LP Brown Newsletter
December Edition
No School and Early Release Days in December
School resumes on Tuesday, January 3rd
Early Release @ 1:25 on December 7th and 14th
Visitors and Volunteers Welcome!
A great way to pop into the school is during lunch. Come have lunch with your student any time. Here is the lunch schedule:
Kindergarten and First Grades: 10:20-10:50 with recess from 10:50-11:05
Fourth and Fifth Grades 10:55-11:25 with recess from 11:25-11:50
Second and Third Grades: 11:30-12:00 with recess from 12:00-12:15
All you have to do is sign into the main office as a visitor. Come on in and spend some time with us if you are able.
Lost and Found
If you write your student's name on their clothing, it will not go to lost and found. Instead, it will be returned directly to your student.
Attendance Updates
Please be aware that our attendance process has changed. The new process will include the following:
Attendance Letters
- Families will receive attendance letters for both excused and unexcused absences. Letters will be generated after the 3rd unexcused absence and after 5 excused absences in a month or 10 excused absences in a year.
- Conferences will be scheduled after a family receives 2 attendance letters for unexcused absences in a school year.
- This will include the development of a mutually agreed upon attendance contract.
- A Community Engagement Board is composed of school/district staff, county court, representatives of community agencies and/or community volunteers.
- The community engagement board happens after unsuccessful attempts at attendance contracts with the school.
- Purpose: Provide supportive space where the student and family can openly discuss, identify, and remove barriers to improve student absences.
- The Becca Bill (Senate Bill 5439) is our state’s truancy law. It is intended to stop truancy before it becomes a problem. The school will file a petition in juvenile court when all previously actions have not improved student attendance.
Holiday Giving At LP Brown
Here is the form to complete if you are interested in giving a gift card.
If you are receiving a gift card, you may pick it up in the main office between 7:45 AM and 3:00 PM during the week of December 12th through the 16th.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
Rent and utility bills
Clothing and shoes
Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
School supplies
School-related expenses
Internet through Xfinity and so much more…
Our new Family Liaison this year is Genevieve Carnes (gcarnes@osd.wednet.edu). Please reach out directly to her if you need assistance of any kind.