Neshaminy Update
Neshaminy School District / September, 2023

Neshaminy School District / January, 2024
Neshaminy Education Foundation announces grant awards
The Neshaminy Education Foundation (NEF) is pleased to announce the list of winners for their 2024-2025 grant program. Nineteen applications were received this year and the NEF Board voted to approve seven of the grants for a total of $12,379. Any Neshaminy School District staff member can apply for this annual grant program. The purpose of the grant is to “foster innovative programs, activities and ideas in Neshaminy schools.”
The grant program is one of the ways that the Foundation, which was created in 1993 as part of the district's Strategic Plan, supports teachers, support staff and students all year long. Generous donations from the community through participation in the annual Harlem Wizards game, basket raffles, the Eagles ticket raffle, memorial donations and paycheck donations from Neshaminy staff are a powerful symbol of the community's support of public education. The foundation is managed by a board of volunteers that includes retired and current Neshaminy staff members, businesspeople and community members.
The following grants have been awarded and will be funded by the NEF:
- Brook Lesser, Core Creek Elementary School: Gaga Fun for Everyone, $600
- Monique McNamara, Albert Schweitzer Elementary School: Engaging Readers through Podcasting, $1000
- Samantha McGarry, Herbert Hoover Elementary School: Post Mount Communication Board, $3000
- Kim Montone, Neshaminy High School: Accessible Resource Academy, $299
- Carrie Michael, Neshaminy High School: Business Education, Career Readiness and Computer Applications Resources, $2495
- Science team, Neshaminy High School: Compound Projection Microscopes, $3000
- Trent Detweiler, Neshaminy High School: Rock Band Club (photo above) Equipment, $1985
🔗 Neshaminy Education Foundation website (with lists of past grant winners)
Families Connect: How adult behavior affects our children
On January 15, Dr. Lori DeSautels offered a parent presentation as a part of Neshaminy’s Families Connect Program titled Connections over Compliance: Adult Nervous System states through the lens of Applied Educational Neuroscience. A video archive of the webinar can be viewed below. A companion Power Point presentation can be viewed here (PDF format).
Dr. Lori DeSautels is an Assistant Professor at Butler University since 2016 where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Education. Dr. DeSautels was also an Assistant Professor at Marian University in Indianapolis for eight years where she founded the Educational Neuroscience Symposium that has now reached thousands of educators and is in its 15th year.
During this event, Dr. DeSautels explored how the adult nervous system can unintentionally escalate or steady a child when we are aware of how we are experiencing the people, places and conditions around us. Dr. DeSautels shared practices to help us recognize our own behaviors while nourishing our nervous system states as a part of our routines. We explored our own lens of discipline and how our perceptions impact others.
One down, one to go...full snow days and online learning
As we prepare for the possibility of additional inclement weather days, Neshaminy School District wants to make sure that parents, guardians and staff are aware of plans for asynchronous instruction days, which will be implemented following the second traditional snow day (as of January 30, only one snow day has been used). If we have to move to an asynchronous learning day, the district will notify the community.
On days when weather conditions require school closures, we will transition to asynchronous learning to ensure our students continue to engage with their educational materials. Here are some important expectations to be aware of:
Asynchronous Instruction Overview: If an asynchronous day is scheduled, students will be able to complete the attendance form and asynchronous assignments/activities at any time during the designated snow/ice day (day or night). For your child to be counted as present, they must complete the Snow Day Attendance Form, which will be posted in the announcement section of their Canvas course(s). Here is what you need to know:
Attendance Requirements: Students must complete the Snow Day Attendance Form on the designated snow day. This form will be available in the announcement section of their Canvas course(s). Please use the instructional links below for assistance.
- 🔗 Elementary Student Directions PDF
- 🔗 Elementary Student Video Directions
- 🔗 Secondary Student Directions PDF
- 🔗 Secondary Student Video Directions
Assignments and Learning Expectations: Relevant and meaningful lesson assignments designed for continuous learning will be posted in Canvas for each class/course your child is enrolled in. o Instructional lessons/assignments will be published by the following times:
- Secondary buildings (grades 5-12): 8:00 AM
- Elementary buildings (grades K-4): 9:00 AM 3.
