Shorian Nation eNews
October 27th, 2024
Featured Story
Fall Fest
Mary Poppins would describe our Fall Fest as Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It was the music, the costumes, the food, the shopping, the animals, the décor that made the event extraordinarily good. For those of you who traveled to this event, we sincerely thank you for supporting our Shorian musicians.
Students receive a variety of music experiences because, at every level, Shorians are fans of music.
There were 239 elementary students from Masonic Heights, Rodgers, and Violet who performed Spooky Scary Skeletons, Have You Seen the Ghost of John?, and Ghostbusters under the direction of Kim Rueger-West, Bernadette Wischmeyer, and Karla Toma.
Our KMS Jazz Band performed Autumn Leaves, Well You Needn't, Satin Doll, Blue Bossa under the direction of Greg Alter.
All choir grades 6-12 sang Wicked and choir grades 9-12 performed Monster Mash under the direction of Kelsey Elkins.
Fusion, Concert Choir/Fusion and Marching Band delivered with a wide range of music selection from Into the Shadows!
Stay Updated
Family Feud
We asked 100 6th graders, “Who is Dr. DiPonio”? Wildly entertaining answers resulted from our 2019 Family Feud: Lake Shore Edition event.
Five years ago we hosted an event fondly known as Family Feud. We are excited to continue the tradition.
The Lake Shore Foundation invites our community to support teachers, students, and administrators in this head-to-head competition on Thursday, November 7th at 6:30pm inside Lake Shore High School's auditorium! There will be raffles, food, friends, and a game show which will provide an enjoyable evening for everyone!
Family Feud winners were from The Kennedy Middle School Family and back-to-back Champions The Rodgers Elementary Family; they are ready to defend their titles, but your support, by purchasing a ticket and by being part of our studio audience, will make everyone a winner!
Tickets are available at https://tinyurl.com/lsfeefeud2024.
Bonus: Thank you to all of our families who attended Parent/Teacher Conferences. We appreciate you sharing your child's strengths, challenges, interests, hobbies, goals, and needs with our staff!
Lake Shore Cares
In keeping with our goal of a strong community connection, Lake Shore Public Schools will be working to support those students & families most in need of Thanksgiving Help this year.
If you or someone you know is in NEED of a Thanksgiving meal, please complete the REQUEST FORM by 11/15/24: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVAUFsut213ThQXrwO_JxmstmHlyviYs3BzyjIq7oDjEYeOQ/viewform
If you can DONATE to a family in need please complete the DONATION FORM by 11/8/24: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddw701GOupOE4wvZ59lxD8GeiommzDspuTap5lvLGHffGruA/viewform
Additionally, Lake Shore Public Schools will be working to support those students & families most in need of Holiday Help this year.
If you or someone you know is in NEED of Holiday Help, please complete the REQUEST FORM by 11/18/24: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqy-0b9EVI4tgibSUjIy1AxK5kZADBM7CVg6b6pCP0g_3E5Q/viewform
If you can DONATE to a family or deliver gifts, please view available children/families at DONATION FORM beginning 11/24/25: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040F4AAFAB2CA2F49-50699892-2024#/
Bond Update
Lake Shore has a strong legacy of being excellent stewards of the community’s resources. We are committed to provide you with bond updates as we continue to prioritize our students' future.
In a Special Edition Bond Update, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of the architectural and construction team as well as our Lake Shore faculty and staff as they continue working on bond projects to enhance and improve the learning environments in all of our classrooms and buildings. These changes will certainly impact the safety, security, and learning environment for the Lake Shore community.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are building a bright future for all LSPS students.
To learn more about the bond, please visit the Lake Shore Public Schools' website.
Care Solace
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. As a school community, we want to encourage everyone to stay informed about the signs of bullying, the impact it can have, and what to do if you see it happening.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines bullying as behavior that is:
- Unwanted: The behavior is not wanted by the victim.
- Aggressive: The behavior involves some form of aggression, such as physical force, threats, or intimidation.
- Repeated: The behavior happens more than once or has the potential to happen again.
Acts of bullying may involve physical contact, words or gestures, or social exclusion. Bullying can happen in person or online.
The signs of bullying include:
- Physical signs: bruises, cuts, torn clothing, missing items
- Emotional signs: changes in mood, withdrawal from friends and activities, anxiety, depression
- Behavioral signs: aggressive behavior, changes in eating or sleeping habits, truancy
- Social signs: being excluded from activities, being made fun of or called names
If you see bullying happening, it's important to do something. Here are some things you can do:
- Talk to the bully and tell them to stop.
