BBP Heritage Association
~ February 2025 Newsletter ~
General Membership Meeting
Join us for this informative meeting at the BBP LIbrary! All are welcome. Save the dates for the upcoming meetings too.
History Through Genealolgy
Presenter: Roy Fedelem; President, Sayville Historical Society
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Roy Fedelem is currently the president of the Sayville Historical Society and was the demographer for the Long island Regional Planning Board for 31 years. When conducting genealogical research Roy realized a relationship between history and genealogy. His talk will explore people, places and events that may have genealogical connections. Lineage societies you may be eligible to join and genealogical resources will be discussed. You may find you are related to Kings, Queens, Presidents, and maybe even William the Conqueror or Charlemagne or maybe your ancestors in the Crusades.
March Meeting:
Avery’s Five Mile Look
Frank Giebfried
Bayport/Blue Point Historian
Sunday, March 23, 2025
April Meeting:
The Deep Roots of Music on Long Island
JK Hodge
Musician, Composer
Sunday, April 13, 2025
Help Wanted:
We are always looking for help and support with a variety of things happening at Meadow Croft. Currently, we are looking for some people for very different types of activities. Maybe you can lend a hand or volunteer for some of these events! Bring your spouse, your kids or your friends! We'd love to have you and it is all for a good cause. 🙂
Mystery themed event: The BBPHA is looking for volunteers to help with a "Clue" like mystery event that will happen in the spring right at Meadow Croft. This should be a lot of fun and plans are currently underway with more detailed information posted in the March newsletter. We are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of this event to make it a great success. Are you interested in being a greeter? Maybe a docent role is more comfortable for you. Or you always wanted to ACT and here is your opportunity! Don't worry, no professional acting experience required. If interested in any of these opportunities or would just like some more information, please email Beth at abclamarca@gmail.com
Spring Clean-up: On April 5th, we are looking for those individuals who like to work with their hands and are not afraid of getting dirty! The BBPHA is looking to clean out the Carriage House on the Meadow Croft property. We also are doing some garden clean-up. If interested, please bring rakes, clippers, gloves and a strong back! The fun starts at 10:00AM. We need you!
Docents: During the months of June through October, every weekend the BBPHA offers tours of the Meadow Croft estate. Dedicated docents help guide tours through the house and property to share the rich history of the Roosevelt family and what life was like in the 1900's. Training is available. If you are interested and would be able to donate some of your time, please reach out to Jen at jtbudgie@aol.com
Please note the following correction. Apologies to anyone who was left out or offended by the post last month. We thank all of our volunteers and business sponsors who helped and donated to a successful Christmas at Meadow Croft. Thank you!
Raffle Basket makers-
Angela Stelling, Nancy Bachek, Grace Cannizzarro, Lisa Vahey,
Doug Ciblus, Lake Liquor
Made our Meadow Croft Ornaments
Angela Stelling gift card collections and purchased of Sunny bean Nails
Roma Busch, GC Café, Joelle
Lisa Vahey, GC Cavanaughs
The pizzeria 4, $25. GC
Satlite $50. GC
Paris Market Basket with GC
Brinkmann Hardware Sayville $50.
Helene Gaissert, gift basket
Annette O’Brien, Gift basket, Coldwell Banker real estate
Beth LaMarca, gift basket
Aileen and Jerry McCluskey, Gift Basket
Thank you!
We extend our gratitude to “The Plaza Cinema and Media Arts Center” in Patchogue for their generous donation of three movie ticket packages, each consisting of three tickets and complimentary popcorn, to be raffled at our monthly membership meetings. Please visit the theater; it’s a great place to see a show and supports a wonderful cause.
“The Plaza Cinema and Media Arts Center is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), community
supported organization. This means there are no shareholders and that all monies are
used to fund operations, programming, and capital campaigns.
The Plaza's operational model brings cultural and educational programming under one
mission-driven roof and is fiscally supported by a combination of admission and tuition,
philanthropic funding, grants, business sponsorships, and community contributions.”
Nominations for BBPHA
The nominating committee is looking for members for the 2025 year. Any current paid BBPHA member may serve. It requires only one meeting per month. If you are interested in serving or volunteering in some capacity, please contact us at bbphistorical@gmail.com
We are also looking for members to serve on various committees throughout the year. You can work from home! If you have a particular skill or interest (house tour, special events, light clerical and organization) please contact us at BBPhistorical@gmail.com.
St. Patrick's Day Parade
🍀 Save the date! The BBP Chamber of Commerce has announced the date for the BBP Parade and this event will be held on March 16th at 11:00. Rain date will be March 30, 2025. We here at the BBPHA are especially honored to have our own treasurer, Craig Clare, and his wonderful wife Wendy as the grand marshals. Wear your green and come out and celebrate!
A Local Street Name: Rogers Street, Blue Point, L.I.
These articles first appeared in the Bayport Blue Point Gazette and were written by Gene Horton. They are reprinted here with permission.
February 2012
It's always interesting to know how various streets in our two hamlets of Bayport and Blue Point got their names: Folger St., Seaman Ave., and Gerritsen Ave., in Bayport, Nelson Ave., Danes St., Barteau, Corey and Davis Avenues in Blue Point. All of these were previously written up on the "History Page" of the B-BP Gazette.
Rogers Street is located on the west side of Blue Point Ave. between Middle Road and the Great South Bay. Rogers St. was named in the 1950's in honor of a great man from Patchogue, William T. ("Pete") Rogers. His son, William H. ("Billy") Rogers lived in Blue Point and served in both our Town and County government. As a matter of fact, the Suffolk County Legislative Building in Hauppauge is named in William H. Roger's honor. The Roger's family has a notable reputation of service to their town, county, state, and country.
William T. ("Pete") Rogers, the man for whom Rogers St. in Blue Point is named, graduated from Columbia University and then went on to coach both basketball and baseball at East Islip High School where he served as Athletic Director from 1928 until his retirement in 1956. Over the years, his teams won over forty championships. William ("Pete") Rogers also served as a Justice of the Peace for the Town of Brookhaven and as a trustee of the Village of Patchogue. He was an army veteran of the First World War and a life member of the Van Guard Hose Company of the Patchogue Fire Department. He was also a member of the Patchogue Lodge of Elks and the Knights of Columbus.
"Pete" Rogers died in 1979 and is buried in the LI National Cemetry at Claverton. Rogers Street is one of Blue Point's smaller streets (no outlet) with about 20 homes on it today. But it honors William T. Rogers' memory today. Special thanks to "Pete" Rogers grand-daughter, Patricia Rogers Voyack and grandson, Pete Rogers, who both live in Blue Point.