffee with the Principal. If you plan to attend, please use the link to RSVP.
Coffee with Mrs. Woodring
Friday, Oct 25, 2024, 09:30 AM
Fox Ridge Elementary School LRC, East Tyler Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
This week in PE:
Students are working on throwing skills through games like Boom City, Make It Take It, and Toss Tag. Next week's skill focus will be underhand rolling for our Bowling Unit.
Primary Literacy Night
In a few weeks we will host our first primary family literacy night. Parents and students in grades kindergarten-second grade are invited to learn about early literacy skills, parents and kids will participate in activities created by a team led by our reading specialist, Amy Kappele. We are planning for 3 skill based rotations. Please use the google form to RSVP, due to content and space we can only accomodate students and parents in grades K-2.
Please use the link to RSVP using the google form-RSVPs are due by Tuesday, October 29 so we can plan for the attendees.
The following information is being provided as a reminder of District 303's attendance procedures and how information may be recorded and shared with a student's family throughout the school year.
Erin's Law
CogAT Testing
In an effort to honor our veteran's we are beginning to plan our Veteran's day celebration. Below is an attached flyer for you to print and complete and return to school so we can place these up in our hallways and students can see photos and information regarding Fox Ridge community veterans. More information will be shared regarding a gathering.
ALICE Training
Fox Ridge Families,
Earlier this week you received a district communication detailing D303’s efforts to enhance safety procedures for our students. In August, D303 educators took part in online and in-person ALICE training, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. As a result of this training, we are prepared to deliver age-appropriate lessons to our students, which will teach an options-based approach when responding to critical incidents.
Starting the week of September 30th, students will view an informational video, introducing them to the concepts of ALICE. Then throughout the fall students will engage in six lessons, roughly two lessons per month, with each lesson focusing the core ALICE concepts: Situational Awareness, Alert, Lockdown, Inform, and Evacuate.
Lessons are differentiated based on age-appropriateness and broken down into the following age groups:
Early Childhood-Kindergarten
1st Grade-3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade
Middle School
High School
D303’s Safety and Security website has been updated to include informational ALICE resources, such as parent letters for each lesson. Students will participate in their first safety drill utilizing the ALICE concepts in January. For more information you are encouraged to visit the ALICE Family and Community site.
If you have any questions specific to your child’s learning, feel free to contact me at michelle.woodring@d303.org
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
D303 Pathways Night at Compass Academy
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
Health Office News
If your student is diagnosed with an illness or infection, please notify the health office. We are tracking illness closely to watch for any trends in the classrooms. This includes, but not limited to Respiratory Illnesses, COVID, Flu, Pink Eye, and Strep. We appreciate any information you give us regarding your student in the event they are ill.
Please remind your student to cover their coughs and sneezes and wash their hands often.
Christina Marello, Building RN, 331-228-2404, christina.marello@d303.org.
Fall Fest is TONIGHT from 6-8pm
Kids are welcome to come dressed in their costumes to Trunk-or-Treat on the blacktop behind the school or celebrate the season at a dance party in the gym! Decorate your own trunk-or-treat bag, play carnival games, and participate in the Storybook Pumpkin Patch. Delicious eats will be available for purchase from Waffadilla food truck, including some special fall menu treats!
Concerned about parking? The PTO has gotten approval from EDS (Elite Dental Specialists) to use their parking lot (east of Fox Ridge) during this event. We remind families to be excellent neighbors while using their lot.
For additional information, including costume rules and details about our Storybook Pumpkin Patch submissions and charitable donation boxes, please visit Fox Ridge Elementary PTO - Fall Fest (membershiptoolkit.com)
Chipotle Restaurant Fundraiser
October Newsletter
Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Toy Drive Begins Monday, October 21
During the holidays, things often become even more difficult for families who are struggling financially, and it’s common for the children in these families to go without during the holiday season. That's why we're helping Big Hearts of Fox Valley by hosting a toy collection box for their annual Holiday Toy Drive for children in need in D303. Drop off new, unwrapped toys, board games, and items for teens with us Monday, October 21-Thursday, November 14.
Weekly Themes
October 21-25: Full-on Play
Nerf, dinosaurs, dolls, and action and superhero figures. Items from your favorite games, including Pokémon, Minecraft, and Roblox.
October 28-November 1: Self-care Mania
Beauty and bath products, perfumes, colognes, cozy blankets, hair care, journals, jewelry, and Squishmallows.
November 4-8: Just Build It
LEGOs, K'NEX, MAGNA-TILES, DUPLOs, MEGA BLOKS, and science and craft kits.
November 11-14: Sports Bonanza
Balls (football, soccer, basketball, etc.), baseball bats, nets, hockey sets, dartboards, lawn games, and scooters.