WLWV Community Update
June 26, 2024
Meal Service Updates for 2024-25 School Year
Starting in the 2024-25 school year, the West Linn-Wilsonville School District is now eligible to provide 10 of the district's 16 schools with free meals through the State of Oregon's Community Eligibility Provision.
Eligible schools are determined by the State's eligibility determination process, which was recently adjusted to make more schools eligible across the state. Schools are eligible if at least 25% of students are directly certified or otherwise identified for free meals through State channels such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which was lowered from the previous threshold of 40%.
The 10 schools currently participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) will offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students in the meal line. The district is hopeful that it will be able to offer free meals through CEP to all West Linn-Wilsonville schools in future years. Students who do not attend a CEP eligible school can continue to fill out the free and reduced meal application to see if they are eligible for free or reduced meals. The 10 eligible schools, starting in the 2024-25 school year, include:
Boeckman Creek Primary
Boones Ferry Primary
Cedaroak Park Primary
Lowrie Primary
Sunset Primary
Willamette Primary
Inza Wood Middle School
Meridian Creek Middle School
Riverside High School
Wilsonville High School
What is the Community Eligible Provision (CEP)?
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a meal service option that allows schools and school districts to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without the burden of certifying students for meal benefits. Schools that adopt the CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students who are normally certified for free school meals, without an application.
Why aren’t all schools participating in CEP?
Schools are only eligible for the Community Eligibility Provision based on the Oregon Department of Education's eligibility determination process, which uses school demographics to determine whether a school qualifies. Currently, only 10 of the district's 16 schools qualify for CEP.
Do I need to apply to get free meals for my student?
Families do not need to apply if their student attends one of the CEP eligible schools. All students who attend an eligible school can go through the meal line to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day.
Qualified families do need to apply for free and reduced lunch if their student attends a school that is not part of the CEP program. These schools include Bolton Primary, Stafford Primary, Trillium Creek Primary, Rosemont Ridge Middle School, Athey Creek Middle School, and West Linn High School. Qualified families can apply for free and reduced lunch through this online application.
Where can I learn more about CEP and what to expect next school year?
To review other FAQs, or for more information about CEP, please visit the district website. Thank you for your attention to this update.
We're Hiring! Apply for Open Positions Today!
There are still a handful of unfilled positions for WLWV community members for next school year. In particular, the West Linn-Wilsonville School District is looking to hire additional team members to our nutrition services department.
Nutrition services is a great opportunity for parents or community members who are looking for work hours that take place during the school day. Nutrition Services also offers a fun working environment that allows staff to interact with students and staff and provide a critical service to the West Linn-Wilsonville community.
No previous experience in the food services industry is required. If you have interest, please visit our hiring webpage to learn more!
WLWV SD is an equal opportunity provider.
Check Out the Community Bulletin Board
Volunteer in WLWV Schools!
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District uses HelpCounter for volunteer registration and sign-in to increase safety and security for all students. Interested volunteers can register to volunteer in WLWV schools by visiting the Volunteer Registration webpage. Simply select 'Start' to fill out your application, which includes a background check. The first time that volunteers sign-in to volunteer at any WLWV school they will be prompted to accept a Volunteer Agreement.
Volunteers must also re-register every three years, or when volunteering at a new school. Note that volunteer coaches register through a different process. Contact your school's athletic director or principal for more information.
Volunteering in WLWV schools is an extremely rewarding experience. Your time is greatly appreciated by both staff and students!
Upcoming Events
August 14 — FEC Back to School Resource Event
August 22 — Smart Start
August 27 — First Day of School
About West Linn-Wilsonville
Email: kilstroa@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us
Location: 22210 Southwest Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/wlwvschools
Twitter: @wlwvdistrict