- Talk to the victim and offer your support.
- Report the bullying to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or parent.
If you or someone you know is being bullied, there are resources available to help:
Together, we can create a safe and supportive school community for all students!
Touchdowns for Teachers
The Detroit Lions Touchdown for Teachers program is designed to celebrate and support outstanding educators by providing them with Lions experiences and classroom grants to enhance their teaching experience while benefiting their students. This initiative aims to recognize the hard work and dedication of teachers who go above and beyond in their classrooms.
How It Works:
- Nomination Process: Students, parents, school staff and community members can nominate a teacher who has made a significant impact in their lives or in the classroom.
- Grant Selection: Nominations will be reviewed by a committee, and selected teachers will receive grants to fund innovative projects, resources, or activities that will enhance student learning.
- Celebration of Teachers: Recipients will be recognized, showcasing their contributions and the positive effects they have on their students.
Why Nominate?
- Empower Educators: Help your teacher gain the resources they need to implement creative ideas and improve their classroom environment.
- Acknowledge Dedication: Show appreciation for the time and effort your teacher invests in their students every day.
- Developing the Future: Grant-funded projects can lead to innovative teaching methods and inspire students in their learning journey.
Nominate your favorite teacher today and help them turn their classroom dreams into reality!
Applications Close: Monday, December 2, 2024
Stay Informed
Upcoming Events
Shorian Testimonials
Positivity Project
P2 Calendar
Under the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityInAction mindset is our top priority. Because of our goal to inspire students to build positive relationships and become their best selves, we invite you to follow this Positivity Project Calendar. Note: We have made a few changes to this calendar; All adjustments are located on our District Events Calendar.
This calendar outlines all 24 character strengths, 1 highlighted per week. Our teachers create engaging and impactful lessons — differentiated by grade-level — and share through presentations, student recognitions, classroom discussions, and building-specific displays.
People with the character strength of integrity are honest and speak the truth. They present themselves genuinely and sincerely.
We are featuring our beloved building leaders around Boss' Day, who hold themselves to the highest standard of integrity. Governor Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring October as Principal Month in Michigan.
National Principals’ Month is a tribute to the pivotal role principals play in leading our schools and shaping the future of our nation’s students. Join us this October as we extend our gratitude to these transformative figures:
-Dr. Janelle Bross representing Lake Shore High School
-Dr. Jeff Lip representing North Lake High School
-Mr. Chad Johnson representing Kennedy Middle School
-Mr. Matt Barranca representing Masonic Heights Elementary
-Mrs. Kim Winiarski representing Rodgers Elementary
-Mr. Matt Pittinato representing Violet Elementary
Assistant Principals Dr. Stevens and Mr. Gaffigan, with support from Dean of Students Mr. Puvalowski and Ms. Kubiak, are known for the implementation of disciplinary actions, but they serve in a much larger capacity than this negative generalization. In addition, Mrs. Bishoping, Mrs. Foster, and Mrs. Sam hold the title of Administrative Intern and are wonderful additions to our building leadership at the elementary level.
Building relationships with students and staff is Priority #1. They are the voice behind a supportive phone call, the patience behind a tough conversation that explores the whys of a behavior, and the perspective we all need to experience when sharing important information. In addition, they constantly point out successes, focusing on praise rather than failure. This empathic approach is a proven method to inspire others to see their own potential.
Thank you for people building long-term relationships with our Shorian Nation based on honesty, trust, and steel-plated integrity; let’s come together to celebrate the extraordinary individuals at the helm of our schools and the difference they make every day transforming our communities.
People with the character strength of creativity like to come up with new and original ways to think about and do things.
Let's share a tradition that began in 2018: Senior Painted Parking Spots.
Having your own parking spot is a rite of passage. For the sixth year, our Lake Shore High School student drivers had the opportunity to paint and personalize their parking space. From career goals to personal passions, our students have brought whimsical Lisa Frank-inspired colors and designs to our student lot.
Senior Jake Battaglia said, "I think it's cool that we are able to paint parking spots and have our own space for Senior year. I chose to paint the Italian flag with my last name to represent my heritage and my family. I'm looking forward to all of the fun things we will do Senior year! I plan to make as many memories as I can with my friends this year!"
