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May 9, 2024
WMS Admin Message
Dear West Community!
As we near the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we are starting to reflect on this amazing year we've had. It's been a year filled with both challenges and triumphs, as well as countless moments of growth. I want to acknowledge the remarkable accomplishments of our students. From 6th grade to 8th grade, they have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal growth. We have started to celebrate these accomplishments in our annual recognition nights and look forward to honoring our 7th and 8th graders in the next two weeks.
We want to remind all families about the end of year Star Testing that is currently happening in Math and LA classes. These assessments serve as important milestones, showcasing the progress and knowledge gained throughout the year. We look forward to seeing the growth we've made over the past year!
As we look forward to summer break, remember to do your own reflections on your year as a student and as a family. Celebrate yourself!
Kari Kusek (she/her)
Campus Administrator
Two Parties Down...1 to go! Please note: Students MUST be present at school for at least 4 classes on the day of the party to be able to attend.
8th Grade Party:
Calling ALL 8th graders! Don’t miss out on the fun!!
Friday Night-May 10th from 6:00—7:30
At West Middle School.
There will be a LIVE D.J.
Pizza, Snacks, Gift card giveaways, Table tic-tac-toe
Left, Right, Center game
Would you Rather?
Indoor 4 square and more. Come chill and hang out with us.
8th grade photo I.D. is all you need to enter.
Transportation is not provided for this event.
We really hope to see you there, Class of 2028!
For 2024-2025, we will again begin the school year with a staggered start. For the upcoming year though, we will have a slight change. Please mark your calendars now:
- Thursday, August 8 - WMS Check-in, hosted by our WMS PTCO
- Monday, August 12 - 7th and 8th graders only, first day
- Tuesday, August 13 - 6th graders only, first day
- Wednesday, August 14 - ALL students attend
- Thursday, August 15 - WMS Back to School Night-6:00-7:30 p.m
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to West!
May 14-16 in the Design Hub
Check out our Book Fair Homepage for all details, including instructions to set up an E-wallet for your student, which lets students shop without cash. Family and friends contribute funds. Then students choose their own books. It's convenient, simple, and secure.
Our goal this year is to sell 525 books.
All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school.
To make sure the Book Fair runs smoothly, we could use your help. If you are interested in volunteering at the book fair, sign up is available here: Volunteer Sign Up
Thanks for supporting our students!
Happy reading!
Important Update for CCSD Bus Riders – New App
Dear CCSD parents/guardians:
There is a new and improved transportation app for families called My Ride K-12 that provides information about your child’s bus route. This My Ride K-12 app replaces the Ride360 app, which will be phased out on May 1.
To ensure continued access to information about your child’s bus route, please download the new My Ride K-12 app from your favorite app store and log in to your child’s account. The Ride360 app will no longer be available starting May 1. You can log in with your existing Ride360 user name and password.
IMPORTANT: To continue having access to real time information about your child’s bus route, you must download the new My Ride K-12 app before the Ride360 app goes away May 1.
You can download it here:
The new My Ride K-12 app has improved usability and more modern technology that will give families access to critical information, including estimated times of arrival and departure for your child’s bus.
Last year, CCSD launched a new transportation program with RIFD cards for bus riders. The program was designed to increase safety, parent communication and bus route efficiency. The new My Ride K-12 app is an important and helpful tool for families whose students use bus transportation.
For more information: check out the Parent User Guide:
· Parent User Guide – English
· Parent User Guide – Spanish
For other questions, please contact Teresa Peterson at tpeterson4@cherrycreekschools.org and 720-554-4647.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to continue providing safe and reliable bus transportation for your child.
Thank you,
Gary Thompson Director of Transportation
Cherry Creek School District
4th Quarter
Click HERE to see the events on one page!
8th Grade Bucks: Earn bucks for a chance to win prizes throughout 4th quarter
Friday, May 10
8th Grade Party @ 6-7:30 pm: Celebration in the cafeteria with a DJ, dancing, food, and activities. Be on the lookout for a Volunteer Opportunity.
Students must bring their school ID cards to enter the dance.
