ESA Middle Weekly Newsletter
ESA Middle Weekly Newsletter

Week of February 10, 2025
February Theme of the Month: Act of Kindness
Students Must Be Present and On Time Daily
Families, it's imperative that students come to school daily, on time, and stay the duration of the school day. Valuable instructional time is lost when students arrive late. Teachers begin lessons at 9:00am daily. Thank you for your help in getting all students to the building on time!
Lateness/ Early Dismissal
School hours for students are 8:45 to 3:45. Students are marked late after 9:05 and parents are required to walk the student in after the 9:05 mark.
Early dismissal stops at 2:45 to properly prepare for dismissal. Please adhere to these times as they are explained in the handbook.
Congratulations to Our Schoolwide Spelling Bee Winners! 🎉
6th Grade: Jaelynn Herring, Hadiyah Swiggett, Michael Green
7th Grade: Ajayi Mofolarin, Trinity Harris -Hunter, Riley Chavis
8th Grade: Phoenix Stewart, Soraya Baxter- Wade, Nahkyila Womack
Congratulations on these scholars and wish you the best of luck competing at the Districtwide Spelling Bee on February 11, 2025, at Chester High School.
Permission Slip have been sent home!