Teacher Availability: Teachers will be available to support students with their assignments during the following times:
- 9:00-10:30 AM
- 12:30-2:00 PM
Students and parents may contact teachers via email or Canvas messaging during these hours. If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing Canvas or completing the Snow Day Attendance Form, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Stay Safe and Cozy with these simple cold weather tips from the PA Department of Health.
Got Tech? Join the 2025 Steam Expo!
The 2025 Neshaminy STEAM Expo will be held on Thursday, April 10 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Neshaminy High School. Since it was founded in 2015, this celebration of all things Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math has grown to become one of the most beloved and well-attended educational events in the district and a great night for students and their families.
We are looking for individuals, businesses and organizations who would like to share their STEAM expertise with the next generation to join the 2025 Expo as presenters. Please contact David Geanette at dgeanette@neshaminy.org for more information and to sign up.
Calendar Highlights
- Wednesday, February 5: Junior Honors / Honors Band Concert, MPMS, 7 pm
- Friday, February 7: Neshaminy HS Mini-THON, Gym 3, 3 pm
- Monday, February 10: Junior Honors / Honors Orchestra Concert at MPMS, 7 pm
- Wednesday, February 12: Coffee Talks at MPMS (see article below)
- Friday, February 14: Half day for all students, teacher Act 80 day
- Thursday-Sunday, February 13-16: Young Frankenstein musical at NHS (see article below)
- Monday, February 17: President's Day, district closed
- Tuesday, February 18: Schools closed, Act 80 day
- Wednesday, February 26: Jazz crossover concert, NHS, 7 pm
- Friday, February 28: Gym Night, NHS, 6:30 pm
- Saturday, March 1: Gym Night, NHS, noon and 6:30 pm
- Saturday, March 15: Harlem Wizards at NHS, 7 pm
For more events and updates please visit the district and school websites.
Neshaminy HS Graduation Date
The Neshaminy High School Class of 2025 graduation ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, June 11 at 6:30 pm. With the snow day / online learning day plan outlined in the article above, there should be no delays in the date due to possible winter weather events. The rain dates for the ceremony are each day following June 11 at the same time each evening.
Think Summer! Coffee Talk helps parents prep for warm weather
The Neshaminy School District Pre-K Counts program and the Family Services Association of Bucks County have partnered for a series of supportive gatherings for parents and guardians of preschoolers. The next session will be held on Wednesday, February 12 in the District Board Room at Maple Point Middle School starting at 10:30 am. This month features three valuable items:
- Preparing for Summer
- Information on summer camps in Middletown and Lower Southampton
- Parks and recreation opportunities
Families with infants, preschool and school-age children are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided. Children are welcome to attend with their caregivers. These meet-ups are free, but pre-registration is required. Sign up at the link below.
Safe Arrival app makes absence reporting easier
Neshaminy School District has now implemented a new way to report student absences using a smart phone app and website called Safe Arrival. Parents and guardians can use the system to schedule or report an absence without having to write notes or calling the school. Though manual reporting is still available, the hope is that Neshaminy families find this new system an easier way to manage their student's absences and avoid automated phone calls when their student is reported absent.
Instructions on how to use the SafeArrival can be found on the district website at the link below:
School Board Update
School Board Recognition Month is celebrated each year in January to recognize the work of our school board members. School board members are elected officials who help students succeed by setting policies, budgets, and visions for Neshaminy schools. School Board members serve four-year terms, and besides attending two meetings each month, they also participate in eight Board Committees and Representative Boards for the Technical School, the Intermediate Unit and others. Board members attend various training seminars throughout the year. Board members receive no monetary compensation for their work; it is an all-volunteer position.
At the January 14 Public Work Session, Superintendent Bowman recognized and thanked the current School Board members for their service.
Welcome to Jessica Kelch, who will join Neshaminy as Pupil Services Supervisor on March 17 and Lauren Steflik, who will join the district as a Curriculum & Instruction Supervisor on March 10.
At the January 14 Public Work Session, the board approved a proposal from Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. for roof restoration over Gym 3 and the Challenger Gym at the high school. The total cost of the project will be partially covered by a Public School Facilities Improvement Grant from the state in the amount of $826, 875. The district is required to pay 25% of this amount, or $275,625 under the terms of this grant. The total project cost is $1,118,790.20, which requires the district to pay an additional $16,290.20, bringing the total cost to the district at $291,915.20.