We were impressed by Senior Savannah Mondry as she was surrounded by an entourage of family, all there to help her paint a Kanye West-inspired album cover. The inspiration came from a photo shared on Pinterest. Grandpa, mom, brother, and best friend were probably blasting his eclectic range of hip-hop songs as motivation to get the job done.
In 2024, all 60 parking spots have been claimed! Thank you for your participation, Seniors. This post reflects a small sample of those painted spots. If you want to see more, visit us or follow this link: https://drive.google.com/.../1-4L9Q...
Thanks to the Class of 2024 for painting our Spirit Rock at the student entrance of 13 Mile.
THANK YOU Robert Stark for capturing these '25 drone pictures on behalf of the Class of 2025 and providing this service for years. He continues to share his artistic talents for all of our Shorian Nation to enjoy! We also appreciate Val Harvey, Don McGarvah, Doug Domzal, Marian Caputo, and Kelly St. Amand for assisting with the bus setup!
Looking forward, we are excited to celebrate OPM - Knowing my words and actions affect others (10-28-11/1) and FRIENDSHIP (11/4-8).
Stay Safe
OK2SAY Student Safety Program
See something? Say something.
OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees, and schools. It uses a comprehensive communication system to facilitate tip sharing among students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and law enforcement officials about harmful behaviors that threaten to disrupt the learning environment.
Anyone can report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. Tips can be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
While continually evolving and reviewed annually, on this Safety and Security webpage you will find a list of recent and current safety measures implemented by Lake Shore Public Schools to provide the safest environment for our students and staff.
Serving 10,000 Meals
Lake Shore High School was the host location for the Kids Coalition Against Hunger food packaging campaign. At the event, 50 student volunteers worked together to package food for food banks, homeless shelters, and backpack programs. They carefully measured soy, protein powder, seasoning, and rice, weighed and packaged them, and learned the 390 grams will feed 12 children.
Adura Calhoun from the Kiwanis Shorewood Club expressed her gratitude for the service of our fellow Shorians. She said, "They are here, came prepared to work, and watching their kindness gives me goosebumps!" Lieutenant Governor Hannah Cabal was equally proud of the turnout. Cabal explained, "The event began as a project to give kids a taste of what Key Club is all about. We are all about transforming communities through caring and competent servant leaders." That mission has been completed with a wonderful opportunity for students to give back to the community and gain community service hours right in our district!
A local Veterans group has volunteered to load and transport all 10,000 meals to assist with recovery efforts in Florida. Student volunteers Zach Cooksey and Ahniya White read an email from Principal Dr. Bross which encouraged the student body to help. Both Zach and Ahniya took advantage of a half day to give. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile anyway. Their choice to help determined their impact.
Thank you for sponsoring this event, Key Club and Kiwanis Club!
Books are Portable Magic
We enjoyed visiting the Elementary Book Fairs to observe the power of reading. Show us what you're reading, Shorian Nation!
When the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) compared the reading skills of 210,000 students from thirty-two different countries, it found the highest scores (regardless of income level) among children who were read to by their teachers daily and who read the most pages for pleasure daily.
And we appreciate our community partners like the St. Clair Shores Public Library who help us stretch our students' reading goals.
The mission of the St. Clair Shores Public Library is to serve people of all ages by actively providing easily accessible information, materials, services, and programs designed to meet the community's evolving educational, recreational, cultural, and informational needs: These resources are available to all Lake Shore staff and students.
Available for free through the St. Clair Shores Public Library, Tutor.com is an incredible help for students who are struggling with any subject. To access it, go to tutor.com/suburban. Under Online Resources, select Tutor.com. Enter your username and password.
Available for free through the St. Clair Shores Public Library, Overdrive and Libby provide access to ebooks and audio books. To access it, go to https://scslibrary.org/. Under Online Services, choose Libby to see how to install the app or click on the Overdrive icon.
Username is your PIC/ UIC and password is the month and day of your birth, ie: 0406. Email jkleymeer@lsps.org if you need your PIC/ UIC or have any problems.
Washington D.C. Field Trip
The 8th grade Washington D.C. trip itinerary has become a right of passage for our middle school students. Washington D.C. allows students to connect with our government institutions and people. They discover the rich heritage of the founding fathers and their enduring legacy. They stand in wonder surrounded by the iconic buildings. It is an unforgettable educational experience for all!
Our 8th graders from Kennedy Middle School toured Philadelphia with stops at Independence Hall, the Museum of the American Revolution and Eastern State Penitentiary. In Washington D.C., students visited the US Capitol, the Smithsonian museums, and the Washington Monument.
