SUNsational News!
Sunset Valley's Parent Newsletter | Week of August 19th
Lunch Visitors
We will begin accepting lunch visitors on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. ALL lunch visitors will be expected to follow the guidelines below:
- Visitors must bring a valid ID when they come to check in at the front office for lunch visits.
- Visitors must sit at a designated table with their student. Visitors may not sit at the classroom lunch table with their student.
- When the students lunch time is over, the student must line up with their class, and visitors must exit through the office.
Independence Day @ SVES
Monday is Independence Day at SVES! For our 1st through 5th grade friends, please have them wear red, white or blue and drop them off at the front door. We will take them from there!
For our Kinder friends, Independence Day at SVES will be on Tuesday. Please have them wear red, white or blue and drop them off at the front door. We will take them from there!
Meet our SVES PTA Board
SVES Spiritwear is now on sale!
Workbook Completion Incentive
Workbook completion award will be given to students on Monday, August 19, 2024. Only the first 100 students will receive the reward!
SVES Morning Arrival and Afternoon Dismissal
Hello, families! Welcome to the 24-25 school year! Please take the time to review the arrival & dismissal videos linked below that apply to your child's/children's grade level(s). We have made some small changes from last year. You will follow the directions for your youngest SVES student. Our doors open at 7:25 each day.
Morning Arrival/Drop Off: Kinder & 1st Grade
Afternoon Dismissal/Pick Up: Kinder & 1st Grades
Morning Arrival: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades - No video necessary. These students are dropped off in the front, closest to the curb, pulling up all the way to allow maximum number of cars to drop off at once. Staff will be outside to help.
Afternoon Dismissal/Pick Up: 2nd & 3rd Grades
Afternoon Dismissal/Pick Up: 4th & 5th Grades
Arrival and Dismissal Maps
Other things to remember:
- You may not use your cell phone (talking/texting) while in the school zone-- which includes the car line. Using your phone is not only unsafe for students and staff, but also slows down the movement of cars and creates an overall longer dismissal process.
- Please have patient. Our staff works hard to smooth out all kinks to make sure that our Panthers make it home safely.
- Our staggered dismissal will start at 3:15, and car riders will not exit the building until 3:25.
- Please have your car sign clearly visible in the windshield closest to the staff member reading the names. It can be held up for us to read or hanging from your rearview mirror.
- If you DO NOT HAVE your car sign, you will be asked to go inside to sign your child out in the office. This procedure is in place for the safety of our students.
Cell Phone Free Learning Environment
SVES will continue to be a phone-free environment. The district is moving to implement a KISD policy aimed at reducing student distractions and minimizing interruptions to the learning environment. To find out more about it, please go view the KellerISD.net/PhoneFree information on the KISD website.
Free and Reduced Meals
Keller ISD is currently accepting Free and Reduced Meal Applications for the 2024-25 school year online. Families who qualify for free and reduced meals must submit an application in order to secure free or reduced lunches for the upcoming school year. Visit SchoolCafe.com/KellerISD to apply.
Grade Level Newsletters
The Week Ahead:
8/19- "Independence" Day- Grades 1-5- Wear Red, White or Blue
8/19- Kinder Parents Yahoo/Boohoo Breakfast- 7:45-8:30- Library
8/20- "Independence" Day- Kinder- Wear Red, White or Blue
Save the Date(s):
9/2- Labor Day Holiday- No School for Students
9/5- Parent University- 5:15- 7:00- More information to come!
Sunset Valley Elementary
Email: roby.nunn@kellerisd.net
Website: kellerisd.net/sves
Location: 2032 Canchim Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-743-8200