Hooray for Pre-K
Week of Oct. 14
What we will be learning this week
Where we live-Neighborhoods, cities and towns
Colors- Brown/ review: red, blue, green, orange, purple and yellow
Shapes- review circle, square, rectangle and oval
Writing - continue touch, pull down - review: strokes up and down (drawing shapes)
Math - patterns/ counting/ sort and classify
Reading - Introduce Letter Ii- review Letter Aa, Ss, Tt and Mm
Science/Social studies: Being healthy is important.
Homecoming Week Dress up (optional)
Red Ribbon Week Dress up (optional)
Important dates
October 15-18: Homecoming dress-up days
Oct. 18: EARLY RELEASE at 12 noon. Homecoming parade (optional- but fun) for families to attend at 2pm.
Birthday Treats
Extra pair of clothes
Reading every day/night
Dress Code
Colors for caring
On the first Wednesday of each month, you may wear a color shirt that helps support a cause that is special to you. You can click on the picture to see colors and what cause the represent.
Wednesday, November 1