The next School Board Public Work Session will be held on Tuesday, February 11 at 7 pm in the District Board Room at Maple Point. The January Board Public Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 25 at 7 pm in the same location. The meeting video livestream, agenda and archive video of past meetings can be found at www.neshaminy.org/meetings.
Committee meetings are held throughout the school year. These meetings are a good opportunity to interact with School Board members and district administrators in a less formal, more conversational format.
- Thursday, February 13: Facilities and Planning Committee
- Tuesday, March 4: Educational Development Committee
- Thursday, March 20: Policy Committee
- Wednesday, March 26: Business Operations Committee
All committee meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the District Board Room at Maple Point unless otherwise noted. All meeting times and dates are subject to change; please consult the Neshaminy district website for updates.
Important reminders and notices
Pennsylvania Required Immunizations for Attendance All Grades (K -12)
To protect children from serious diseases, immunizations are required for attendance at any school in Pennsylvania, per 28 Pa. Code, Chapter 23, Subchapter C. Any student not complying with the regulations may be excluded from school (not attend) until such provisions are met per Neshaminy School Board Policy #203. More information is available HERE.
Life is uncertain, but your child’s education doesn’t have to be
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act can help provide school stability for your child if you do not have a permanent home. More information is available HERE.
Public Notices
Neshaminy School District is required to provide annual public notice for the following: Special Education Services, Gifted Students, Services for Protected Handicapped Students, Destruction of Records, Medical Assistance, and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These notices are available on the Neshaminy district website HERE.
Hoover Chess Club holds their winter tournament
The Herbert Hoover ES Chess Club started their Winter Tournament in January. The group meets before school to learn more about the game and challenge each other competitively and just for fun.
BINGO brings in the crowds
Bingo Night for Joseph Ferderbar Elementary School at Poquessing MS
Bingo Night at Herbert Hoover Elementary School
Bingo Night at Tawanka Elementary School
A flightless visitor charms Core Creek and Tawanka first-graders
On January 14, Captain Jack, a South African penguin from Jenkinson's Aquarium in Point Pleasant, NJ visited the first grade at Core Creek ES (and Tawanka Elementary School later in the morning) along with two aquarium educators. The children have been learning about penguins and even created penguin artwork, hats and even some penguin toys for the occasion. While the temperature outside hovered in the single digits, South African penguins actually prefer more temperate climates and are happy to stay inside with the humans.
schweitzer's Roaring Readers celebrate a love of literacy
Albert Schweitzer Elementary School's Roaring Readers celebrated a love of literacy and encouraged family engagement on Wednesday evening, January 29. Students from Grades 3 and 4 participated in a Title I Literacy Night full of fun activities, take-home materials, and a student showcase. Schweitzer reading specialists and third and fourth grade teachers hosted sessions on comparing/contrasting, building vocabulary, and retelling. Families learned how to make reading fun and walked away with great ideas to support literacy in the home. Students showcased their love of reading by dressing as their favorite character/author, reading from a favorite book, or creating a book project to show to families. The school is also holding their annual Scholastic Book Fair through January 31.
Ferderbar Hosts Family Literacy Night
Joseph Ferderbar Elementary School held their Title 1 Winter Family Literacy Night on January 15. Families completed math and reading challenges to help earn pieces of a snowman. All students who attended were able to take home three free books and a math manipulatives bag.
Core Creek opens for the first day of classes
Core Creek Elementary School Open House, January 3, 2025
After months of preparation, several weeks of packing and moving materials from Buck Elementary, two intensive days of classroom organization and one snow day, the first batch of students finally arrived for the first day at Core Creek Elemnetary on Tuesday, January 7. Except for the snow day on January 6, the transition from Pearl S. Buck ES to Core Creek was a smooth one, with the students quickly acclimating to the new building and getting back to their learning and daily routines.
It took a team for all the planning, preparation and hard work that went into this effort, starting with the Buck Elementary staff who packed up their classrooms and common areas with as little disruption to the pre-holiday learning and activities as possible. Once moving day arrived on December 23, the materials were boxed and ready to go. After the holiday break, they pulled their classrooms, the library, the gymnasium and the cafeteria together and cleaned everything up in just two days in time for an Open House on the Friday evening before opening day. The school looked clean and ready to go by the time the first families arrived, and at least 1500 students and their family members toured the building that night. The vibe that night was very positive, and the students seemed very excited about their new school.