Tuesday, May 14 **REVISED DATE**
Boondocks Trip: $30 covers 4 hour Activity Pass ticket and lunch meal
Friday, May 17 **REVISED DATE**
Students lay flags and flowers at the national cemetery to celebrate Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 21 **REVISED DATE*
Humanities Debates: Save the date! Annnd Judge, too!
Wednesday, May 22
Field Day Schedule:
9-12 Field Day
12-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:06 Electives
2:11-2:41 Access
2:45-3:45 Outdoor Activities
Thursday, May 23
Memorial Day Assembly: Presentation of American Legion Award and donation to Hero Puppy for Life. Donations are still being accepted…We’re $1000 short of our goal!
Clap Out: West Middle School celebrates 8th graders as they tour the school one last time, starting at 3:30 pm (Sorry families, this is just for the kids!)
It’s time to order your 2024-2025 school supplies!
Simply go to the website: www.shopttkits.com
Enter account: 83191
With a couple of clicks, your school supply shopping is done! All orders will be delivered directly to West Middle School and available to pick up at Check-in Day, August 8th.
If you would like to donate a kit for a family in need, you may add an additional kit to your order and write “DONATION” in place of a name.
The school supply kits offered through “SchoolKidz/School Specialty” are available simply as a convenience for families. If you prefer to purchase school supplies elsewhere, please feel free to do so. Supply lists will soon be available on the West Middle School website.
Thank you,
Lauren Grodinsky, Parent Volunteer
Are you looking for extra help with homework, studying, and/or class projects? West Middle School offers HW Help! Please review the available options below, and reach out to your teachers for specific support, as needed. We’ve listed the teachers and room numbers for your convenience. Can’t wait to help you out!
Math Resources
We'd like to share some resources with you each time we send out a newsletter. Please bookmark the Open Up Family Resources sheet and check your child's Schoology page to see the current unit and lessons being taught in class.
Monday, 5/13:
Spirit Week - Sports Day!
Art Club D121- 3:45-4:45 PM - last meeting
Magic Club B202 - 3:45-4:45 PM - last meeting
Tuesday, 5/14:
Spirit Week - Opposite Day!
8th grade field trip to Boondocks - 9:15-1:30
WMS Book Fair - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Jazz Band D126 - 3:45-4:45 PM - last meeting
Spring Orchestra Concert- 6:30-8:00 PM
Wednesday, 5/15:
Spirit Week - Future Career Day!
WMS Book Fair 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
SAGA A214 - 3:45-4:45 PM - last meeting
Strategic Games B202- 3:45-4:45 PM - last meeting
Spring Band Concert - 6:30-8:00 PM
Thursday, 5/16:
Spirit Week - Throwback Thursday!
WMS Book Fair - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Spring Choir Concert 6:00-7:30 PM
Friday, 5/17:
Spirit Day - Class Colors! 6th - White/silver, 7th Blue, 8th Gold/yellow
8th grade field trip to Ft. Logan - during school day
Monday, 5/20:
Tuesday, 5/21:
Wednesday, 5/22:
8th grade Field Day
Last Day for Late Buses
Thursday, 5/23:
Last day for 8th graders
Friday, 5/24:
Dismissal 12:00 PM
Did you know that when you pay for class fees in Revtrak, there are no longer additional user fees tacked on? When you pay online through Revtrak using a credit card for an elective class fee, sports fee, club, etc. there will be no additional user fees charged to parents. Also, while we are always happy to take cash payments for fees at the Bookkeeping window, using Revtrak is a better way to keep record of payments and easy to create a refund if needed.
The Art Department would LOVE to take any plastic lids off your hand such as lids from yogurt, cottage cheese, salsa etc. They can be dropped off at the security desk or given to the Art teachers.
Thank you!
From the Counselors
Each week, we take time to teach social-emotional lessons that are designed to engage us as learners, develop our sense of self and keep us connected as a community. To date, we’ve explored Sense of Belonging, Culture and Community, Character, Acceptance and Gratitude. We strive to be inclusive, socially aware citizens who value our sense of belonging and uniqueness, that makes each of us who we are. This month, we’ve been focusing on Gratitude and our appreciation for each other. Emily Carter, our 7th Grade Counselor has created a small way for students to send some meaningful and inspirational words to a friend, parent, teacher or anyone else they have been thinking about! Encourage your child to stop by Counseling to write a note to someone about “Why they are amazing!”
