Weekly Email
Extra Planning Time
Please have something planned for your students to do with the coverage teacher.
FIRE Drill
Parent Conferences
We are FINALLY up and running completely rostered (knock on wood) with Panorama Student Success Platform.
Here is a link for student support notes:
End of the 9-Weeks
As we begin to finalize our plans for the 9 week transition, we will not take new grades after Wednesday, October 14, 2020 (but students can continue to turn in work that was due on this date or prior to) so we are able to close out grades as early as possible on 10/16/20. Our goal would be to have grades nearly finalized by end of day, 10/15/20 and no later than 10/16/20.
Hospitality Dues
Certified staff will contribute $25.00 and all support staff and split-campus employees will pay $12.50. Erika will collect the dues. Please pay by September 24th.
Chick-Fil-A and Sonic
September Calendar - Link
Next Week:
9/21 - Bring NSGRA Data to PLC (We are keeping PLCs on Monday) and Main Event Meeting
9/23 - Grants and Virtual Open House Videos DUE
9/24 - Hospitality DUE
9/28 - 1st -5th Guided Reading must be happening in the classroom
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660