This was an “all-hands-on-deck” effort by Mr. Brian Kern and his staff, along with Neshaminy Facilities and Operations, I.T., Food Services, Purchasing, Pupil Services and the Security staff, administrators and cabinet members, Mr. Paul Meehan, Dr. Michelle Burkholder, Spiezle Architectural Group, the building contractors, and many others who sweated all the endless details that needed to be addressed before the Core Creek could open its doors. This building will help the district to meet the educational needs of our community for many years to come.
CSI Miller: Digging for the truth about the Grinch
The fourth-grade team at Walter Miller ES dug deep to analyze the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas and identified traits that describe the Grinch throughout the story. Using their inquiry skills, (and scientific / laboratory gear!), they analyzed the data to prove that the Grinch really did have a heart that grew three times its size
Mini MiniTHON nets over $7K #FTK
Neshaminy held it's 4th Annual Mini-Mini-THON (the middle school version of Mini-THON at NHS) on Saturday, January 19. Students from all three middle schools raised a record-breaking total of $7,077.98 in the fight against pediatric cancer.
The afternoon was filled with amazing music, an epic dodgeball tournament, learning the legendary line dance, and much more. Mark your calendars - Mini-THON will be begin at 3 pm on Saturday, February 7 in Gym 3 at NHS. The total fundraising "reveal" will be held between 8-9 pm; this is where we celebrate our combined efforts in the fight against pediatric cancer. Thank you, Neshaminy middle schoolers, for everything you do #FTK - For The Kids!
Mentor Day eases the transition to high school
Poquessing Middle School
The 8th graders at Carl Sandburg, Maple Point and Poquessing were treated to a visit from a group of high school students for Mentor Day on January 15 and 16. This was an opportunity for the 8th graders to learn about what life at Neshaminy High School is like from a student’s perspective, and to ask questions about the transition from middle to high school. The 8th graders appreciated the information and had many good questions for their high school peers.
Maple Point Middle School
Carl Sandburg Middle School
BCCC College representative offers Sandburg 8th-graders advice
Eighth graders at Carl Sandburg MS enjoyed an informative presentation about college and career readiness from a Bucks County Community College admissions recruiter. Students participated in a college application simulation where they learned that the GPA is just one of many important factors that colleges consider when accepting applicants. Students learned about the difference between community colleges vs. traditional four-year colleges/universities, the dual enrollment opportunity at Neshaminy High School, and they learned about the benefits and flexibility BCCC offers. Students also learned about what colleges look for in applicants and how course selection, which is happening right now in 8th grade, puts them on their pathway to college and their future career.
Poquessing AVID class debates cell phones in school
The 8th grade AVID class at Poquessing MS participated in a debate on January 24 about cell phone use during school hours. The students prepared arguments, which they discussed with each other and Principal Hunt and School Resource Officer Newman. The arguments centered on classroom focus, safety, educational uses of devices and cyber-bullying. Currently, Neshaminy middle school students are not permitted to use their cell phones during the school day.
Maple Point basketball wins BCL championship
Congratulations to the Maple Point MS 8th Grade Girls Basketball team who capped off an undefeated season with a victory over the Shafer Sharks in the BCL South tournament championship game!
NHS artists recognized at group shows
Neshaminy HS artist Hannah Maher recently received an Honorable Mention at the Artist of Yardley Emerging Artist of Lower Bucks High Schools exhibit. The jurors praised her work, highlighting its “great composition and great colors.” She received this recognition from Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, who presented her with a certificate of merit, a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol, and a gift card. Hannah is in the animation class at NHS.
Amara Weatherby was recognized with an Honorable Mention at the annual Youth Art Exhibition at Phillips Mill in New Hope. She is joined by six other Neshaminy artists whose work is on display at the show, which can be viewed at the gallery until February 16.
Young Franksenstein comes to life at NHS February 13-16
Get ready for a castle full of fun as Neshaminy High School presents their 2025 musical, Young Frankenstein. This Broadway hit is based on the 1974 classic Mel Brooks movie of the same name. It is a parody of the horror genre and specifically from the 1930's movie adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein novel and various sequels.
