2024- 2025 School Year
- Thursday, January 30th, 2025 - Conference Night - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
- Friday, February 14th, 2025 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
- Monday, February 17th, 2025 - No School All
- Friday, March 7th, 2025 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
- Monday, March 10th - Friday, March 14th, 2025 - No School All
- Monday, April 14th, 2025 - Conference Night - 4:00pm - 7:00pm DATE CHANGE
- Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 - Prom
- Friday, June 6th, 2025 - Graduation
WINTER WEEK - Dress-up Days
NEW THIS YEAR: SnOwCIAL - Saturday, February 22nd 8:00pm - 10:00pm Fee: $10 per person
As part of our efforts to create meaningful and engaging experiences for our students, STMA High School student leaders have decided to try something new for Winter Week! In response to decreasing attendance at the traditional winter dance, they are organizing an Activity Night that promises to be a fun and inclusive event for all.
The evening will feature:
- Volleyball Tournament
- Pickleball Tournament
- Bingo
- Games
We are excited to see how this new approach resonates with our students and hope it becomes a memorable highlight of Winter Week.
Thank you for your continued support of our school and student leaders as they explore creative ways to build community and school spirit!
Name: Amelia Butkowski
Parents: Jodee and Todd
Siblings: Thomas (23) Andrew (20) Julie (15)
Plans after high school: I will be attending NDSU in the fall. I plan to major in Sonography.
Most Memorable STMA Moment: My most memorable STMA moments came from participating while a member of the high school gymnastics team.
Teacher/Staff Who Has Impacted Me: The teacher who has impacted me most is Mr. Steve. He always makes math a fun environment. He is the reason why I love math.
I Love STMA Because: I love STMA because of the community. There are many opportunities for sports, clubs, classes. Everyone can find something they have interest in.
Name: Riley Emerson
Parents: Holly and Brian
Siblings: Megan (26), Braeden (21), Brooklyn (15)
Plans after high school: I plan to attend Missouri Welding Institute in Nevada, MO.
Most Memorable STMA Moment: My most memorable STMA moment is from freshman year, where I met my two best friends at 2-a-day football practice.
Teacher/Staff Who Has Impacted Me: The teacher who has impacted me most is Mr. Ausman. He is so friendly and makes it easy for students to connect with him.
I Love STMA Because: I love STMA because the people I have met have been amazing.I have enjoyed playing football from a young age through my senior year, representing STMA throughout.
Name: Renae Foster
Parents: Cortney and Rico
Siblings: Caelyn (9th grade)
Plans after high school: I will be attending Luther College next year, where I will continue playing basketball. I plan to major in biology and pursue a pre-med track.
Most Memorable STMA Moment: My most memorable moment was winning state in basketball my sophomore year. It was a surreal experience that I got to share with some of my best friends. Being escorted by police on the bus ride home was definitely memorable.
Teacher/Staff Who Has Impacted Me: Mr. Steve and Mrs. Kolling have been my go to teachers in my time at STMA. They are super supportive in and outside the classroom. They both know how to push me to become my best and are always there to help if I need it.
I Love STMA Because: No matter what sport or council I am in, I am always able to feel supported and connected with new people. The environment at school and at sporting events always have good energy and are super fun to be apart of!
Name: Carter Loebertmann
Parents: Carrie and Brian
Siblings: Trever (20) Kaden (21)
Plans after high school: I plan to attend a 4-year college where I will major in Sports Management.
Most Memorable STMA Moment: My most memorable moments are from Friday Night Lights. The games were always fun to watch with your friends and the energy from the crowd was awesome.
Teacher/Staff Who Has Impacted Me: The teacher who has impacted me most is Mr. Hoffman. He is really smart and has taught me many life lessons.
I Love STMA Because: I love STMA because the staff are supportive. Everyone wants every student to succeed.
Name: Karsor Nyandibo
Parents: Demah and James
Siblings: Darius (38) James (31) Bindee (16)
Plans after high school: I plan to attend a 4-year college where I will major in Marketing.
Most Memorable STMA Moment: My most memorable moment from STMA was the "Karsor" effect photoshoot. My friend from the yearbook class did a full page feature of me in the yearbook.
Teacher/Staff Who Has Impacted Me: The teacher who has impacted me most is Mr. Monett. He has been my homeroom teacher all four years. Being in his class always brightens my day and helps me get started with a positive attitude.
I Love STMA Because: I love STMA because I have met so many wonderful people. I have made incredible friends during my time at STMA.
I wanted to take a moment to recognize Emily Roth on the incredible work she’s doing to support our veterans. The recent news story on CBS highlighting her efforts was truly inspiring, and it’s clear she is making a meaningful impact on the greater community and such an important cause.
Emily exemplifies what it means to be a Knight! Find Emily interviewed at the 23 minute mark in the video link included below.
Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards 2025
The St. Michael-Albertville Rotary Club is pleased to announce that St. Michael-Albertville High School juniors Logan Kessler, Abigail Lindrud, and Logan Warner are recognized as the Rotary Students of the month for January.
“Rotary is very proud to recognize Logan, Abigail, Logan as students of the month,” said Mike Simon, STMA Rotary Club President. “They have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and represent the service above self ideals of Rotary.”
CLASS HIGHLIGHT - Graphic Design
Graphic Design is a visual art class where students blend art and technology to create imagery that communicates a message. Students work with Adobe Illustrator to develop logos, posters, color schemes, brand identity, packaging design and have the opportunity to screen print on fabric such as t-shirts or hoodies. The course is focused around industry standards relating to the Graphic Design profession.