Keep it up Wildcats!
-The Counseling Team
CCSD and Hazel Health
Cherry Creek School District has partnered with Hazel Health to provide access to quality mental health care services for all students, at no cost to families. Hazel Health supports schools by providing culturally responsive tele-health care that addresses students’ mental health needs. Hazel connects students with experienced therapists to help them cope and develop skills to manage their mental health. Therapy sessions with Hazel Health are a safe space and are private and confidential. Families can refer their students directly through the Hazel Health website or contact West Middle School’s counseling/mental health team to receive help with the referral.
For more information, see Hazel Health’s website: https://www.hazel.co/Emily Bradshaw
6th Grade Administrator/Dean
Kari Kusek
7/8th Grade Dean
From the Deans
As we near the end of another remarkable school year, it's time for us to rally together and finish strong! Reflecting on our journey, we've encountered challenges, celebrated victories, and grown individually and collectively. As we approach the final chapters of this academic year, let's realize our potential and use our determination, focus, and resilience to make these closing moments truly extraordinary. We want to remind everyone that we need to continue our focus on our CARE values:
C Community
- Follow school rules and the rules of the classroom
- Come prepared
- Participate
- Take responsibility for your actions
A Achievement
- Do your best
- Know your purpose for learning
- Follow through on commitments
- Bring a positive attitude
- Ask for help!
R Respect
- Listen
- Honor personal space and property
- Treat others how you wish to be treated
E Equity
- Value different perspectives
- Appreciate other cultures
- Use respectful language
Just a few more weeks are left this year, so finish strong. Ms. Kusek and Ms. Bradshaw are here to help if you need anything.
The Dean Dream Team!
Campus Administrator
Riding the Bus
Transportation is required by CDE Regulations to account for all students on the bus and unauthorized passengers are not permitted. However, the Transportation Department recognizes that circumstances may arise, e.g. a family emergency, parents out of town, etc., when a student needs to ride home with another student on a one-time only basis. The student must get off at the assigned stop of the student they are riding with (no exceptions).
Make sure to fill out and turn in the linked Permission Slip to the Dean's office no later than 9:00 AM on the requested ride date. Forms can be printed and handed in to the Dean's Assistant or emailed directly to her at egertz@cherrycreekschools.org. Hard copies of the form can also be picked up from the Dean's office if they are needed.
From the Clinic
End of the Year Medication Pick Up. If your student has medication in the West Middle School clinic you will receive an automated phone call and follow up email reminding you to pick up the medication prior to the end of the year. These medications include prescription medications, over the counter medications provided by parent/guardian, inhalers, & epi pens. Please prepare a plan to pick these up.
Medication Consents and Action Plans for Next School Year. Medication orders or action plans completed by a medical provider are valid for 12 months from signature date. Please follow the link below to access the forms, I encourage you to complete these forms over the summer to have them ready for the 24-25 school year. https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Health
Period Partner Project
As you may know, Cherry Creek School District middle & high schools were recently equipped with menstrual pads and dispensers in all female and gender-neutral restrooms. This free resource aligns directly with our 5 Core Values. If you have a student who uses the female or gender-neutral restrooms, we ask that you please talk to them about this resource.
Want to learn more about this project? Visit the Period Partner Project webpage.
Have used books to donate?
West is now a CCSD Book Bin Partner!
Drop off any used books in our big blue bin located on the east side of the school.
Dream Books Co. collects these books and redistributes and recycles these books to our community. This keeps books out of landfills and puts them in the hands of readers!WMS VOLUNTEERS
Update to CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see the below message regarding the new CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process. If you are currently volunteering or plan to volunteer in the future, please complete the online volunteer form. It should only take a few minutes to complete. We want to thank you in advance and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
New Colorado legislation has prompted greater need to screen and document volunteers in our schools. Therefore, beginning January 2022, we must ensure that every volunteer completes a brief application to support activities in CCSD schools. This information will be automatically linked to the Raptor System. The good news is they only need to complete this form once per school year, and it will meet the requirement to volunteer in all CCSD buildings.
