SCS Newsletter 3.22.24
From the Principal's Desk:
Dear Salisbury Families:
Spring has sprung, they tell us! This last week included the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, when the day is about equal in terms of when the sun is up and when it is not. Of course, the weather hasn't entirely cooperated, and it looks like we have one more round of winter coming. I hope everyone hunkers down and stays safe this weekend, especially if we get a good walloping of snow.
As winter draws to a close, I would just like to send some appreciation to everyone who helps up make sure we (both families and the school) have enough outerwear for our kids to stay dry and comfortable while doing outside things during our winter. Individual families, supportive institutions like Junebug, Neat Repeats and Hannaford Supermarket, and our own staff who go out of their way to find good clothes, gloves, and boots for our kids make a huge difference. And thank you, too, to parents, for sending your kids to school with the "high 5" of winter clothes (hat, gloves, coat, snowpants, and boots). This helps us just "fill in the gaps" for students on a daily basis, which helps us stretch our resources.
But hopefully we can put all these coats and stuff away soon!
Important Dates Coming Up:
Monday, April 1st: Little Caesar's Order Pick-up (details TBA)
Wednesday, April 3rd: Early Release- Inservice for teachers
Monday, April 8: Early Release- Eclipse Day!
Tuesday, April 9- Wednesday,. April 17th: VTCAP Standardized Testing
Important News From SCS:
VTCAP Standardized testing at SCS: April 9-17
Again this year, the Agency of Education is implementing the Vermont Comprehensive Assessment Program (VTCAP). This computer-based test is adaptive and will assess our state standards for English Language Arts (ELA), math, and science.
These assessments include:
VTCAP Language Arts and Mathematics: Grades 3-5
VTCAP Science Assessment: Grades 5
Prior to testing, students will have opportunities in school to explore the Student Readiness Tool (tinyurl.com/3e3rytnb) and practice tests (tinyurl.com/4bmt3c5r). You are welcome to check these out, too.
After students have completed testing, Individual Student Reports will be sent to families in the mail. This will most likely be in fall, 2024. These reports will provide information on what your student(s) learned in relation to the statewide academic standards. It is important to consider that these tests provide a broad overview of demonstrated learning and that results are most useful when viewed in the context of other information gathered by the teacher and the school.
Please note that Vermont’s test delivery system uses state of the art security features that protect your students’ privacy and adhere to all federal and state confidentiality regulations.
If you have any questions, please contact SCS Principal Bjarki Sears at 802-352-4291 or ACSD’s Director of Teaching and Learning and District Test Administrator, Courtney Krahn at 802-382-1276.
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
As part of the updated progress reporting system, the spring parent-teacher conference window opens March 22. The goal of this conference is to be in person, as teachers plan to share student work and current progress toward the standards. Your child's teacher will be reaching out in the near future with a conference schedule.
Little Caesar's Fundraiser Results!
Our "Little Caesar's fundraiser was a great success: The whole school sold a total of 267 kits, our goal was 260. Our dollar amount for goal was $6,000, we sold $6,651. Our fundraising profit for Salisbury Community School was $1,602- which will go directly to supporting kids' activities and experiences!
Special recognition goes to 5th grader Griffin Sheldrick, 3rd Grader Makenna Bowdish, and 2nd Grader Harper Whitney for being the top sellers! They will each receive their choice of a gift certificate for tickets to the Middlebury Marquis, or a gift certificate to Tinker and Smithy, the game story in downtown Middlebury. Also, several classes hit their incentive goals- so we'll be following up on those.
Thanks so much for your support of the students at Salisbury Community School! And thank you to FOSCS member Austin Bowdish for leading the way on this fundraiser. We look forward to seeing him decked out in pink and white hair!
Fun goings-on at SCS.
Ms. T gets "pied" for a good cause!
Each year, Physical Education teacher Sierra Thornton leads the way on our American Heart Association "American Heart Challenge". Salisbury Community School raised $1,586.44 for the American Heart Association to support their work on raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, supporting lifesaving scientific research and education efforts, and for the AHA's grant program for schools. The highest fundraisers earned rewards like jump-ropes and balls, and also had a chance to "pie" (well, whip cream) Ms. T in the face. Thank you, Sierra, for being such a good sport, and working to run the American Heart Challenge at SCS! Thanks, too, to the students and families that made the challenge such a success.
Notes from ACSD:
Information on Pre-School Enrollment for 24-25 School Year:
ACSD Preschool Enrollment: If you have a child who will be 3 by Sept 1, 2024 and needs preschool placement, please fill out the preschool interest survey by the end of March. ACSD has two school-based programs: Mary Hogan and Bridport. Space is extremely limited, so we also encourage you to consider other preschool options. ACSD partners with prequalified private preschool programs to pay tuition for 10 hours/week, 35 weeks/year of preschool. This means your child could receive a tuition discount at a private preschool. Your first step is to enroll with the program directly. They will help you to complete the preschool tuition paperwork. Visit this site for more about which local programs have met the quality standards for partnership or contact Meg Baker at mbaker@acsdvt.org or 382-0045
ACSD Eclipse Update:
Eclipse Update: Remember, Monday April 8th, is an early release day due to the eclipse (this is in addition to the scheduled early release day on April 3rd). Every ACSD student will receive eclipse glasses. Visit our eclipse web page to learn more about what your students may be doing at school and activities to try at home! For eclipse-specific traffic and weather updates, VT Emergency Management is offering a text update system. Text VTECLIPSE to 888777.