Lion Links
Join us for Multicultural Night May 17, 2024
Lion Run 2024
Time to get excited and involve our whole school community!! We will be having our 3rd annual school-wide Jog-a-thon at Little Mountain Elementary on Wednesday, June 5th. The Lion Run is a fun way for students to get active and raise money to support our school. Our 400 students work hard to bring in pledges that go right back into the school community for things such as playground equipment, assemblies, field trips, classroom enrichment etc. In partnership with our Parent Group, we hope to bring back many fun events that create a strong sense of community! Your donations are greatly appreciated! You may choose to donate a flat sum or choose per lap.
Thank You for your support!
We have raised almost $1,000 so far!!! Let's keep the $$ coming in! If you know of a business that would like to donate, $300 will get their logo on 400 T-Shirts. Please email to let her know. Business logo donations due by May 22nd.
No School:
Mark your calendars: There will be no school on May 24th for Non-Student Day and May 27th in honor of Memorial Day.
Attendance Matters!!
Let's finish the year strong by being at school everyday!! We have so many fun things planned and want to make sure your child is ready for the next grade level! It is so important that they do not miss instruction each day.
Chromebook Fees
Thank you MVHS Soccer Team
State Testing Dates
Kinder Connect
Community Events
May Lunch Menu
What's Happening
May 13-15 Mountain School leaving at 8:40 am /Coming back May 15 at 1:00 PM
May 14: Kinder Connect 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
May 15: Early Release at 1:30 pm
May 17: Multicultural Night 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
May 22: Early Release at 1:30 pm
May: 24/27: No School Memorial Day
May 28: School Day (Snow make-up Day)
May 29: Early Release at 1:30 pm
Ashleigh Moe, Principal & Nate Shepherd, Assistant Principal
Mission and Vision Statement
Students at Little Mountain Elementary have
voice and power in their learning experiences!
At Little Mountain we seek to cultivate student voice by valuing students’ diverse experiences, strengthening family partnerships, and providing high quality teaching.
Our students and families' voices matter.