Trix Family Press
Week of July 30, 2023
Week of May 5, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Principal Kionna's Weekly Word
Dear Trix Families,
Let's Appreciate Our Teachers!
This week is Teacher's Appreciation Week! The teachers at Trix are by far the best around. I can personally attest to the love and care each person in our building gives to scholars each and every day!
This week is their week! Please be sure to send then love, gifts and words of encouragement all throughout this week.
NWEA Testing
We are down to our last assessment of the year. This one will determine who will get to attend the end of the year incentive field trips. SCHOLARS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE ON THE DAY OF THEIR ASSIGNED TEST IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE. Only scholars who meet one of the 3 criteria will be asked to attend the field trips.
End of the Year Incentive Field Trip
Scholars have an opportunity to earn their way to an amazing end of year field trip. Scholars have thre chances to earn a spot:
- Have 90% or better daily attendance (from the beginning of the year)
- Have earned at least 1400 or more LiveSchool points for the entire school year
- Meet both their NWEA reading AND math goals (All teachers have shared goals with the scholars)
Scholars MUST be present on their original test day to be eligible for the incentive field trip.
The testing schedule is listed below, please ensure that your scholars are here everyday, including days that they are not testing. We will be using every day to prepare scholars for the assessments and to finish up our curriculum for the school year.
Enrollment and Resource Fair
This week Trix will host an Enrollment and Family Resource Fair. Everyone is invited. There will be food, and free resources for the family. Please bring a family with you. If you bring a family to enroll you could win a $100 gift card. See information below.
Trix Talent Show Auditions
Trix will host it's First Annual Talent Show. We are calling all scholars who would like to participate to audition on Thursday, May 16, 2024 immediately following dismissal. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Allen. See flyer below.
Re-Enrollment Time
Thank you to those families that have already re-enrolled for next year. We are already enrolling new scholars for next year classes are expected to be pretty full, so please be sure to re-enroll to secure your scholar's spot. If you have not had the opportunity to reserve your scholar's spot for next year please be sure to click the Re-enrollment link below. If you need some assistance please be sure to reach out the Student Enrollment Coordinator, Tyresha Robinson or the front office assistant, Ms. C. Robinson
It's Time to Enroll for Summer Advantage
Please see the details below to enroll your scholar for our wonderful summer program. Many parents have reached out to explain that they are having a hard time competing the application for Summer Advantage. If you are still in need of assistance, please contact the Summer Advantage Program Manager, Ms. Long or the Operations Manager, Ms. Bell.
Important Information for Trix Families: PLA University
If you missed the PLA University informational last week, you will have an opportunity to take part in a second informational session on May 9, 2024 at 4 pm. Please be on the lookout for the flyer.
All family members of Trix Academy scholars have the opportunity to take part in PLA University.
What is PLA University:
PLA University , free workforce development program, provides an excellent opportunity for adults 18 and up to increase their salaries, start new careers and build brighter futures for their families. This program is FREE to any family member of PLA network scholars and can serve as an excellent enrollment and retention feature!
PLA University Career Pathways include (*Program offerings vary by location):
- Agriculture (9 Careers*) (Agricultural Mechanic, Veterinarian Technician, Veterinarian Assistant, etc.)
- Advanced Manufacturing (7 Careers*) (Material Handling, Quality Assurance and Control, RV or Diesel Technician, etc.)
- Building & Construction (12 Careers*) (Heavy Equipment Operator, Electrical Technician, HVAC Technician, Welding Specialist, etc.)
- Business & IT Services (15 Careers*) (Help Desk Technician, Software Developer, Cyber Security Analyst, etc.)
- Healthcare and Life Sciences (19 Careers*) (Certified Medical Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Dental Assistant, etc.)
- Transportation & Logistics (8 Careers)* (Commercial Drivers Licenses CDL-A and CDL-B, Freight Broker/Manager, etc.)
- Entrepreneurship (Infinite*) (Start your own business)
- Other Career Pathway*
Our doors are open to all family members of any PLA Network School and we are asking for your help to share this amazing opportunity with your school family!
More information in the link below!!!
New Learning Platform: iXL
Just before break scholars were introduced to a new online learning platform. This platform is great for scholars to practice skills that they are deficient on. All scholars have access to practice on iXL both in school and at home. Please be on the lookout for iXL home access information to come home this week. Scholars may use computers, tablets, laptops, and even phones to practice on iXL from home.
As we head toward the finish line of this school year, ensuring that your scholar is actively engaged is crucial. Having them to complete 20-30 min per night on iXL would be a great way for you to assist us in keeping scholars engaged.
In addition to our academic focus, we will be focusing heavily on attendance of all scholars. In order for us to prepare scholars for their futures, they have to be in school everyday.
Please be sure that your scholar is in attendance Monday through Friday to be eligible for the weekly incentive. See details below. We have had 3 families win $50 gift gas gift card so far, you could be next!
We have awarded 5 families with $50 gift cards!!! Be sure to send your scholar to school everyday and you could be next
Enrichment and Soaring Scholars
This Tuesday will be the last day for Soaring Scholars. There will be an after school celebration for all active Soaring Scholars.
Enrichment will go through the end of May.
Sports - Track
Track practice in underway. If your scholar made the track team they must complete the registration and submit an updated physical form stamped from the doctor. Please contact Mr. Allen, Ms. Gordon or Ms. Owens for more information.
