Hazelbrook Community Newsletter
Boletín de la comunidad de Hazelbrook
June 14, 2024
Message from Principal Dailey
Hazelbrook Families and Students,
Whoa, what a week! Our 8th graders had a great time at Jurgens Park on Wednesday thanks to the many parents who helped plan and volunteered during their celebration party. We are so proud of them as they move on to high school and know they will be in good hands.
Today we also said goodbye to too many staff members who have made an incredible impact on our community. It is hard to see good teachers and secretaries leave due to budget cuts. More than anything, they would have chosen to stay at Hazelbrook. This speaks to the friendships formed among staff members and their dedication to your children.
Thank you for your ongoing support these last two years.
Take good care and have a great summer!
Lisa Dailey
HMS Proud Principal
Mensaje de la directora Dailey
Familias y estudiantes de Hazelbrook,
¡Vaya, qué semana! Nuestros alumnos de octavo grado se la pasaron muy bien en Jurgens Park el miércoles gracias a los muchos padres que ayudaron a planificar y se ofrecieron como voluntarios durante su fiesta de celebración. Estamos muy orgullosos de ellos a medida que avanzan a la escuela preparatoria y sabemos que estarán en buenas manos.
Hoy también nos despedimos de muchos miembros del personal que han tenido un impacto increíble en nuestra comunidad. Es difícil ver a buenos profesores y secretarias irse debido a recortes presupuestarios. Más que nada, hubieran elegido quedarse en Hazelbrook. Esto habla de las amistades formadas entre los miembros del personal y su dedicación a sus hijos.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo estos últimos dos años.
¡Cuídense mucho y que tengan un gran verano!
Lisa Dailey
Directora orgullosa de HMS
Hazelbrook School Events
All flyers are hyperlinks. Clicking on the flyer will take you directly to the website associated with the flyer for your convenience.
PSO Website:
PSO Meeting Minutes:
PSO Email:
Volunteer Opportunities:
PSO Donation Opportunities:
Visit our webpage for all the latest info
Help the PSO by picking up a blue bottle drop bag in the office to fill and return. Thank you.
TTSD Events
Meet 'n' Greet with Dr. Iton Udosenata
Welcome and connect with TTSD's new Superintendent at the:
Ice Cream Social
June 17, 2024
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 5:00 to 7:00 PM
TTSD Training Center
9550 SW Murdock St, Tigard
Demos la Bienvenida al Dr. Iton Udosenata
Dé la bienvenida y conéctarse con el nuevo Superintendent de TTSD en:
Helado y Junta Social
11:00 AM a 1:00 PM o 5:00 a 7:00 PM
Centro de Formación de TTSD
9550 SW Murdock St, Tigard
Flier expires 6/22
Community Happenings
All community flyers are hyperlinks. Clicking on the flyer will take you directly to the website associated with the flyer for your convenience.
Flier expires 7/2
Flier expires 7/2
Tualatin Library Teen Room
Tualatin Public Library welcomes YOU to the Teen Room! The Teen Room is a space reserved for students in grades 6-12. (The only adults allowed to stay in the room are library staff.)
There's Art supplies. Board games. Maker stuff. Computers. Space. And on weekends and school’s out days—video gaming! Questions? Email Aimee at ameuchel@tualatin.gov.
See other events here:
Health And Safety
Helpful Links and Forms
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to volunteer at HMS?
Once you have completed your background check and training, sign up to volunteer on the PSO volunteer sign up link.
Hawk Report
Please continue to encourage your students to use
the Hawk Report for bias, hate speech, and other concerns here:
Bus Feedback Form
Want to join one of our Affinity and Alliance Groups?
Please sign up for FlashAlert for alerts on school closures and delays due to bad weather.
Si necesita servicios de intérprete, favor de llamar al Departamento de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés (ELL) al: (503)431-4123 (Spanish)
Haddii aad u baahantahay adeegga turjumaan, fadlan u wac Qaybta Barashada Luqada Ingrisiga ee Tel: (503)431-4123 (Somalí) (503)431-4123 (Arabic)
Nếu như ông/bà cần dịch vụ thông dịch, xin vui lòng gọi bộ phận English Language Learner (ELL) của chúng tôi tại: (503) 431-4123
(Vietnamese) 若您需要語言翻譯服務,請聯絡我們的英語學習部門(ELL),電話:(503)431-4123。 (Chinese)
Ika pwe ke mochen an emon epwe anisuk non pekin chiaku kose mochen kopwe kokori ei nampa: (503)431-4123 (Chuukese)
Если Вы нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика, тогда, пожалуйста, звоните в наш Отдел для изучающих английский язык (English Language Learner- ELL), по номеру телефона: (503)431-4123 (Russian)
PSO QR Code for Paypal
Main Office Phone/Teléfono de la oficina principal: 503-431-5100
Attendance Phone/Línea de Asistencia: 503-431-5121
Fax: 503-431-5110
Counseling Office Fax: 503-431-5090
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223