Shining Bright @ Madonna!
MCS News - Sunday, May 5th, 2024
Celebrating Catholic Education Week!
Sixth Sunday of Easter
This is my commandments, that you love one another as I have loved you!
When we GLOW (Go Light Our World) we follow God's commandments of loving one another. Our MCS students GLOW every single day!
When we do that, God's joy will be in us and it will be complete.
Jesus set the standard for love when he laid his life down for his friends. Jesus calls us His friends because He chose us. He appointed us to go and bear the fruit of love so that God the Father will give us whatever we ask in Jesus' name!
MAY: Catholic Education Week!
Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Education!
6 - Monday
- Faith Assembly at 9 AM - All are welcome!
- Kindergarten Bee Presentation
- Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
- Virtual CEPAC Meeting - Google Meet Link
- Return Library Books
- Story for Every Child from 12-1 PM. Everyone is invited!
- School & Parish Meeting
- Outdoor Living Rosary
- Hats on for Mental Health
- Prayer Club in the Chapel at First Recess
- Grade 4 Students going to view OLPH Performing Arts Play!
- Students Services Team meets to ensure success for all students
- Virtual Parent Council Meeting - Everyone is invited! Google Meet Link
- Wear Blue for Catholic Education
- Grade 4 Drumheller Meeting at 6 PM
- OLPH Parish Clergy Member Visit
- Kindergarten Malvern Park Visit
- Grade 1 Field Trip - Arbor Day
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
12 - Happy Mother's Day!!
Prayer Club
4P with Prayer Labyrinth
3V with Prayer Labyrinth
3V with Prayer Labyrinth
3V with Prayer Labyrinth
Pre-K with Prayer Labyrinth
Pre-K with Prayer Labyrinth
Father Jim with 3V
Father Jim with 3V
3&4G with prayer Labyrinth
3&4G with prayer Labyrinth
3&4G with prayer Labyrinth
Catholic Education Week
GrACE Contest Winner
Congratulations to Lasini Suduwa Dewage as the winner of GrACE contest for the category of Sherwood Park K-4. We are so proud of you Lasini and your incredible talent!
Bravo Beronica!
Launching the Day Right is Key
Thank you for your help to ensure children children are set up in the best possible way for optimal learning.
- Starting their day on time and participating in start up routines helps children ease into the day in peace and they are ready to learn. At 8:38am children are beginning those important start-of-the-day routines with their friends and teachers. Thank you for arriving before then as doors are locked for safety. Please proceed to the main doors if you arrive after 8:38am.
- We are grateful for our Nutrition program! We know they are having breakfast with you at home, and we are noticing that with this extra nutrition and fuel, children are increasing their sustained learning time! Great news!
Puddles! Puddles! Puddles!
Playing in Puddles is GREAT learning for kids!
Children benefit from puddle water play!
- They explore and learn major skills like estimation, measuring, gross motor skills, predication and spatial awareness.
- They build healthy immunity. When children interact with the environment their immune system balances. They have less illnesses.
- It increases physical exercise as they kick, splash, run, jump, stomp. It also stimulates their tactile sensory learning. it strengthens muscular development.
- It stimulates their imagination and creativity. Children build stories around their puddle play.
- They learn personal boundaries and natural consequences.
- Did you know that May 4 was National Puddle Day in Canada!!
Let's Prepare to Play in Puddles!
If your child wants to play in puddles, please ensure they have the following with them when they come to school so they are well prepared. Just like we need the right gear to play outside in Canadian winters, we need proper gear for Canadian springs!
Please ensure your child has:
- rubber boots (a must-have play in puddles)
- rain pants (suggested)
- change of pants, socks and underwear
Remember, no matter what the weather - snow or rain-
outdoor play in essential for health kids and optimal learning.
Thank you for your help ensuring children are prepared for all weather outdoor play!
Ground & Lawn Repair
Thank you for your patience as we work to repair and prepare the ground where the portables were removed back in the fall. The fencing will remain up while crews work on leveling and re-seeding the soil on the North end of the school. Weather dependent, they will be working on it for the next several weeks.
See you Tuesday!!!
Please reach out to your child's teacher(s) or the leadership team @ mcs@eics.ab.ca
Thank you in advance to all of our MCS extended family who are joining us!
Our Local Hero!
Let's Keep Breakfast Going! Join the FUN!
The Nutrition Program provides:
- healthy breakfasts to children
- many options to introduce new foods
- sustenance for optimal learning.
Special thank you to our regular volunteers:
- To our 3/4G students who are helping with breakfast delivery!
- To Mrs. Donna Gravelle, Mme Gravelle's mother, who helps prep food on Tuesdays!
- Mrs. Cathy Wood, one of our caring Grandmothers, who helps prep food on Thursdays!
We can always use more help!
If you can spare a little time, we could really use your help!
For more information or to help on a regular basis, please contact Jem jemliveyoung@yahoo.ca
Please see Mrs. Roberts in the office for volunteer forms.
Did you know we offer Full Day Every Day Kindergarten?
Yes! That means Full Time Kindergarten!
Cost: $425/month
Call us for more information!
Did you know MCS Has Pre-Kindergarten?
We invite and welcome families of young learners into our faith-based, inclusive Pre-Kindergarten classrooms and offer a variety of programs to support all of our little learners (PUF Supported and Independent Learners).
Our Pre-K Screening Clinic will be held this March. Please email prekpufinfo@eics.ab.ca for more Pre-K information and/or to book a screening appointment.
Registration for 2023/24 opens on February 1st! Additional information about our programs can be found at eics.ab.ca
We look forward to journeying with you and your child!
MCS School Council invites you to their AGM
As a parent at Madonna Catholic School you are invited to the MCS School Council Annual General Meeting. Collaboratively parents will be setting up the team for next school year, as well as setting their direction and priorities. Looking forward to seeing you there and hearing your voice.
See you Wednesday evening, May 8
at 7:00pm virtually
at this Google Meet link: meet.google.com/cts-anmd-mxy
Gotcha GLOWING Winners
OLPH Parish News
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
If parents have any questions, they can also contact the church by phone 780-467-5470 or email sacraments@olph.ca
Thanks to The REAL Foundation, Face to Face Ministries joined us this year. Children had an amazing day, in fact one student said, "We should start every day like this!"
Consider supporting the REAL Foundation!
Upcoming Events:
14: 3G & 3V Teacher Pet with Tunisia
16: No School - Closure for long weekend
17: No School - Closure for long weekend
20: Victoria Day - No School
24: Volunteer Tea
29: Class Pictures
30: Class Pictures
31: Grade 4 Tour of OLPH School
COGITO Academy @ OLPH!
Pamela Gravelle Principal