Guildford West Public School
NEWSLETTER - 2024, Term 3, Week 5
Celebrating Public Education Week at Guildford West PS Olympic Open Day.
All of our students across the school have been learning about the history of the Olympics and the sports involved in the Olympics. The Olympics are a special time when people from all over the world come together to play sports and celebrate our shared love for competition and teamwork.
One of the most amazing things about the Olympics is how they show us that we all belong to one big global family. Athletes from different countries, who speak different languages and have different cultures, all come together to support and respect each other. This reminds us that, no matter where we come from, we can always find common ground and work together.
Here at our school, we learnt a lot from the Olympics. We learnt about the importance of belonging. Each one of us is a valuable part of our school community. Whether we’re in the classroom, on the playground, or at home, we should always make sure that everyone feels included and valued.
Supporting each other is another big lesson from the Olympics. Just like athletes cheer for their teammates and help them do their best, we can support our friends and classmates. When we see someone struggling, we can offer a helping hand or a kind word. When someone achieves something great, we can celebrate with them and share their joy.
So, let’s remember the spirit of the Olympics in everything we do. Let’s make our school a place where everyone belongs, where we support each other, and where we work together to achieve our dreams. Together, we can create a community that shines as brightly as the Olympic flame.
Our Olympic Open Day was led by an amazing team of staff, who I would like to thank: Miss Adams, Miss Foley, Miss Clement, Mrs Clement and Mrs Turner. These staff worked so hard to organise and make the day the best, and I would like to on behalf of everyone to thank them. I would also like to acknowledge all the teachers and their classes who did an amazing job at learning about their class town, the traditional owners and then creating their own flag that represents their class. I know parents, you can ask any of your children and they can tell you lots of facts and reasons why they chose to represent their flag of their class town.
I hope we can all remember the Olympic spirit even after they are over, which is supporting each other and belonging to not only your class but our school.
Ms Weston
Support Unit News
What a busy start to Term 3! Our chefs in S Hay, S Tamworth, S Katoomba and S Newcastle have all been busy in the kitchen making some French Crepes. Students enjoyed following a recipe, measuring ingredients and working together as a team. We loved choosing a sweet or savoury topping for our delicious Crepes.
Classes have been learning all about the Olympics and the NSW town they are named after. Students have loved exploring the history of the Olympics and stories behind some of the Australian athletes competing in Paris. We have enjoyed learning about all the different Olympics sports and trying them out ourselves during sport lessons. After researching our class towns, we enjoyed creating a class flag for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics day. We loved watching the Olympic highlights each morning showing our Australian athletes competing. We now can’t wait to watch the Paralympics. Good luck to Miss Clement who will be in Paris coaching. We are so proud of you!
Early Stage 1 News
Bonjour from France… I mean Early Stage 1 classrooms!
Kindergarten has had an active and exciting start to Term 3.
Our mini chefs have got to work and created a traditional French recipe called Crepes. Students were mixing ingredients with an electric mixer, cracking eggs, sifting flour and more to create their delight. Students also picked their favourite sweet or savoury topping to put on their crepes.
As students become more independent authors, we’ve started learning about the writing process, including planning, drafting, revising, and editing our work. We began this journey by writing a story recount about a cheeky duck named Alexander. The students loved bringing Alexander’s adventures to life, using their creativity to add fun details and characters. As we continue to refine our writing skills, we’re excited to see the amazing stories they’ll create next!
In mathematics, we've been focusing on partitioning numbers and understanding number bonds. These are important concepts that help children grasp how numbers work together. To make learning fun and engaging, we used concrete materials like counters and blocks, allowing the students to physically see and explore the part-whole relationship between numbers. This hands-on approach is helping them build a strong foundation in maths, and it's wonderful to see their confidence grow as they discover how numbers fit together. As we continue, this understanding will support them in solving more complex problems.
