Weekly Wednesday
October 9, 2024

Upcoming Events
10/11 - Early Release - Preschool/Prekindergarten at 11:15
Kindergarten - Grade 3 at 11:40 AM
10/20 - PTO Fall Festival, 10 AM - 12 PM
10/31 - Bresnahan Costume Parade, 8:50 AM (see details below)
11/6 & 11/20 - Parent Teacher Conferences (scheduled with classroom teacher)
Career Opportunities
Additional District Opportunities
- Cafeteria/Kitchen Staff (All Schools, if interested please contact ttitelbaum@newburyport.k12.ma.us)
Please be aware that if your child has missed 5 or more days of school you will be receiving a letter regarding the attendance policy. The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has made attendance one of its statewide priorities and requires us to be in communication with families about this. As a school it is our responsibility to know that children are safe and accounted for during the school day. Please know that we understand there are times where children are sick and/or extenuating circumstances occur; we are here to support you as you support your child to be as present as possible.
Lost and Found
Are you wondering where your child's jackets, hats, lunch boxes, water bottles etc. are located? Chances are they may be in our lost and found. Please stop by and check to see if you have items here that are missing at home.
Bresnahan Costume Parade, 10/31 at 8:50 AM
To celebrate the season, we are excited to host an outdoor Costume Parade on Thursday 10/31st at 8:50 am! Parents and guardians are invited to attend! Please stand behind cones set up along the rider area, bus area, and walker areas. Students will exit door 1, parade outside along the sidewalk around the entire building and re-enter the building through Door 4.
When preparing for this exciting event, please be mindful of costume choices. Students need to be able to move/walk on their own (for example, some students struggle to walk on their own in inflatable costumes). We also ask that students refrain from wearing full face masks and costumes with weapons.
We will have a parade alternative in the library for students who do not wish to participate in the parade. Please email your classroom teacher directly if you would like to opt-out of the parade.
Student and Families Handbook
Please review the Official 24-25 Bres Student & Family Handbook to learn more about our policies and procedures.
Scan the QR code
Visitors & Volunteers
Our Bresnahan school family is looking forward to welcoming visitors and volunteers into the building.
This is a friendly reminder ALL visitors and volunteers must provide a current, driver's license before gaining access into the building. There will be no exceptions to this district expectation as the safety and security of our school family is our #1 priority. Thank you in advance for doing your part to keep us safe.
Volunteer Requirements
CORI Process
- All volunteers must have an up-to-date CORI on file with the Newburyport Elementary Schools.
- Bring the completed CORI form along with your driver's license to the Administrative Assistant at our school office.
- Please note CORI's are only valid for three years; after that you must reapply.
In keeping with Newburyport's continued focus on safety, volunteers/parents are required to be fingerprinted in two instances:
- If you are going on a day or overnight field trip and will have direct and unmonitored contact with children;
- If you are a lunchroom volunteer and will be bringing children out to the playground. Parents who volunteer in the classroom DO NOT need to be fingerprinted, if there will always be another adult present.
Massachusetts has contracted with MorphoTrust for fingerprinting. To book an appointment, visit the Massachusetts IdentoGO Website.
Please be aware there is a $35 fee for fingerprinting. Fingerprinting does not expire.
Forms and Information
Family to Family Holiday Program is Open!
