Joseph Brown Elementary
2023 - 2024 Family and School Compact
What is a School-Family Compact?
At Joseph Brown, we are a community. In a community, each person has different roles and responsibilities. A School-Family Compact is an agreement, a promise, that explains how families, students, and teachers will work together to ensure all students have the support needed to reach their potential.
Jointly Developed
Families, students, and the staff of Joseph Brown Elementary worked together to develop this School-Family Compact. A sampling of students and parents participated in a survey to collect information about school, community, and student needs. Parents are an integral part of Brown’s Title/Leadership team.
Joseph Brown is a school that strives to continually grow. We appreciate input from families and the community. For comments, questions, or contributions, please contact Stephen Richardson at
Family Events
We love seeing our families throughout the school talking to teachers and learning about the great things our students are doing. Throughout the year, families will have opportunities to join us to celebrate our students. Our first event is the Annual Title I Meeting on August 17. At this meeting, you will learn about Title:
- What is Title?
- Why are we a Title school?
- How can I help my child be successful?
- What will we focus on at Brown?
- How can we ensure communication about my child’s progress?
Please join us for this event and others as additional information is sent home.
Annual Title Meeting
August 17
Math Engagement Event
September 19 (During the school day)
September 21 (Repeat during P/T Conferences)
December 5
Reading Night
February 29
Kindergarten and 4th grade Promotion
May (TBD)
Communication About Student Learning
At Joseph Brown, we are dedicated to consistent communication with families and students about student learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach out to you are:
- Phone call-outs
- Our website
- Monthly SMORES newsletters
- Updates to Synergy gradebook (3rd-4th grades)
- Take home folders
- Emails and phones calls
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (4 times a year)
- RTI progress monitoring
- Social Media (Facebook and Class Dojo)
Maury County District Goals
Reading -
For the 2023-2024 school year, the district will improve TCAP Reading and Language Arts percentage of all students (K-12) and student groups who meet or exceed expectations across all grade bands.
Performance Measure
For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 75th percentile in the national norms on the universal screener.
- For grades 3-8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 26.3% to 36%
- For SWD 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 3.4% to 16%
- For ED 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 13.7% to 25%
- For EL 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 2.9% to 15%
- For BHN 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 15.4% to 26%
Math -
For the 2023-2024 school year, the district will improve the TNReady percentage of all students (K12) and student groups who meet or exceed expectations across all grade bands.
Performance Measure
- For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 75th percentile in the national norms on the universal screener.
- For grades 3-8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 25.7% to 35%.
- For SWD 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from from 6.2% to 18%.
- For ED 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 11.9% to 23%.
- For EL 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 9.2% to 20.6%.
- For BHN 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 11.4% to 22.5%.
Close gaps in out of school suspensions for all students to reduce overall out of school suspensions and decrease missed instruction from 4.5% to 3%.
Data pulled from Student Information System will show an increase in RTI-B placement indicating the implementation of strategies used that promote restorative practices to increase in-class and out-of-class interventions pertaining to major behaviors requiring the school level disposition given by administration pertaining to out of school suspensions; additional data from RTI-B (Response to Intervention) meetings showing positive Tier movement across all grades and subgroups.
Joseph Brown Elementary School Goals
Administrators, teachers, and families have provided input for the creation of school - level goals.
Reading -
- For grades K-2, on the universal screener, JBES will increase the percentage of students scoring above/mid grade level from 38.9% to 46.6%.
JBES will increase students testing on-track or exceeding expectations in Reading and Language Arts on TN Ready to the following:
- For 3rd grade, from 29% to 37.9%.
- For 4th grade, from 19% to 29.1%.
Math -
- For grades K-2, on the universal screener, increase the percentage of students testing mid/above grade level in math from 26.3% to 35%.
- For grades 3-4 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 29% to 37.9%
- For Black and African American students, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 17% to 27.4%.
- For ELL students, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 18% to 28.3%.
Close gaps in out of school suspensions for all students to reduce overall out of school suspensions and decrease missed instruction from 4.5% to 3%.
Data pulled from Student Information System will show an increase in RTI-B placement indicating the implementation of strategies used that promote restorative practices to increase in-class and out-of-class interventions pertaining to major behaviors requiring the school level disposition given by administration pertaining to out of school suspensions; additional data from RTI-B (Response to Intervention) meetings showing positive Tier movement across all grades and subgroups.
Chronic Absenteeism -JBES recognizes the importance of attendance to instruction. The school will establish clear school-wide expectations of student attendance to families.
Reduce the percentage of students who are chronically absent by 5% from 19.3% to 14.3%
Teachers, Families, Students - Together for Success
Teachers are dedicated to helping our students achieve. Some of our cornerstones to promote student success include:
- Communicate student progress, conduct conferences, and share progress reports and RTI graphs.
- Provide Title I nights to relay information about how to provide reinforcement of reading and math skills.
- Consistently use high quality instructional material to teach.
- Provide newsletters that outline what is being taught in reading and math.
- Make good use of the school day by utilizing every possible moment for instruction.
Families can do many things to strengthen the school-home connection. Families can support their student’s education by:
- Keeping open communication by using your agreed upon methods. (email, phone, take home folders, Class Dojo)
- Attending Title I nights to learn additional methods to support your child’s learning in reading and math.
- Reviewing homework and listening to your child’s reading each night.
- Referring to the weekly newsletters to find out what skills your child is learning in reading and math.
- Ensuring that students arrive and leave from school on time every day.
Students can do many things to be successful in reading and math, as well as become empowered with their learning.
- Stay organized by using my take-home folder to get papers home.
- Ask my teacher questions if I do not understand my reading or math.
- Get help with my math or reading homework if I need it.
- Tell my parents how I am doing in school.
- Come to school every day on time ready to learn.
Joseph Brown Elementary
Location: 301 Cord Drive, Columbia, TN, USA
Phone: 931-388-3601