To access the form, please click on the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NzU0OmVuLVVT
- Volunteers are guests who are supporting students, completing tasks, and under the immediate supervision and direction of District licensed personnel.
- Visitors are guests who are solely entering the building to conduct business such as participate in a meeting, eat lunch with their student, or attend a school sponsored activity.
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Get your West Spirit Gear!
Store link: WMS Sideline Store
Remember, a portion of all proceeds return back to West Middle School to support our students -- so thank you Wildcat families!
What do I need to know about School of Choice?
SOC Application please click here
How do I apply? Applications for Cherry Creek School District residents and non-residents of the district are submitted through an online application found on the District Admissions website: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Page/1769.
When can I apply? Applications can be submitted from December 1st through May 31st of the current school year for a School Choice placement to start in the next school year. The first lottery that will run on, or before, February 15th will only include residents of the school district and non-residents with a parent/guardian who is a qualified employee of the district. All other non-resident applicants will be included in the subsequent lotteries.
When are families notified of school choice decisions? Parents are notified of the results for the first lottery run by February 16th and the following lotteries will occur bi-weekly starting February 28th.
What if my child is not approved for their school of choice? There is no appeal process for School Choice if waitlisted for all requested schools. Students who live in Cherry Creek School District will need to be enrolled to their school of residence. Current students of the district will automatically transfer to the school of residence if not offered a seat on School Choice.
Are school choice students eligible for school bus transportation? Except as may be required by law, transportation for resident students granted permission to attend a school or program outside their attendance area is the responsibility of the parents or guardians-Policy JFBA
Who should I contact if I have further questions? Please contact the District Admissions department for any further questions.
NOTE: The district reserves the right to place a cap on accepting applications and may rescind or amend any or all approved school choice enrollments.
How do I add a person to my student's contacts?
Parent/ Guardians are now able to update Additional Contact info in their https://my.cherrycreekschools.org/ accounts by clicking on the Guardian Tile.
Some things to keep in mind:
- If a Household 1 Parent/Guardian has not completed Parent Forms, they will not have access to the Guardian Update tile.
- Household 2 will only be able to access this tile if they have a 2nd household setup in PowerSchool. If they need to create a 2nd household, please see the Admissions section on the District Website. On the left menu, they will need to click on the link titled “Change/Update/Verify Address or Household Info."
- Changes made through the update tile will be visible in PowerSchool within minutes.
- Occasionally, parents will not see their students listed when logging into the Guardian Update tile. Refreshing the screen will correct this issue.
2024 SOAR Summer Camp registration is OPEN!
Summer Ropes Course Camps open to current 5th. 6th & 7th graders. (flyer attached)
Join a week of fun, challenge and community!
Dates: June 3-7 and June 10-14
Languages offered at CCHS
Did you know that Cherry Creek High School offers many different world language options?
Click on this link to meet some of our World Language teachers and students.
Athletic Events at District Stadiums
High School Athletic Fans,
As we close out the last few weeks of the football regular season, and head into playoffs, we would like to remind fans of the CCSD stadiums rules.
First, there are limited number tickets available for each game. We highly encourage you to buy your tickets in advance via GoFan and arrive early. Gates open at 6:00 pm.
Rules for All Spectators
- 8th grade students and below must be accompanied by a guardian
- Highschool students (including guests) must show a current school issued student ID
- No student backpacks or bags (a clear bag policy is coming for 2024/25 school year for parents, fans and spectators)
- No outside food/drink
- No water bottles
- No weapons (regardless of conceal/open carry license)
- No propane heaters
- No entry after halftime
- No re-entry
- No refunds will be issued unless the event is canceled
We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your support at upcoming events.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We need bus drivers!
Do you know someone who could drive a bus for CCSD? We are looking for great folks in the community who want to make a difference for students by becoming bus drivers for CCSD! We offer competitive pay, paid training, and great benefits. Learn more here. (https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Page/2931)