Wells Road Intermediate School
Don't forget to celebrate one another each week!
This link is always open but I will send a reminder on Wednesdays.
With appreciation to:
5th Grade Team- Thanks for the positive vibes and support.
Coaches and Interventionists- Thanks for the support as we prepare our students for testing and assessments.
Courtney Piotrowski-
- Thank you for being available at the drop of a hat to answer questions and be our SBAC prep cheerleader! -Katya
- Thank you for your fantastic enrichment ideas in reading!
Kristy Lankford-
- Your creativity, passion, and energy are appreciated!
- Thank you for the staff portrait artwork! They are amazing and so much fun! Such a wonderful idea!
Mary, Lindsay, Pauline, Joanna, and Meghan (and anybody I may have missed!) - BIG thanks for your quick thinking, fast action, and gigantic show of kindness and compassion in helping out a student, a class, and a music teacher this week! I love you guys!
Pauline Greer
- For keeping us all going - week after week!
- Thank you for supporting the classroom charters and coming into the classrooms to attain them!
Joanna Balgach- Your dedication to your students is admirable. You are their best advocate!
Anthony Freeman- Excellent job during conferences! You make a great teammate.
Kaitlyn Belanger- Wonderful job giving the class a math interim, making sure they all finished as well as quickly analyzing how they did. Plus they were focused- well done!
Dale Heller- For always being a calm presence and helpful person in the classroom!
This Week's Highlights:
3/28- 3/30: SBAC (ELA)
- Auer Farm visits 4th-grade
- Building-based Equity Team 3:45
3/30: Building-based SEL Committee
3/31: Nacho Bar courtesy of 5th grade team
Wells Road in Spotlight
The Results are In!
Women's History Month
FYI Update
This is not necessarily the last day of school. As of today, the last day of school is Wednesday, June 14th.