Hawk Happenings
January 20-24
Here's what's happening at Spring Lake...
We are in the heart of cold and flu season and have seen some nasty bugs going around. I am including a link in this newsletter with a note from the school nurse on determining whether or not your child should attend school when they have been sick. We are encouraging students to wash their hands frequently and to cough and sneeze into their elbow or arm rather than their hands.
Next week is White Ribbon Week and the PTA has many fun events planned to help students learn about staying safe online and using digital media responsibly. We will be sending out more detailed information about the themes and activities for each day. Watch for it in your inbox!
Have a wonderful Week!
Is My Child Too Sick For School?
CHESS CLUB (3rd - 6th Grade) - Begins Friday @8:25
Chess club begins this Friday, January 24th at 8:25 AM. The club meets in the library. Chess Club will run every Friday through the end of February. Students of all ability levels are invited to attend.
Stakeholder Survey Available February 1st!
In the next couple of weeks, you will be receiving an email with a link inviting you to take the Stakeholder Survey. This is an opportunity for you to provide valuable feedback about your satisfaction with individual teachers, administrators and school staff.
We encourage everyone to watch for the link and take the survey. We value your feedback!
Foreign Exchange Students - Host Families Needed
Upcoming events....
January 27 White Ribbon Week Begins
January 30 NetSmartz Assembly
February 3 SOAR Assembly & Special Visitor
February 5 5th Grade Field Trip to State Capitol
February 14 Valentines Day Activities
February 17 President's Day - No School
February 27 Spring Picture Day