Stage 1 News
What a busy start for Stage 1 this term with students engaging in the wonderful world of Walker Learning, an approach that encourages student-led learning through hands-on experiences and personal interests. Our curious students embarked on an exciting investigation into forces of push and pull. As part of their science exploration, students engaged in hands-on experiments to discover how these forces affect the movement of objects in our everyday lives. Collage and dramatic play stations have been buzzing with students creating props and enacting different scenes.
Students have also been learning about the importance of looking after the places around them, whether it’s our classroom, playground, or the wider community such as famous landmarks around the world. Students have used this knowledge to build different landmarks around the world in our construction areas using legos and blocks. We will continue to learn how we can contribute to keeping our environments clean and safe for everyone.
Stage 1 along with the rest of the classes united for Bullying No Way Week, an initiative to raise awareness about bullying and promote a safe and inclusive environment for all students. Students completed different activities across the week and received wristbands to empower them to stand up against bullying. We cannot wait to continue to learn more and grow this term.
Stage 2 News
Term 3 is off to an amazing start!
We are hard at work in Mathematics, learning all about partitioning numbers to assist with multiplication and division and practising our multiplication times tables. Students are putting lots of hard work and effort into learning these skills. It is great for our students to keep practising these skills as they will help them throughout life.
We had wonderful weather for our Olympics Open Day! Having our parents watch us enter the opening ceremony and participate in some of our sports was lovely. We had so much fun playing soccer, table tennis, handball, and hockey together. Students showed great sportsmanship and ensured everyone was included. It was great to have such amazing helpers from Merrylands High School for the day, too!
The creation of our class flags was a significant part of our Olympic preparation. Our towns hold a special place in our classrooms, and our flags were a representation of our connection to them, adding a meaningful touch to our Olympics.
Stage 3 News
Stage 3 has had an incredible start to Term 3 and engaged in a variety of different learning opportunities.
Students have been highly active during our English unit this term. They learned about the traditional custodians of their class town. Students explored symbolisms and connotations associated with these places and their Indigenous populations. They connected this learning to themes of belonging, national pride and global events such as the Olympics. Students created class flags to represent their class's identities and held these flags with pride during the GWPS opening ceremony. S3 Corowa furthered the theme of belonging by collectively writing to the Princess of Wales wishing her a speedy recovery and to our delight, we received correspondence back.
Students have also engaged in STEM lessons as part of our science and technology unit this term. During these lessons, students explored the different parts of simple machines. The students will continue to learn and apply their knowledge of simple machines towards their group projects.
In Physical Education, students have had the opportunity to learn the skills required to play various games such as table tennis and hockey. Students have begun to practise skills such as passing the ball using a hockey stick and serving over nets. This term we have also had the opportunity to participate in Lifeskills Blended Learning sessions. These sessions occur once a week and provide a safe place for students to explore concepts such as empathy and resilience. Students participated in different games and learnt to hold different positions and regulate their breathing.
Finally, this week S3 classes have engaged in National Action Against Bullying Day. This is a week long event that has seen students learn more about bullying, what it is and how to appropriately and safely deal with it. Students together have come up with a joint understanding of these concepts and actions.
Cumberland City Council has launched a new online Schools Hub!
The webpage is a one-stop-shop information hub for schools and students in Cumberland outlining programs, initiatives, and services available. Schools can easily access the Cumberland Schools Hub in one click to find information on awards, programs, resources, activities and more which your Cumberland LGA school can access. The page also includes links and contacts to find out more and book in these impactful and engaging opportunities which Council offers.
Please share this information with your teams and staff:
Link: https://www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/cumberland-schools-hub
For any Cumberland Schools Hub enquiries, please contact Victoria Franji on Victoria.franji@cumberland.nsw.gov.au.
Guildford West Public School
Email: guildfordw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: www.guildfordw-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Location: 23-51 Palmer Street, Guildford West NSW, Australia
Phone: (02) 9632-9942
Facebook: guildfordwestps