With love,
Mrs. Kionna
Spring Testing Schedule
NWEA Testing Schedule
Trix Incentive Field Trips
Enrollment and Family Resource Fair
Talent Show Auditions
Father-Daughter Dance
PLA University for Trix Families
8th Grade Spotlight
8th Grade Junior "Prom" Cruise
This year the 8th grade class will have the opportunity to have their junior prom on the Detroit Princess river Boat. The cost of the ticket is $45 which is included in the 8th grade dues (total $65). Dues are due by the end of April.
Please see the flyer below for more information.
8th Grade Activity Dues
Dear: Parents/ Guardians We are approaching the end of the school year, and we are finalizing all activities designated for the 8th graders to participate in. There will be a cost associated with these activities. 8th T- Shirt - $20.00 8th Grade- Detroit Princess Cruise Luncheon - $45.00 The total cost of 8th-grade activities will be $65.00. The money is due by the end of April. If you would like, you can make two payments of $32.50. The total cost includes:
(All monies are due by Friday, April 30, 2024) No personal checks will be accepted, and No cash apps.
Trix Academy 8th Grade Team
The dues are due by the end of April, if you are having any difficulty please reach out to Mrs. Kionna directly.
Summer Advantage Informational
Trix Attendance Incentive Competition
Re-Enrollment Time is Here
Ms. Orpe's Curriculum Corner
Assistant Principal
Hello Trix Academy Families, Many of our scholars are improving in math. But, to really accelerate their learning, they could use more practice. Another great resource for families is Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a free site that helps create practice activities for scholars. The website is and you can select the parent account to start. It will walk you through creating activities for your scholar so they can practice and build their skills. Check it out and let us know how it is going. Thank you!
Karen Orpe Assistant Principal, Trix Academy (313) 426-1020
Curriculum Resources
K-8 Eureka Math Family Resources
K-5 Into Reading Overview
6-8 Into Literature Overview
Overview K-4 Foss Science
Overview 5-8 Amplify Science
Family Resources 6-8 MAISA Social Studies Overview
K-6 Studies Weekly Social Studies Overview
Ms. Hayes's Culture Column
Dean of Culture
Hello Trix Families,
Hello Families!
We are approaching the last month of school and we want to make sure that all of our scholars finish strong.
Just a reminder to make sure that all scholars are in attendance each and everyday on time. Scholars will begin testing soon and this is vitally important for testing, so that attendance does not affect testing.
Thanks to those parents who have made improvements on attendance for their child(ren). By getting them to school daily, you are showing that education matters.
Ms. Hayes
Ms. Smith's Operational Rundown
Operations Manager
Hello Trix Families,
Attendance - Please Report Student Attendance
Please report your child's absence to the Front School office at (313) 426-1020 any time your child will not be in school.
Building Operations Hours 8am - 4pm
Breakfast Hours 7:45 am - 8:05 am
Change of Address or Cell phone Number
If you have a recently changed of address or cell number, please notify the front office. All visitors must check in at the front office and enter through the main door (Door 1).
Scholars may enter the main entrance of the building at 7:30 am (for cold days) each morning. Scholars will enter the building and wait in the lunchroom with the supervision of a Trix Staff member. Breakfast will begin at this time. Our instructional day begins at 8:05. We will have a building wide morning meeting each morning during breakfast, then scholars will move immediately to their classroom instruction starting promptly at 8:20 am.
Dismissal starts at 3:30 pm. Early pick-ups hinder your scholar’s academic progression because they will miss important instruction.
Scholars will be released to the parents in the pick-up line at 3:30 pm. Walkers will be released at 3:30 pm.
Upcoming Events at Trix Academy
Dates to Remember
Sports - Track Information
Scholars wishing to tryout for track should have received a track permission slip.
Communities for 8th Grade Scholars
Staff Email Addresses
Kionna Williams, Principal -
Karen Orpe, Assistant Principal -
Elizabeth Van Hoesen, Academic Leader in Residence -
Paula Hayes, Dean of Culture -
Sheilene Smith, Operations Manager -
Office, Attendance and Enrollment
Tyresha Robinson, Student Enrollment Coordinator -
Dominique Williams, Office Manager -
Special Education
Rene Cadogan, Lead Sped Teacher -
Charlene Long, Teacher -
First Grade
Tiara Owens, Teacher -
Lisa Myers Teacher - l.myers@mecc-academies.orgSecond Grade
Alicia Fluker, Teacher -
Lynsey Thomas, Teacher -
Third Grade
Stephanie Stamas, Teacher -
Fourth Grade
Chelsea Henry, Teacher -
5th Grade
ShRonda Allen, Teacher -
6th through 8th Grades (Middle School)
LaTesha Gordon, ELA Teacher -
Steven Orellana, Teacher, Social Studies -
Lashanette Millier, Teacher, Science -
Eri Hall, Art Teacher -
Shakila Woods, Technology Teacher -
Jerel Allen, Physical Education/HealthTeacher -
Reading Intervention
Vanessa Navarre, Reading Interventionist -
Nicolas Wolak, Reading Interventionist -
Atica Bell, Teacher Assistant/Reading Interventionist -
Math Intervention
Paulasia Sims, Math Interventionist -
Ayanna Williams, Math Interventionist -
Support Staff
Brandon Daniel, Middle School Teacher Assistant -
Have Questions? Contact Us!
Location: 20045 Joann Avenue, Detroit, MI 48205, USA
Phone: 313.426.1020