FES Sunday Message
February 10-14, 2025
100th Day of School🎉
Our students have survived 100 Days of School. Okay, not quite there yet. This upcoming week will bring the 100th Day of School for our students. The anticipated date for the 100th Day of School for students in grades 1-3 is Wednesday, February 12th. Our Kindergarten students join the school year a couple days later thus they will be participating in 100th Day activities further on in the week. Please be on the lookout from your child’s teacher about any 100th Day of School activities.
FES News and Happenings
Grade 3 News...Students in grade 3 across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts participate in their first MCAS exam. Students will be tested in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The MCAS exam is a computer based exam in which students will take the exam on the computer. MCAS dates for students in Grade 3 at FES will be:
April 8 & 10 for English Language Arts
May 13 & 15 for Mathematics
Registration for the FES PTOs 2nd annual Bingo Night is now open!
This is a family free event but registration is required!
This year we are offering two sessions to pick from.
This is NOT a drop-off event and the parent/guardian must remain with the student.
Registration will stay open till Thursday, February 6th or till spots fill up so register here now- https://signup.com/go/FSTADYE
Once spots fill up please email fesptovolunteering@gmail.com to be put on a wait list.
THE FES PTO is partnering up with the Freetown Public Libraries for another FREE Family event!!
Join us during February vacation at the school auditorium for some Giant Candy Land!!
Sign-ups are encouraged, walk-ins welcome!
Feel free to sign up at the Freetown Public Library by calling (508)763-5344
Join us anytime during the following time slots-
Tuesday, February 18: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, February 19: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, February 20: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
It is sure to be lots of fun for the whole family!
📆 Freetown Elementary School Day Schedule
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
Gentle Reminder...Inclement Weather
As we prepare for the winter season we will continue to use the Thrillshare Communication System to provide families with the necessary school cancellation and delay information. In addition to Thrillshare, we will utilize the school website and all local media outlets to communicate information in a timely manner for our families in Freetown and Lakeville.
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters Weekly Update:
Goal: 94% of the Student Population will attend school daily.
January Daily Student Attendance indicated that 93% of our students attended daily. Although we did not meet our goal, we are hoping students will regain their health and strength to get the momentum rolling again for February.
- February 3-7: 92%...Not quite there! We can do it!
News Around the Classrooms 📣
Pre-School: This week in preschool we continued our study of community helpers, with a focus on doctors and nurses. Projects included a doctor’s bag and a coloring paper showing a child covering his/her sneeze with a tissue. The preschoolers also participated in a science experiment using glitter to show how easily germs can spread.
Kindergarten: This week in kindergarten our letter was Hh. We learned its sound in the initial position and proper formation. Our HFW was “My”. We continued with segmenting and blending phonemes. Our comprehension continued with characters, setting and events in a story.
In writing, we focused on end punctuation, one idea and introduced pronouns. For math our lesson focused on number partners for 10.
Grade 1: This week in first grade we learned about the soft sounds for c and g along with -dge. For comprehension we focused on folktales and characters and settings. In writing, we are working on restating and answering questions related to a text we have read. For math this week, we compared numbers using tens and ones. In science we are working on the plant unit.
Grade 2: In second grade, students continued to learn to tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes. In phonics, we learned how to spell and read words with the long vowel u sound. In reading, we focused on identifying and explaining how nonfiction text features like diagrams, captions, headings, bold print contribute to a text. In writing, we continue to draft our personal narratives. In science, we learned about the building blocks of matter and classifying materials.
Art: Grade 3 learned about the many phases of Pablo Picasso’s art. We drew a self portrait in his cubist style and then painted in either blues or warm colors, like his Blue and Rose Periods. Students had a blast mixing analogous colors and adding white or black to make new colors. They even made up creative names for their new colors. Grade 2 learned about the Banyan tree (Tree of Life) in India, we painted our own interpretation with black tempera and then used oil pastels to color warm and cool colors in the negative spaces. Grade 1 completed their complementary color projects by using one crayon to draw on its complementary color background. K continued to learn about primary colors and were introduced to the wonderful work of Alexander Calder.
Physical Education: This week all students started learning, reviewing and practicing basketball skills. Our emphasis this week was dribbling.
Music: This week, students K-3 have started the 4th week of their unit on listening. Grade 1 and Kindergarten will listen to music for dynamics, tempo and directions as well as music from Haydn. 2nd grade will listen to music of Beethoven and respond to vocal and instrumental musical elements. 3rd grade will listen to music to evaluate their own performance on the recorder.
Library: We celebrated World Read Aloud Day in the library on February 5th! Students had the opportunity to listen to one of five authors read aloud from one of their books and ask the author questions! The authors that we had virtual visits from included Nadia Salomon, Samantha Clark, Alexandra Alessandri, Kerry Aradhya and Maria Gianferrari.
Upcoming Events 📅
February 10: February PTO Meeting
February 13: Bingo Night at Freetown Elementary School
February Vacation Week will take place the week of February 17-21. School will resume again on Monday, February 24th.
Freetown Elementary School PTO Corner 😀
PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 10th, 2025 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The meeting invitation is outlined below...
February PTO Meeting / Feb 10, 2025 06:30 PM
Join us with Zoom:
Meeting ID: 504 427 3489
Passcode: FESPTO
First Student Bus Company is HIRING!
Are you or someone you know looking for part time work? Become a bus driver WE NEED YOU! Great pay and full training provided! Starting pay is $33.27 per hour. Please contact Ken at 508-763-9260 or go to workfirst.com for more information.