Bertram Family Connection
December 10, 2023
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Looking Ahead
Dec. 6th-21st - 12 Days of Christmas (see below)
Dec. 20th - Christmas Program 5:30 pm Bertram Cafeteria
Dec. 21st - Early Release at 12:20 pm
Dec. 21st - Bulldog Boogie
Dec. 22nd-Jan. 5th - Christmas Break
Jan. 8th - Professional Development/Student Holiday
12 Days of Christmas
Monday - Merry, Merry Morning - Wear Christmas PJs
Tuesday - Candy Cane Day - Wear Red and White
Wednesday - Dress as a Christmas Tree
Thursday - Christmas Character Day (Grinch, Cindy Lou, etc.)
Class Parties - December 20th
Our December class parties will be on Wednesday, December 20th. Parents are invited.
A green "Event Ticket" has been sent home with all students. Visitors are encouraged to bring this ticket on the day of the party for an expedited entry into the building. Visitors who do not have the ticket will need to stand in line and sign in at the front office with a picture ID.
A red “Sign-Out Ticket" has also sent home. If you plan to sign your student out after the event, please bring a completed red ticket to the party. Do not send the red ticket to the teacher in advance of the party. This ticket will enable the teacher to sign out your student from the classroom and avoid long check-out lines in the office. Those who do not have a red ticket but want to sign out students will have to check out in the front office with a picture ID.
If you did not receive a ticket please contact your child’s teacher. If you lose or misplace your ticket, or need an additional ticket, we will have extra tickets available in the front office until the end of the day on Tuesday, December 19th.
Students checked out before 9:00 AM will be counted absent for the day.
8:30am-9:30am - 2nd
9am-10 am - PreK
9:30-10:30 am - 1st
10am-11am - Kinder
12:30-1:30pm - 4th
1pm-2pm - 5th
1:30-2:30pm - 3rd
Dec. 21st Early Release at 12:20 pm
Menu Change for 12/21/23
On December 21, the cafeteria will be serving:
-lunchable OR pepperoni pizza
-veggie, fruit, juice & milk
Parent Resource: 7 Family Time and Learning Tips for the Holidays
The holiday season is here! Like most families, my household is already in a flurry of activity. We are decorating, buying gifts, getting ready for guests, and baking cookies and pies.
This is also a special time for family fun and togetherness. But with the holiday rush, the to-do list seems to grow by the minute.
The season is very busy. It’s important to keep learning and quality time with family at the top of the list while your kids are home on break from school.
Research shows that families who spend quality time together and connect activities at home to what children are learning in school have a stronger emotional bond and better communication. These kids do better in school.
The holiday season also provides a great chance to expose children to new ideas and information. You can reinforce skills and knowledge. Encourage creativity, which supports their success in school.
Here is a 1 page parent resource for how to mix Holiday quality time with learning:
Attendance Matters
Bertram's Attendance Tracking
Bertram's ADA for this past week was 85.81%
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. "98 IS Great!", so 98% is our goal! We recognize that illnesses and events take place that necesitate absences, however, we do encourage every student to be in school every day he/she is able. Let's work toward 98%!
Christmas Program
Little Bullpup Cheer Camp
PTO December Newsletter
Volunteer Opportunities
Staff Favorite Things
Bertram Elementary School
- 7:15am Student Drop Off/ Breakfast
- 7:25am Office Opens
- 7:40am School Begins
- 7:45am Students arriving after this time are marked tardy
- 9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
- 1:30pm Any transportation changes DUE, please email:
- 2:30pm All Early Checkouts must be complete - Remember to bring your picture ID to complete early check out
- 3:20pm Student Dismissal
- 3:45pm Office/School Closes
Location: 315 Main Street, Bertram, TX, USA
Phone: 512-355-2111
Twitter: @BurnetCISD