The Weekly Update
Week of June 10, 2024
8th Grade Events - This WEEK
8th Grade Farewell Ceremony – The farewell ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Rider University in the Alumni Gym.
Students are encouraged to dress nicely (business) for the ceremony.
We are currently maintaining a waiting list the for additional 3 tickets. If you still need extra tickets and have not made a request in writing already, please reach out to Mary Beth Coleman at the Middle School (671-5525) mcoleman@ltps.org to add your name to the waiting list.
Remember, each eighth grader will receive three (3) tickets to the farewell ceremony. If you do not need the three tickets you have been given; please return them via your student to the main office. Tickets will come home with your student on
Again, as a reminder, students must be in school for at least 4 hours in order to participate in the ceremony.
Attached is a map of the Rider University Campus. The Alumni Gym is identified on the enclosed map. Although parking is directly behind the Student Recreation Center, please be sure to leave time to walk into the building and find seating.
8th Grade Trip - The 8th grade trip is Friday, June 14th at Black Bear Lake in Millstone, NJ. Students will be leaving the middle school around 9:00 AM and will be returning around 3:00 PM. Please note the time change.
Inappropriate behaviors between now and until the end of the year (including attendance and failing grades) can result in a student losing their privilege of participating in the end-of-the-year activities.
The Accolades Keep Coming in for LMS
Once again, Lawrence Middle School is proud to be recognized by Character.org for the Promising Practice of Be A Cardinal Day. Promising Practices are unique, effective, and replicable initiatives that inspire “goodness in action” and contribute to the field of character development. Be A Cardinal Day was held in the Fall during our Week of Respect.
It's Not Too Late - Celebrate Your 8th Grader at Farewell Ceremony
Rider Jumbotron
Families who wish to have a shout out along with a student picture scrolled on the Rider Jumbotron before the Farewell Ceremony should complete the form below. The form asks for the message and an image to use. A sample is also provided.
LMS Class of 2024 Shout-Out Form
Don't miss out on recognizing your 8th grader. We would love to see more shout-outs for the Jumbotron. If you believe you would like to participate, please don't delay and submit your shout-out by Tuesday, June 11th at 4:00pm
Thank you for helping to celebrate the Lawrence Middle School Class of 2024.
Congratulations to members of the Band, Chorus and Orchestra - We are so proud
If you were able to attend either of the music concerts this past Monday and Tuesday, you were treated to outstanding talent and poise. Members of the band, orchestra and chorus really shined!! A huge shout-out to our staff: Ms. Harrington, Ms. Scaturo, Mr. Taglairino and Mr. Zumchak.
This same group of students recently participated in the High Note Music Festival. They brought home 3 Superior Awards and 1 Excellence Award. Way to go!! We would also like to thank all of our staff and parents/guardians who chaperoned the trip. Thank you to everyone!
We wish Ms. Harrington good luck as she and her family relocate across the US to the west coast. She has done an amazing job with students at LMS these last two years - we will miss her.
LMS' Talented Artists on Display
The LMS End of Year Art Show was recently held on June 4. Work from many of Ms. Richardson's classes were on display throughout the building this past week. The creativity, imagination and skill were clearly evident. We are so proud of all of the talented students at LMS. A huge shout-out to Ms. Richardson who leads and encourages our students everyday!
LMS Field Day - Monday, June 17
7th Grade Picnic - Tuesday, June 18 - More Details to Follow
8th Grade Breakfast Info and Sign-Up
We are pleased to announce that the LMS/LHS PTO will be sponsoring an End of Year Breakfast for our 8th Graders. This is a great way to recognize our Class of 2024 and send them off in a big way. The PTO is in need of contributions of breakfast food and snacks. If you are able to support their efforts, you can use the link below to sign up. You will receive an email within a day or two which will include drop off instructions.
If you are unable to pick up an item or can't drop off but would still like to help, please consider making a monetary donation. You can visit the LMS/LHS PTO website and simply click the donate button on the top right of the page. Please indicate "8th grade breakfast" in the comment section of your donation.
As always, your support of the LMS/LHS PTO is always appreciated. All of us at the Nation, thank our families and the PTO for their dedication and hard work throughout the entire school year. THANK YOU!
Rising 8th Grade - World Language and Performing Arts Selection - Deadline 6/10
Attention Class of 2029
It is time to select a world language course! The Genesis Portal will open on June 4 and close on June 10.
Please watch the video below and check out your child's email for written directions.
All rising 8th graders MUST select a world language (Chinese 1, French 1, or Spanish 1)
Please select more than one and prioritize (1st Choice, 2nd Choice)
If you are interested in taking Chorus 8, Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, or Musical Theater you will also need to select. (THIS IS NOT MANDATORY)
Please reach out to your counselor or contact the Main Office if you have any questions.
Schedule Change - Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 are now White Days.
Fall Sport Registration - Online Registration Will Open July 1 (Date Change)
Fall Sports Information - Please Take a Moment to Review the Process
- Please visit ltps.org to register for a sport under the athletics tab or visit: https://lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/
- A current sports physical is needed for all student athletes submitted two weeks prior to start of tryouts.
- A sports physical can not be older than 365 days.
- Physical paperwork can be located on Athletics page, in the Nurse’s Office or visit:
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation History Form
- Must be on the Sports physical form- no other forms are valid for LMS sports.
If your sports physical is older than 90 days please complete the Health Update at https://lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/sites/lawrence-ar.rschooltoday.com/files/upload/HealthUpdateForm2020.pdf
Impact Test- An Impact Test is required of all student athletes. It is an online assessment/baseline for concussion testing. Please follow the steps listed below:
- Go to: www.impacttestonline.com/schools
- Enter the following Customer Id: 620F630656 and click launch Baseline Test.
- Click English or Spanish. Follow the directions on the web site. Answer the questions carefully and to the best of your ability.
- This is a baseline test. Do not be concerned with pass/fail.
All Paperwork needs to be handed in 2 weeks prior to the 1st practice date.
Last Chance to Earn House Points
Throughout June, students are encouraged to participate in Spirit Days on each of the Wednesdays, as well of other designated days. This is an easy way to earn house points.
June 12 - Red-White-Blue
June 14 - Anything Lawrence
June 17 - Field Day - House Colors
June 19 - Olympics - Wear Work Out Clothes
House Point Totals
Draco - 2122
Orion - 2308
Phoenix - 2131
It is a close race...it's anyone's game!!