Does your family need help this holiday season? Let our community elves help fulfil your family's needs and wishes. Family to Family Holiday Program, a partnership between Newburyport Rec & Youth Services and YWCA Greater Newburyport serves families with children living in Newburyport or YWCA Greater Newburyport housing. You can sign up for holiday assistance here. Please visit our website for more information or call NRYS Support Coordinator Trish Boateng at 978-572-6189 to apply over the phone. Deadline to apply is November 1st. Questions? Email us at familytofamilyholiday@gmail.com
¿Su familia necesita ayuda en estas fiestas? Deje que los elfos de nuestra comunidad le ayuden a satisfacer las necesidades y deseos de su familia. El programa de vacaciones de familia a familia, una asociación entre Newburyport Rec & Youth Services y YWCA Greater Newburyport, atiende a familias con niños que viven en viviendas de Newburyport o YWCA Greater Newburyport. Puede registrarse para recibir asistencia durante las vacaciones aquí. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información o llame a la coordinadora de soporte de NRYS, Trish Boateng, al 978-572-6189 para presentar la solicitud por teléfono. La fecha límite para postularse es el 1 de noviembre. ¿Preguntas? Envíenos un correo electrónico a familytofamilyholiday@gmail.com
Sua família precisa de ajuda neste período de festas? Deixe que nossos elfos comunitários ajudem a atender às necessidades e desejos de sua família. O Family to Family Holiday Program, uma parceria entre Newburyport Rec & Youth Services e YWCA Greater Newburyport atende famílias com crianças que moram em Newburyport ou YWCA Greater Newburyport. Você pode se inscrever para assistência de férias aqui. Visite nosso site para obter mais informações ou ligue para a coordenadora de suporte do NRYS, Trish Boateng, no telefone 978-572-6189 para se inscrever por telefone. O prazo para inscrição é 1º de novembro. Questões? Envie-nos um e-mail para familytofamilyholiday@gmail.com
NPS Greenwave Sponsored
We are looking for donations for our first NPS Greenwave Costume Swap! This is an effort to keep old costumes out of the landfill, help families get rid of unwanted costumes responsibly, and also shop for new gently used ones that will be FREE! The swap will be held in the Nock Gym on the early release day 10/11. If you have any old costumes lying around that you would like to donate, there will be a bin outside of the office for donations (accessories welcome too!)
Newburyport PTO
Important Dates:
Thursday, Oct. 10: PTO Meeting at 6:30PM at the Poynt! Agenda here
Friday, Oct. 11: Costume Swap from 1:30-4PM @ Nock/Molin Cafeteria
Wednesday, Oct 16: Spirit Wear pick up from from 3-7 pm @ Nock/Molin (see below)
Thursday, Oct 17: Spirit Wear pick up from from 3-7 pm @ Nock/Molin (see below)
Friday, Oct 18: Spirit Wear pick up from from 3-5 pm @ Nock/Molin (see below)
Sunday, Oct. 20: Bres Fall Festival, 10AM-12PM
Bresnahan Fall Festival: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!
The PTO’s family Fall Festival is on Sunday, October 20 from 10am-12pm. There will be games, food, a singalong with Mr. RM, face painting, and Ms. Harding’s Bresnahan Community Garden stand! We will also offer a sensory-sensitive early opening from 9:30-10. Admission is free and is open to all Bresnahan families.
Volunteers: As always, making this happen is a HUGE group effort. There are many ways to help before, during, and after the event. If you would like to help out (set-up, clean-up, donate cider and/or compostable cup donations) OR if you have an older child who would like to help run the games, please sign up here!
SpiritWear Pick-ups:
Fall Spiritwear orders will be in next week!
Volunteers: Eek!, we need help packing & staffing the pick-up: sign up here
Pick-up your orders: Nock/Molin Auditorium (use the side entrance by the skate park)
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th from 3-7 pm
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th from 3-7 pm
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th from 3-5 pm
Please make every effort to pick up your gear. This is our greatest challenge for these sales. We do not have the place to store orders and cannot do home deliveries. If you have an extreme hardship, please email us and we will help you. Remember you can also have a friend pick up your order for you! Thank you so much for your support! If you missed this sale, there will be a holiday sale in November.
Ongoing Fundraiser: PTO EcoBins
Did you know that the EcoBins (large yellow donation bins) at the Bresnahan and Nock generate funds for the PTO? There are two bins at the Bres, three at Molin/Nock. The bins take all textiles including stained/torn items, pillows, stuffed animals, shoes, so please drop off your unwanted items.
Do You Want to Get Involved?
We are currently seeking to fill PTO Board positions:
Vice President
Molin Teacher Representative
Communications Co-Chair (Social Media)
Email us at newburyportpto@gmail.com to join the PTO Board or ask questions.
Sign up to receive our newsletter here!
Council on Aging
Newburyport Youth Services
If you're still looking for fun activities for your children to participate in this Fall, there are still spots available in the programs listed below;
- Kids Acting Disney Scenes (2nd-3rd Grade)
- Buildwave STEM Program (K-3)
- Morning Run Club (K-3)
- Lego Robotics and Engineering (1st-3rd Grade)
- Port Rec Drop Offs (1st-5th Grade)
Special Programs/Events
- Parkour Oct. 14th (6-9 yr olds)
- Hightail Acres Horsemanship Oct. 14th, Nov. 11th (6-12 yr olds)
- Touch A Truck Oct. 19th from 10am-1pm (All Ages Family Event at Cashman Park)
For more details and to register for any of these programs please go to https://newburyportma.myrec.com