The Eagle Express
August 16, 2024
Important Dates
Sun., Aug. 18 - Confirmation Meeting (3:45pm)
Sun., Aug. 18 - Youth Group Social (6:15pm - RSVP)
Tues., Aug. 20 - Spirit Tee/Two o' Clock Tuesday
Wed., Aug 21 - Pre3-4th Parent Curriculum Night (required - no kids) - 6:00pmThurs., Aug. 22 - School Mass (8:15am)
Thur., Aug. 22 - 5th-8th Parent Curriculum Night (required - no kids) - 6:00pm
Sun., Aug. 25 - Eagle Run Shirt Orders Due
Sun., Aug. 25 - MS/HS Youth Group (6:15pm - RSVP)
***Aug. 26- Sept. 13 - Formative Assessment Window K-8 (STAR/MAP)***
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
Our students did a fine job helping Father Jim with his homily at the first mass of the school year - the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Our 1st grade "angels" flapped their little wings and helped guide our 7th grade "Mary" from the care of our 8th grade "disciples" to her throne in Heaven. What a fun and interactive way to teach our students about the love Jesus has for his mother.
For those families who received Parental Choice Tax Credit, you should have received notification from OTC that your checks were mailed to the school. We have received them and Mrs. Metz has been working diligently to get them prepped for your signatures. She will be available during the following times next week for you to come sign.
- Aug. 20th - Tuesday, 8:05am-1:45pm (Do not come during drop off. Wait until carpool is over)
- Aug. 21st - Wednesday, 5:30pm-6pm and 7:00pm-7:30pm (before and after Curriculum Night)
- Aug. 22nd - Thursday, 8:05am - 2pm (after carpool is over)
Curriculum Night is a required event for at least one school parent/guardian per family. We'll start both evenings in the gym at 6pm for a presentation from Mrs. Goldsworthy, then parents/guardians (except MS) will move on to their child's homeroom for details about procedures and learning for specific grade levels. If you have multiple classrooms to visit in an evening, please reach out to classroom teachers for options. Please secure childcare for the evening. Children may not be left alone on the playground or campus. Infants may stay with parents.
Formative assessments begin soon. Please make sure to avoid scheduling morning appointments so that our students will not miss assessments or learning. Our window is Aug. 26- Sept. 13.
We look forward to seeing you at curriculum night next week!
Curriculum Nights Next Week!
Eagle Run
The 2024 Eagle Run on Sept. 7th kicks off the start of a new school year while raising money for the mission of the CSSE Parent Teacher Organization. This event is a celebratory time for families to connect within the school community and all are encouraged to attend.
This year, we are asking students to participate in a fundraising campaign. In lieu of a race registration fee, we ask families to support their child's fundraising goal. Each student has a personal webpage that can be sent to family, friends, and community members to achieve or even surpass their goals!
Whether your child meets their goal or not, any type of participation is a success. Most important, we want to see you at the Eagle Run!
*IMPORTANT! If you would like to donate directly to the school without processing fees, you may write a check (written out to CSSE PTO) or Venmo (CSSE-PTO-19). The amount will be added to the student's goal. Please email Connie Heinen at eaglerun@steugeneschool.org that a donation was made though this avenue.
Online Registration and Fundraising: bit.ly/EagleRunFundraising
Eagle Run Shirts: bit.ly/EagleRunShirt24 (Order by 8/25)
Violin & Band
We are still accepting sign ups for 2nd-8th grade students to take violin lessons with Mr. Soltani during the school day on Fridays. Details on Violin form.
Unfortunately, we have been unable to secure a band instructor, and will not be able to offer band at this time.
Choir Sign Up
Practice will be Tuesdays from 1:55pm-2:35pm with Mrs. Mejia in the Music Room (north side of school). Your student will go straight to practice from their classroom at the end of the school day. See more details and sign up your student for choir here by Sept. 2nd.
Pass the Plaid - Drop Off Monday!
Time & Talent Opportunities
If Gardening is your jam...
Sign up to be a part of the St. Fiacre Society at St. Eugene! Pick a spot to beautify this fall or spring. Your volunteer time and every $10 spent counts toward family Time & Talent requirements.
NEW! Middle School Girls Book Club!
Middle school girls are invited to join the new book club! The first meeting will be after school on Wednesday, September 18 to discuss The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz. View our flyer for details or register now! Please contact Emily McKee with any questions.
Dads’ Club Golf Tournament
CSSE Dads' Club invites you, your family, and your friends to become sponsors and save the date for the 2024 CSSE Dads' Club Golf Tournament on September 30th! Send an email to Matt Flusche for details about sponsorships or sign up at https://onecau.se/cssegolf.
Eagle Excellence!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
Youth Group News
Register for Youth Group!
Please register your middle school and high school students for the 2024-2025 school year. Each student must register every year, so please fill one out if you have not registered since May.
It's going to be a program full of FAITH, FUN, and FOOD! Youth Group Registration.
Back to School Social!
Forming Small Groups!
We will be starting off the year with The Search Begins from the Augustine Institute--check it out!
The Search is an acclaimed evangelization series hosted by speaker and author Chris Stefanick. This adaptation for middle and high school students is called The Search Begins, a new series inviting teens to consider the deepest questions of the human heart and explore the meaning and purpose of life.
Sign up for Youth Group, or if you would like to volunteer, please email youthgroup@steugenes.org. Subscribe to the Youth Group e-newsletter so you receive info about ALL of our activities!
Around the Arch
Middle School Dance at MSM!
Get ready to dance into the new school year at MSM! Join us for the Blast Off to a New School Year Dance on Friday, August 16th.
Parents are welcome to join us for a Patio Social in the MSM Commons hosted by the Admissions Department & MSM Leadership while their child is at the dance.
MS XC Sign Up
Boys and girls in grades 6th through 8th grade are invited to take part in the CCYO Cross Country program.
- 4 area meets
- Practice at 6pm Mondays at Lake Hefner and Thursdays at Pribil Stadium/Scott Track @BMCHS
- Cost is $75 per child, which covers all meet fees and a jersey that you can keep.
First practice is at 6pm. Thursday, August 22, 2024. Coaches: Owen Canfield and Richard Parr. Sign up for Cross Country!
Reciprocating Partners
Simply Sign It
They always have the coolest displays for us at the beginning of the school year! Mention CSSE when you order, and they will give 25% back to our school! https://www.simplysignitok.com/
Mabel's Labels
Always know whose uniform sweatshirt is whose! Choose from a variety of easy-to-apply labels for your child's gear. We get a portion back when you choose St. Eugene! bit.ly/csse-mabelslabels
Please pray for...
Please pray for the comfort and improved health of Sandy Goldsworthy (Deacon Tom's wife), grandmother to Samuel and Henry. She has just returned home after a three-week hospital stay.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at media@steugeneschool.org.
Quick Links
FACTS (District code: TSE-OK)
Safe Environment (contact Jen Goodrich)
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: media@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Phone: 405-751-0067
Facebook: www.facebook.com/csseokc
Instagram: www.instagram.com/csseokc
The Eagle Express is reviewed by the principal prior to communication. Please submit all items to be considered for The Eagle Express by NOON on Thursday.