Back row left to right: Jeffery Hoffman, Kelly Bovee, Nick Johnson, Jared Lasonde, Nicole Anderson, Katie Sebens, John Van de Ven.
Second row from bottom left to right: Taylor Krutzig, Jodee Butkowski,Kirsten Trauba, Mariah Kuefler
Front row left to right: David Burr, Tiffany Peterson
As we kick-off the second half of the school year it is time to complete our first administrative check of graduation required community service hours.
A few reminders are listed below:
- To receive a diploma from STMA, students need 4 hours of Community Service for each year of enrollment (grades 9-12) at STMA Schools. This includes Knights Academy and Online.
- New this year: All submissions, approvals, and tracking of Community Service hours is through the high school office. Forms must be dropped off in the HS Office.
- New this year: Community Service hours can be completed in one or more activities.
- New this year: All 4 hours of Community Service can be earned in one or more days.
- Reminder: Community Service hours cannot be for immediate family members, you may not receive payment, and you must not receive a benefit directly (or indirectly) for the service. This includes volunteering for fundraising for Varsity Booster Clubs in the sport or activity you participate in.
Additional information, a list of requirements, and printable forms can be found below:
Community Service forms may also be found in student homeroom classes, in the High School Office, and outside of the Planning Room on the 2nd Floor.
To check your hours:
Students: Login to StudentVue for Synergy → Student Information → Scroll to bottom under "Service Learning Hours." Student's may ask homeroom teachers for assistance.
Parents: Login to ParentVue for Synergy → Select your student → Student Information → Scroll to bottom under "Service Learning Hours."
Any additional questions not answered here or on our Community Service Website can be directed to your student's homeroom teacher.
Counseling Office Updates
Angela Narducci A-Del angelan@mystma.org
Lisa Silbernagel Dem-Jar Lisasi@mystma.org
Serena Schmidt Jas-Moo Serenas@mystma.org
Rachel Dayton Mop-Sch rachelda@mystma.org
Kinsey Essler Sci-Z kinseye@mystma.org
Mary Poss- Administrative Assistant - Maryp@mystma.org
If you are a future Junior or Senior considering PSEO, you can find information about PSEO, next steps, and posted meeting dates on the STMA Student Support webpage.
Seniors looking at applying for Scholarships should utilize the Financial Aid/ Scholarships page on the Student Support website and on Xello’s scholarship search. Information on Local Scholarships will be presented at the beginning of March.
Standardized Test Options for Juniors
Each year St. Michael-Albertville High School offers juniors an opportunity to take a college entrance exam during the school day. This year, we will continue to offer the ACT (non-writing version), Accuplacer, and ASVAB exams to students. These exams are open to juniors enrolled at STMA High School, Knights Academy, and/or STMA Online. Parents received a letter with this information at the beginning of January. Juniors are not required to take any of these exams, and please note that the ACT is no longer free of charge as it was in past years. Registration is due BEFORE Monday, February 17th, there will not be any late registration opportunities.
Junior Planning
As Juniors enter into the final trimester of their junior year, it is important to start thinking about their future after high school. Counselors have been hosting college planning sessions in SNAP and assigned homerooms. Check out the Junior Planning Information on the Student Support Website page for resources and timelines. You can also find the Parent Junior Planning Presentation on this page if you missed this session on conference night.
MENTAL HEALTH - Substance Use Effects on the Brain
MEADA is a Wright County organization. It was founded to focus on methamphetamine abuse, but since 2004 has moved beyond that to address drug related concerns and mentorship within the communities. Most communities within Wright County now have active MEADA chapters.
The Resource Room, that is staffed by a High School teacher, is available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school from 3:30pm - 4:30pm in the High School Media Center.
Assessments can be taken in the Media Center before school when scheduled in advance with a classroom teacher.
Student and staff safety is our highest priority. When inclement weather has the potential to impact the safety of students and staff, we take immediate action. We rely upon many professional resources to guide the decision to close, delay, or dismiss school early. We actively monitor weather conditions by collaborating with the National Weather Service, Vision Transportation, St. Michael and Albertville Public Works, neighboring school districts, and our own school staff. We keep families and staff updated through media outlets, automated calls, emails, texts, the district website, and via social media. Knowing winter is fast approaching, it is wise to develop a plan in advance of inclement weather.
Please remember, the first two days that are canceled due to inclement weather will be designated as no school days. After that, STMA Flex Learning (AKA e-learning) days may be used. See Flex Learning on the STMA website for additional information regarding the STMA Flex Learning Plan.
To familiarize yourself with our inclement weather procedures, click here to visit the district website.
- Educational Benefits are available to families who qualify. If you would like to apply please complete an Educational Benefit application. Click here to see more information regarding benefits you may qualify for and to fill out the application.
SENIORS ONLY - All Night Grad Party
Register for the All Night Graduation Party before the next Early Bird deadline, 2/14, to win cash back!
Click here to for the following:
- register for the all night party
- sign up for 1 or more volunteer opportunities
- make a donation
-watch for information on yard signs
**These events are hosted by the Class of 2025 All Night Grad Party Committee and are not affiliated with the STMA High School. Please contact: stmaallnightgradparty@gmail.com with any questions.
Email: hsoffice@mystma.org
Website: https://hs.stma.k12.mn.us/
Location: 5800 Jamison Avenue Northeast, Saint Michael, MN, USA
Phone: 763-497-2192