Thirty-six students shared so many positive comments about the trip from one week ago. Jennifer Kaijala remarked, "The architecture was beautiful! The stories behind the statutes were informative." Max Pojeta commented, "The Korean War Veterans Memorial impressed me the most." Its Wall of Remembrance and 19 stainless steel statues commemorate the sacrifices of the millions of Americans and allied partners who fought during the Korean War.
These locations continue to marvel our Clippers every year and we are grateful for this meticulously planned school trip chaperoned by Mr. Plotkowski, Mrs. Malloy, Mrs. Holtz, and Mrs. McGuire.
Listening Skill Development
In Mrs. Sheats' Kindergarten class at Violet Elementary, students segmented sentences into words by counting fingers and moving cubes for each word spoken. They also counted the number of environmental sounds heard using a variety of classroom objects and demonstrated understanding of directionality by placing cubes on a mat from left to right.
The teacher tapped on a water bottle with scissors and asked, "If you heard two noises, how many cubes would you put on the mat?" She also pointed to images inside the classroom to provide students with context for each word.
"The listening mats help me get smarter at hearing sounds." - Wyatt, age 5
Our 3rd graders had a Zoom meeting with Debby Hughes from England. She is a Learning Improvement Officer and Headteacher Peer Coach in Warwickshire, England and explained what teatime is and answered some questions that students had in their reading. After our meeting, they had "tea"! Mrs. Hoehing graciously created this opportunity for all 3rd graders from Violet, Rodgers, and Masonic Heights.
Their CKLA reading Unit 1 focuses on English Literature and this was a perfect culminating activity after reading The Wind in the Willows and Alice in Wonderland. Teachers tied in the student Global Communicator ISTE standard: Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
Our K-5 teachers, administrators, and literacy coaches continue to gain insight into the latest research to more effectively support student reading practices and become equipped with an array of practical tools and strategies to enhance teaching practices, by completing Amplify CKLA Strengthening Knowledge training. Amplify CKLA is based on research showing that closing the background knowledge gap is necessary for closing the reading gap and ensuring equity for all students. This lesson focused on emergent reading skills and the importance of hearing phrases and sentences and differentiating sounds.
We also enjoyed listening to the stories shared during morning meeting in Miss Tavernier's 5th grade classroom at Rodgers Elementary. Students tossed a ball around and summarized one activity they did over the weekend. From spending time with family and friends and eating ice cream to biking and watching sports on television, students showed that they were playing attention to what classmates were saying and responding respectfully.
It’s never been more important — or more difficult — for students to be good listeners. Thank you for being attentive, asking for clarification, and following directions.
The Places We Have Visited + Macomb Reads Carnival
Michigan, a state located in the Great Lakes region of the United States, is a fascinating destination for classroom exploration. From its diverse landscapes to its rich cultural heritage, Michigan offers a unique opportunity for students to visit and share their favorite place in the mitten state!
In Mrs. Amateis, Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Spriet's classes at Masonic Heights Elementary, 3rd graders completed The Places We Have Visited in Michigan poster presentation. The requirements were to choose a location that they have visited in Michigan, include photos and a map, share three activities you can do there, and share their work with their Tigers community to inspire others to visit places like Boyne City, Horseshoe Lake Campground, and Grand Blanc.
Kaleigh Fortuna and Shiloh Lloyd selected Boyne City and Grand Blanc for similar reasons. They both love the beach and taking nature walks. Shiloh said, "While swimming, we discovered a frog and bee hive." Kaleigh also visited the SkyBridge, 200-foot-long, 118-foot-high pedestrian bridge, while on vacation.
Paisley Winiarski's favorite spot is Horseshoe Lake Campground in Oxford. She loved visiting her best friend's campsite there. She even rode in a helicopter that allowed her to see the land and lake from way up high. In addition, she fished, played mini golf, and experienced Christmas in July at this recreational location!
Traveling is more than just a leisurely activity; it is a profound and enriching experience for Kaleigh, Shiloh, Paisley, and their classmates! We look forward to visiting American House to trick-or-treat with residents.
Bonus: Some of our favorite Michigan places tend to be located closeby. The Macomb Reads Carnival celebrates literacy and learning with a fun, family event each fall. Please register to join us on Saturday, November 2, 2024. We hope you can join us for this fun-filled, family event!
