AHS Tiger Tales
January 13 - January 17, 2025
Information for All Students
Pep Rally Schedule: AHS will run the pep rally schedule in the attached image this Friday, January 17.
Students who have late arrival, early release, dual enrollment, or Work-Based Learning need to pay close attention to class times so they know when to arrive to campus or have transportation from campus.
Outside guests are not allowed to attend the pep rally.
There will be no checkouts after 2:25 p.m.
- Southern Union State Community College Technical Open House: Students and parents are invited to the Southern Union State Community College Technical Division Open House Thursday Feb 6th 4:00pm-6:30pm.
- Diversity Council: The AHS Diversity Council will be accepting new members for the spring semester! If any AHS student would like to be part of this student organization that works together to make our school a more inclusive and welcoming place for all, please come to our next meeting on Thursday, January 16th in room 1110 from 3:45-4:45.
Information for Sophomores and Juniors
- AHS Ambassador: AHS Ambassador applications for the 2025/2026 academic year are available in the AHS Library. Completed applications are due to the AHS Library no later than Friday, January 17, at 3:40 p.m!
Information for Juniors and Seniors
WorkKeys Workforce Wednesdays are here!
WorkKeys testing for second semester is listed below. Students who have NOT earned a CRI (Career Readiness Indicator) may sit for the ACT WorkKeys assessment on a date listed below.
Accommodated testing will be made available on the dates below for students who qualify.
- The next round of Workkeys testing will take place on the dates below.
- STUDENTS: To sign up for a date to take the WorkKeys Assessment, click the link below:
- https://forms.office.com/r/vEqw9U0BFc
Study sessions- Test Preparation sessions will be held on January 15 and January 22 from 8-2. Students who wish to enroll in the WorkKeys practice curriculum to practice independently should contact Mrs. Audrey Marshall in room 1112 or by emailing amarshall@auburnschools.org.
Important Information:
- IMPORTANT: If you normally have accommodated testing please indicate this when you sign up for testing.
- Free online practice software is available for students to utilize prior to the WorkKeys testing. Contact Mrs. Audrey Marshall to obtain a login for this software.
- To earn a Career Readiness Indicator (CRI), students must score a 4 or higher on ALL of the three test sections.
Information from Previous Weeks:
- Yearbook Purchase Information: Yearbooks may be purchased using the following link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A00017800
Tiger Thoughts:
Student Organizations:
Monday, January 13:
HiDef- 7:15 AM, Rm. 3126
Tuesday, January 14:
Game Design- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1342
FCS- 7:15 AM, Rm. 3132
HiDef- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3126
The Sheet- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1343
Wednesday, January 15:
Chess Club- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1218
HiDef- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3126
EXIT Club: 3:45 PM, Rm. 1107
Thursday, January 16:
National Beta Club- 7:45 AM, Rm. 1124
Key Club- 3:45 PM, Cafeteria
Diversity Council- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1110
HiDef- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3126
KPAC- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3117
Friday, January 17:
Upcoming College/Recruiter Visits
Important Dates to Remember
Martin Luther King Holiday- January 20
Curriculum Night- February 25
Prom- April 5
Graduation- May 22
ALL students need to join the Counseling Schoology Page, access code CDKZ-ZVQ7-GTSJS.
Late Arrival, Early Release, and Off-campus Dual Enrollment students must secure reliable transportation to be on campus for AHS Traditional courses and off campus otherwise.
Students' Schoology logins are their school username and their school lunch number (ex: jjsmith/1234)
Where to Find Help
Medical/Health Needs: Contact our school nurses!
Nurse Alissa Compton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Krystal Lorton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Ashley Wiggins, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Academic and/or General Assistance: Contact our school administrators!
Families with Last Names A – D: Mr. Alfonzo Frazier, adfrazier@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E – K: Dr. Shay Baugh, smbaugh@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Mr. Jamie Rice, jsrice@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R– Z: Ms. Beth Antoine, ecantoine@auburnschools.org
Auburn High School Principal: Dr. Shannon Pignato, sjpignato@auburnschools.org
Academic and Emotional Support: Contact our school counselors!
Families with Last Names A – D: Ms. Isalie Corneil, icorneil@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E– K: Ms. Marie Harris, mnharris@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Ms. Heather Langford, khlangford@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R – Z: Ms. Nichole Warren, nmwarren@auburnschools.org
Mental Health Counselor: Ms. Sheryl Smith, ssmith@auburnschools.org
Ways to Stay Informed: Visit these websites!
Auburn City Schools - https://www.auburnschools.org/
Auburn High School - https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Auburn High Twitter - https://twitter.com/AHSAuburnTigers
Auburn High Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
City of Auburn - https://www.auburnalabama.org/
Auburn High Schoology - https://acs.schoology.com/login/ldap?&school=297955122
Alabama Department of Public Health - http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/
Auburn High School
Website: https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Location: 1701 East Samford Avenue, Auburn, AL, USA
Phone: (334) 887-2120
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
Twitter: @AHSAuburnTigers