RA Long Newsletter
September 15, 2024
Quote of the Week !
"If you want to change your outcomes, start by changing your habits."
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 20: Advisory Schedule
Saturday, September 21: TOLO 9pm-11pm in the cafeteria(guests must have dance pass)
Monday, September 23: SENIOR Parent/Student Meeting 6pm (Auditorium)
Monday, September 23: OPEN HOUSE, Meet the Teachers Night 6:30-8pm
Friday, October 4: Advisory Schedule
Friday, October 4: Picture Retake( all morning, by alpha announcement)
Friday, October 18: Advisory Schedule and HOMECOMING
Tuesday, October 22: PSAT for selected sophomores and juniors who sign up in the Guidance Office
Attention Juniors and Seniors: College Representatives ON SITE -sign up in the Career Center
· WSU- Thursday Sept 19 10am(3rd period).
· University of Oregon- Thursday Sept 26 10am(3rd period)
· Central Washington University- Thursday Sept 26 12:30pm(5th period)
· Pacific Lutheran University- Thursday Oct 3 1pm(during 5 period)
Base Camp Hike Scholarship- $1000 https://www.basecamphike.com/scholarship/ For high school students graduating this calendar year and have been accepted into a college, Campus, or university. Deadline Sept 30
· Cappex "Too Cool to Pay for School" Scholarship- $1000 https://www.cappex.com/scholarships/too-cool-pay-school-scholarship Deadline Sept 30
· The Donohue Family SkillPointe Scholarship $2000 https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/skillpointefoundation_donohue-family Deadline Sept 30
· American Muscle's Student Scholarship Program $2500
https://www.americanmuscle.com/scholarships.html Deadline Oct 15
· Keep Going Forward No Essay Scholarship $1500
https://bold.org/scholarships/keepgoingforward/#forward Deadline Oct 30
· Jack Shack Lunch Shifts- Ongoing throughout the school year. You must first obtain your food handlers card, which can be done here: https://www.co.cowlitz.wa.us/1062/Food-Handler-Testing and has a cost of $10. After you have your card, you may sign up with Mrs. Myers in the Jack Shack. This can be a Service to School OR Community Service job.
· CISPUS Deadline- Please get all paperwork turned in before next Tuesday's training session!
· Cross Country Meet- Wednesday, Sept 18 3pm. Volunteers are needed to monitor and aide runners.
· Extreme Machines- Saturday, Sept 21. Cowlitz Expo Center. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Parks and Rec event.
· Hey, band kids: Did you know that you get service to school points for football games and parades? Get a service slip from the Career Center, and Mr. Reed will help you fill it out. Get those hours!
· There will be opportunities coming up at other schools. In order to volunteer, you will need to be CHAMPS certified. It is quick and easy. Fill out the form here: https://www.longviewschools.com/family-resources/volunteerget-involved The parent permission slip is also required, I have copies available in the Career Center, or they can be printed at home. CHAMPS certification is good for 4 years, so you only have to do it once! Don't miss out on awesome events (including Cispus!).
Picking up a sibling at Olympic Elementary ???
Secondary Student After School Policy
In order to keep the Olympic Elementary School campus safe and orderly leading up to the 3:00 dismissal, the following rules will be in effect for middle school and high school (secondary) students:
1) Students who pick up siblings or relatives at Olympic will arrive on campus no earlier than 2:55 (1:55 on Wednesdays). Acceptable waiting areas:
A) On the sidewalk near the large gate on the east side of the campus
B) Across 30th Ave. near the crosswalk
C) On the other side of the fence on 30th Ave. at the south end of the campus
Students will report to the designated pick-up area for their sibling(s)/relatives(s) when they enter the campus.
Grade level pick-up areas:
Kindergarten – Goodwin (Front garden), Woodman (Exterior door), Carlson (North porch)
1st grade – Fence opening next to the North porch
2nd grade – The portable by the baseball field (Pipgras/Eggen)
3rd, 4th and 5th grades – The front doors of the school OR south end of the school (ask your child’s teacher for his/her location)
2) Secondary students are to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for being around younger children when they are waiting off campus and while on the Olympic campus. They will refrain from the following behaviors:
1) Foul language
2) Public displays of affection
3) Roughhousing
4) Disrespect
5) Recreational activities
6) Playing music
7) Secondary students who do not have a sibling attending Olympic will be asked to stay off campus until 4:00 p.m. on school days. They will find parking behind the stadium, on 30th Ave. or other locations to allow Olympic families to park in the lot. This includes student athletes who report to the stadium or baseball field.
8) Secondary students will need to find other locations off the Olympic campus to limit congestion with a limited pick up area. Exception – Secondary students who live in the neighborhood west of Olympic Elementary School may cross the campus after their dismissal time and walk directly across our campus in a timely manner.
9) Anyone violating the above rules will be warned, have parents notified, have their school administration notified and/or be subject to a No Trespass Order. Special arrangements will be made for students with a No Trespass Order who need to continue to pick up a student or students from Olympic. But they will not be allowed to come on campus while it is in effect.
What lunch do you have?
Lunch on Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri is determined by your 4th period teacher.
On Wednesdays, your lunch is determined by your 5th period teacher.
- Essentially this is an AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION on a Fridays for minimal infraction(swearing, horseplay, etc) or disruption in a classroom
- Time: 2:30-3:30 in room 115
- Failure to attend will result in 1 day suspension the following week.
Own your behavior and choices. The outcomes are up to you.
DRESS CODE- applies to EVERY student taking a class at RA Long. This includes Mark Morris students taking class(es) at RA Long.
The dress and appearance of students is the direct responsibility of the parents and students in collaboration. School attire should reflect an academic focus and help maintain a safe and healthy school environment. Student appearance should be neat and clean and the body must be covered from the top of the shoulder to below two inches above the knee. If in the judgment of school officials dress or appearance is disruptive, the student will be required to change into appropriate clothing or will be sent home for insubordination. Team uniforms & spirit days must comply with administrative guidelines. The following rules apply to both genders:
- No under garments showing (including sports bras)
- No spaghetti straps, backless, strapless, halter-tops, crop tops, half-shirts, low-cut tops, one-shoulder, off-shoulder or see-through clothing
- Skirts/shorts must be no more than two inches above the knee (even with leggings).
- Cuts/slashes/fraying must also occur below the fingertip line
- Any rips that show skin must be no more than two inches above the knee.
- No sagging or bagging—pants must be pulled up
- No pajamas (tops or bottoms), slippers, costumes, blankets, or capes(flags)
- No displays (messages or pictures) that are vulgar, obscene, profane, violent, drug/alcohol/tobacco related, affiliated with gangs, discriminatory or demeaning to any person due to race, religion, ethnic group, gender or sexual orientation (including the Confederate flag or swastikas)
- Flags may not be worn as attire.
- No hats, bandanas, hairnets, head wraps, pulled-up hoods or sunglasses (exceptions for approved medical or religious reasons) If a hat is taken from a student, it will be returned on Friday after school. Hats are not to be seen in any classroom or in the hallways at any time.
- No unsafe jewelry such as spikes, long chains, etc.
Be sure to call the Attendance Office @ 575-7113 for all absences.
Leave a voice mail stating clearly the student’s name, date, and reason for absence.
Please remember to bring photo identification when picking up
your child for any appointments
Jack's Pantry
You got this !!
Home of the Lumberjacks and Lumberjills
The Goal
Email: rreeves@longview.k12.wa.us
Website: https://ralong.longviewschools.com
Location: 2903 Nichols Boulevard, Longview, WA, USA
Phone: 360-575-7228
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ralhsverified
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