WHO: Elementary school children and their families
WHEN: Saturday, November 2, 2024
LOCATION: Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD), 44001 Garfield Road, Clinton Township, MI 48038
TIME: 10:00am - 2:00pm
REGISTER: https://www.misd.net/MacombReads/
Meet Martial Artist Connor Moore
Connor Moore, a 7th grader at Kennedy Middle School, is a highly competitive martial artist.
Connor trains at NAAMA karate in Clinton Township. He is currently a blue belt and getting ready to test for his brown belt on December 7th. He is only 3 belts away from his black belt. He started training in 2021. He started doing tournaments in 2022. Last year, he was runner up to State Champion in point sparring.
This year he is State champion for continuous sparring. State champion in forms. 2nd place in the state for point sparring. He also placed Top 10 in the Nation.
He trains with a variety of instructors and Grandmaster Paz of NAAMA. Mr. Kelley convinced him to try sparring and he fell in love with it. Mom Katie is pleased with his progress and performance. She wrote, "He has dedication and motivation to be the best he can be! Always ready to learn and train. He will continue to do this protocol to achieve his goals! Also he has an amazing home family and karate family to support him."
On October 27th, he will fight over in Alfueira, Portugal on Team USA to try to win a World Champion title. Katie added, "Win or lose, he's already made it this far. Everyone is so, so proud of him."
Connor also enjoys cross country, eSports, and track. We love seeing him make goals, stick with them, and continue to challenge himself in everything he does.
October P2 Recognitions
Congratulations to our October Slurpee/Smoothie/Shake Surprise Positivity Project Honorees:
Lake Shore Early Childhood Center
Madison Schneider - Friendship
Masonic Heights Elementary
Dakota Pope - Kindness
Freya Turnquist - Patience
Samiah Yancy - Teamwork
Rodgers Elementary
Mila Charette - Kindness
Ella Terry - Teamwork
Renee Atkins - Teamwork
Violet Elementary
McKenna Stefankiewicz - Curiosity
Zachary Wojtowicz - Teamwork
Rylan Hill - Integrity
Kennedy Middle School
Lyahna Bowers - Leadership
Evan Seifferlein - Creativity & Integrity
Marcel King - Kindness
Mackenzie Wojtowicz - OPM
Lake Shore High School
Isaiah Warren - Kindness
Ms. Kamis - Patience
JaMya Tresvant - Positivity
Mariah Swanson - Kindness
Ms. McPeak - Helpfulness
Carissa Patterson - Kindness
North Lake High School
Noah Suppanz - Leadership
Thank you 7-Eleven Store Owner Virgil Johnson, EOS Cafe, Coffee House Store Owner Tony Zarife, and North Shores Nutrition Owner Ashleigh Larimer for their generosity and sponsorships!
Athletics Website
We have built an online home for our athletic department. Our goal is to bring our athletic programs to life by sharing schedules, scores, and social media while ensuring our athletes get the promotion they deserve. Visit the Shorian Sports website for 24/7/365 access to the information you have always wanted and follow along with our sports action.
We have partnered with Kroger to help fund our athletics. Please read this letter from our Athletic Coordinator Rich Bowers.
- Featured Swim Story: Just Keep Swimming
- Featured Athletics Story: Meet the Olympian of Lake Shore
- Featured Volleyball Story: War in the Shores Victory
We believe a balance of academics and athletics creates a well-rounded student. Students who participate in sports not only gain the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, they also learn lessons about sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, cooperation, respect, and knowing how to win and lose.
Athletes of the Week
Brooke Lowry
Congratulations to AOTW Brooke Lowry member of the Varsity Girls' Swim team at Lake Shore High School. Coach Wolff shared her contributions with us:
"2 individual first place finishes vs Center Line. Brooke led the Shorians to their first meet victory against a divisional opponent in over 3 years winning the 50 freestyle and 500 freestyle and as part of 2 first place relays."
Logan Lynch
"Logan is consistently at practice and working to improve. His efforts paid off this past Saturday. Logan ran a personal and season best by almost 3 minutes at the Macomb Country Cross Country championship meet on Saturday."
Freeze Frame
Lake Shore Public Schools will provide an exceptional education for all 3,339 students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our guiding principles, Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration, are woven into the fabric of everything we do and will be the focus of every update. Expect an eNews email biweekly update as a reliable way to communicate with our stakeholders.
Connect With Shorian Nation
Email: social@lsps.org
Website: http://lakeshoreschools.org
Location: 28850 Harper Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Phone: (586) 285-8481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/
Twitter: @myLSPS