The plot: Frederick Frankenstein inherits his family’s estate in Transylvania from his estranged and recently deceased grandfather, Victor von Frankenstein. Upon traveling to Transylvania, Frederick finds himself tied up in the family business and continues the experiments of creating human life. But this life, more monster than human, terrorizes Transylvania like all the Frankenstein monsters that came before.
Please note that the show has some themes that might not be appropriate for audiences 12 and under; parental discretion is advised. Tickets are available online by visiting the link below.
🔗 TICKETS: www.neshaminy.org/musical.
Gym Night Captains 2025
Gym Night 2025 will be held Friday and Saturday, February 28 - March 1. The theme this year is Game On! revolving around the board games we grew up on and still play. Congratulations to all the grade level captains and this year's Color Captains!
Red Freshmen
Kyla Loftus, May Pileggi, Leah Shedaker, Nick Turchi
Blue Freshmen
Chloe Brison, Kevin Doris, Gavin Hart, Celia Norton
Red Sophomores
Ryan Lackey, Aubrey McGeady, Mason Ponist, Taylor Tenaglia
Blue Sophomores
Promise Adebayo, Mia Brooks, Connor Choi, Kendall Kilgariff
Red Juniors
Jaxon Olszewski, Emmy Rooney, Mia Stock, Connor Triano
Blue Juniors
Cameron Andujar, Casey Baltzer, Michael Chichilitti, Cassidy Cush
Red Seniors
Kyler Nelson, Keria Siwinski, Biz Toto, Joey Willse
Blue Seniors
Lainey Clark, Paige Comer, Bryce Hannings, Steven Hitchen
2025 Theme: Game On!
Red Color Captains: Ben Long and Caroline Rodgers
Blue Color Captains: Josh Anderson and Ava Arbakov
NHS December Students of the Month Honored
Recently Neshaminy HS honored their December Students of the Month during a ceremony held January 9 in the Black Box Theater. Students are nominated as a Student of the Month for any of the following: academics, school spirit, rspectful behavior, generosity, dedication to NHS, noticeable improvement and/or resiliency in the face of adversity. Congratulations to the following:
- Abbey Miller, math, sponsored by Mr. Fay
- Jack Smith, Family Consumer Science, sponsored by Mrs. Hartsfield
- Gia Basnet, math, sponsored by Mrs. Capecci
- Kylie Kiss, Family Consumer Science, sponsored by Ms. Golden
- Alexandria Bicking, math, sponsored by Ms. Romano
- Tony Zheng, family consumer science, sponsored by Mr. DiCamillo
- Jordin McGarrigle, math, sponsored by Mrs. Mendham
- Erin Potent, family consumer science, sponsorted by Mrs. Rivera
- Miranda Burg, Feasterville Rotary, sponsored by Mrs. Burton
In Memoriam
William Ward McMasters
William Ward McMasters, known to most as "Ward," passed away at the age of 90 last week. He spent his career as an educator at Neshaminy, retiring as the Principal of Neshaminy Middle School. He remained active in the community as an volunteer with the Langhorne Rotary Club, was a member of Saint James Episcopal Church for 63 years and a founding member of the Neshaminy Education Foundation. Ward was an Army veteran and was married to his "soulmate," Shirley for 57 years until she passed away in 2017.
A complete obituary can be found at the link below. A memorial will be held Thursday evening, January 30 at Dunn-Givnish Funeral Home in Langhorne and Friday morning, January 31 at St. James Episcopal Church. A Life Celebration will be held at noon at the church followed by a burial service. Details are in the obituary.
Neshaminy Update is published monthly during the school year and distributed to the Neshaminy community via email and web. To submit comments, suggestions or news items for consideration, please email Chris Stanley, Community Relations Coordinator.
Neshaminy School Board of Directors
Marty Sullivan - President
Tina Hollenbach - Vice-President
John Allen
Erin Brosious
Alicia Lafferty
Beth Marshall
Carlos Rodriguez
Kellen Sporny
Jill Waldbieser
Neshaminy School District
Jason Bowman
Assistant to the Superintendent/Director of Educational Operations
Sean Haines
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Elementary Education
Dr. Michelle Burkholder
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Secondary Education
Dr. Kate Hinshaw
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Pupil Services
Dr. Kevin Kane
Business Administrator
Deborah Klahold
Director of Human Resources
Kelly Kozik
Neshaminy School District
2001 Old Lincoln Highway
Langhorne, PA 19047